Friday, January 1, 2021

12-30-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-30-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. And yes, once again we see the progress, that you are making into expanding, and bringing in more Love and Light, and more awareness on this 5th Dimensional timeline. 


Beloveds, the Power of Choice is becoming under your purview. And by this we mean that every Now Moment is an opportunity, to use this Power of Choice in a most magnificent, high-vibrational way, to unlock your imagination, and having the courage to be heart centered. And to be even more Here Now in every Now Moment, to bring in more of this high-vibrational energy, which now comes continuously from the Galactic Center, and enlivens all of your Beloved Energies in a very dynamic way. 


These vibrational energies are ever so potent. And they have never manifested themselves in this continuous flow, that they are now, and with the Mission of waking up all of the Beloveds, on your planet, in preparation for your Ascensions. 


And yes, this activation of the 5TH Dimensional timeline, you will see the Truth being made known in such a way, that it will allow so many Beloveds to open up their hearts. To have the Compassion for themselves in being Here Now in this human condition, at this point of rising on up, into changing the scenario from one of just mere survival, into the fulfillment of developing their gifts and talents, of bringing in the energies of Heaven onto Earth, in a very Divine, Magnanimous Way. In a way where you will have continuous connection with one another’s hearts, where there will be no barriers of separation any more. And this has everything to do with the activation of your new crystalline nature and the crystalline grid, which encircles your Beloved Planet. 


Ah yes, you are here to develop the promise of this Love and Light, in the 5th Dimension, with Ease and Grace, Beloveds. You have had enough of the 3rd Dimensional struggles. So now is the time for you to be ever vigilant, and ever loving and compassionate with yourselves, and each other, over the choices you make, over the words you say, the thoughts you think, and the actions that you bring forth in your every Now Moment. And every Now Moment affords you these opportunities, to carry forth these high-vibe energies, and to disseminate them through the consciousness, of all of the Beloveds, on your planet.


Ah yes, you are in such a wonderful time! And we are right here with you, loving you, supporting you, along with so many on the ships, who are watching your every move, and celebrating along with you, for your rise into these high vibrations, for your liberation from this Cabal, and all of its dark energies, its 3D-Satanic matrix. Seeing it being dissolved with the Power of the Love and Light, the Truth, and beauty of who you are. Your Divinity playing out so marvelously, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and good night.


And my Beloved Twin Sananda is coming in. 

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