Sunday, April 11, 2021

4-7-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-7-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am so very pleased to be with you once again, just a few days after my Feast Day. 


And to feel the hearts of so many Beloved Beings, on your planet, open up ever wider to these high vibrations, and the transmissions of these higher Light Encodements, coming into your Beloved Collective Consciousness. Opening up your hearts, more and more, as the waves continue to come in, in these tighter intervals of Peace & Love, like the waves of an ocean. You are at high tide, Beloveds.


This energy is cascading forward, to take you up higher, than you have ever been, on this planet before. And all of the plans of the Earth Alliance, they are step by step coming into fruition. We won’t give you dates. We just say to you Beloveds, that keep on keeping on with your Mission.


You have brought in these higher-frequency Light Encodements with your Unconditional/Universal Love, in your meditations, in the Love and Light, that you emanate forth, in the expression of your Love, in your personal relationships, all over Beloved Mother Gaia. And you do not ever have to meet the people, that you share these high-vibrational feelings of Love and Light with, because you can get onto the Internet on social media platforms, and tell your Truths to one another, to raise the level of the vibration. And this is what you will be able to do, with the Crystalline Grid being activated, in the not-to-distant future. The 5th Dimension, Beloveds, is gaining in Power and Strength.


The transmission that I brought forth, in that lifetime, where I ascended, along with my Beloved Mother Mary, and my Twin Soul Maria. We were a group, who were able to raise the level of vibration, on your Beloved Planet, to start this reaction happening in the Akashic Records, that now has blossomed forth into the manifestation of higher Light Encodements, into waking up the Collective Consciousness, through the activation of the DNA Akashic Records, that have been dormant, into areas of the right lobe of the brain, that have been dormant. 


But now with these higher Light Encodements coming in, and waking up so many Beloveds, the activations are in full throttle. And it is with your Intentional Requirements, and staying in these high vibrations, that your meditations have gained the Power, and the Strength of this Unity, all over your Beloved Planet, with taking back this planet from the dark forces, and creating a Beloved Heaven on Earth, higher in vibration than has ever been felt.


Beloveds, you have earned this. We are with you every step of the way, as my Beloved Maria has just said. You are loved ever-so dearly. Each of you having your own role to play, each of you a unique ray and emanation of the Godhead. 


Beloveds, my Marias come in the middle of your circle. And they give you, as many of these Beloved Kumara roses, that you would take from them. Feel their love. Feel our Compassion in the vibration of these Beloved Roses, how they shine in spectrums you have not yet experienced on your planet. They represent all of the higher levels of consciousness all through the dimensions. Take them into your hearts, Beloveds. 


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

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