Friday, January 29, 2021

1-27-21Sananda by Eli Galla

 1-27-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, I come into your energy field tonight, and I am so very happy. You have given us, the Mentors, this opportunity to come into your circle, and send our Beloved Energies, around your circle, into each of your hearts.


Beloveds, we intentionally require for you to feel, into these high vibrations of the Platinum Ray, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. We are going into all of your energy fields. And any place within your energy body, and energy fields, and your meridians, and your chakras, and all of your energy systems, that have conducted any darkness, any obstructions, any forms of disconnection, any trauma, we are spinning them free with this vortex of Unconditional/Universal Love.


Beloveds, you are the conduits into your I AM Presence. You are the conduits that are enabling your Beloved Planet to rise up into the 5th Dimension. We are creating this vortex of Universal Energy, to clean up any and all darkness, any, what you would call evil, any separation, and any lower vibrations.


And now, we are reverse spinning in a clockwise direction all through your Beloved Planet, all through your hearts, and your psyches, in Oneness with Mother Gaia, raising you up into the highest frequencies of Love and Light.  Enabling you to feel our hearts, to feeling yourself letting go, in this Now Moment, of any worries, of any doubts about when the Mission will come to completion.


Beloveds, you are all Divine Manifestations of Perfection. You are all conduits into Creator Source. And you have been in Mission, to experience and experiment, and explore duality in all of its density. And now you are rising up from this 3rd Dimensional timeline, into the 5th Dimension, where Truth shall ring eternal. And all of your birthrights will be respected and honored.


And your governments will be founded in Truth, Freedom, and Justice. And your monetary systems will provide prosperity and abundance. And there shall be no sickness, no inequalities. It will be this level, Divine Playing Field, to create with the Power of the Love and Light, that you choose in every Now Moment, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. We are with you in every Now Moment.


Namaste and good night.

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