Friday, April 16, 2021

4-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again tonight.  So much Love and Light are cascading onto your Beloved Planet.


And yes, if you watch the mainstream media, their narratives, the dogmas of their control systems play out, ever-so boldly, while their ratings plummet.  And more and more people are waking up to the probability patterns, of the same cycles playing out in government, whereby they see the war drums being beaten, and these skirmishes happening, and some very strange things that they have not seen before in their leader, the President.


And it is playing out in such a way, that the expectations of those, who have voted in this President realize, that it is the same manipulation. It is the same promises being not kept, and business as usual. And the rationalizations, that it’s all right, and that the previous President is the one to blame. And we didn’t have anything to do with that. 


And so, again and again, it is up to all of the Beloveds on your planet, to feel into their hearts and minds, to accept or reject the narratives, that are being perpetrated upon them as the Truth. And realize that all of the systems of government, all of the institutions, have been in league with one another. 


And the length that they went through, to win back the Presidency, clearly showed that they cheated. And that they went to any lengths to take back this Presidency. But now it is not working out the way that they had planned upon.  Because not everyone is going along with the pantomime or the charade.


And so, Beloveds, we ask each and every one of you not to be dismayed, or allow yourself to be in low vibration whatsoever. Because we are doing it together. Shining the Light of Truth on what has transpired, on your Beloved Planet, to wake up the rest of the Beloveds, who are still sleeping in their condition of being brainwashed.


And now, the LoveLight is coming in so much, in high vibration, so forcefully, that it does not feel good to not wake up. It requires a great deal of resistance, to keep on going for those same patterns of survival, whereby the Truth is so very transparent. And all a person has to do is to open up their hearts, and make conscious choices for finding out what is true for them. And what they are willing to do to change their reality, in a way that they desire, to be in alignment with who they truly feel, that they are.


When they awaken, they start to realize, that they are part of the Godhead.  That there is no separation. That the dynamics of lies and deceptions have all been to control them, and to keep them in a survival-based reality. And that is not the Truth of Who they are. And the Power with all of you Beloved Beings has been when you come together and unify.


And this is what myself, Sananda, and Mother Mary were able to do to such a degree, when we were on the planet, some two thousand years ago. We were able to unify the hearts and minds of Beloveds, so that we could do miracles, and have sermons on the mount, in these magical, high vibrations, that transmitted all over the planet, and enabled us to eventually ascend, myself, Sananda, and Mother Mary.


Beloveds, that lifetime was about planting seeds. And these seeds are blooming. The promise of taking back the 5th Dimension and your Ascensions is blooming forth in the Springtime season, Beloveds.


We love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. 


And my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

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