Sunday, July 4, 2021

6-30-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 6-30-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again.


And each and every day, you hear stories about what is afoot, and the changes going on in your environment. And yes, it is very helpful for you, when you breathe into your hearts to feel this Truth, to have your own narrative of what you resonate with, and what you want to give your energy to.


Beloveds, all of you deserve to have your birthrights honored. And you are all warriors of the Light. Because all during this lifetime, you have had to stand up for your rights, and be in integrity with your True Divine Nature, and come up with the narrative that honors the Truth of who you really are.


It has taken courage, and it takes courage now, Beloveds, to stand tall, to let go of all of the negative programming, and allow yourself to be in the Now Moment. And to feel this Love and Light coming into your heart. That is helping to liberate your True Divine Nature, so that you express it seamlessly, and help to raise the level of the vibration, all over your Beloved Planet, into the Collective Consciousness, to help wake up those who still have not received this message of Unconditional/Universal Love and Light.


Beloveds, it is necessary to toss off the chains of survival enslavement, that the institutions, and the less-than-one-percent, who have been using this Artificial Intelligence against Humanity, for eons, have perpetrated against you with mind-control programming, the mainstream media.


And just making their institutions, in such a way, that it is very hard for you to feel satisfied, when you are always being given a substitute, when you are always being given less, and being told that there is lack. And you know it’s a lie. When you know that you are unlimited, Universal Love and Light, and you are inter-dimensional beings, and you exist in the Real Truth of who you are, far above the lower vibrations of duality.


Beloveds, we are here with you now, all of us Mentors. And we shine our LoveLights into your hearts, to help you to remember who you were, and what it is like over on the other side, where we are. And yes, this is where you go in your heavy dreaming states. But you do not have the ability, most of you, to remember that Joy and Bliss of what it feels like in the higher dimensions, joined together in Oneness of the Truth, of the Love and Light that you are.


Beloveds, it is coming in all of your meditations, with all of your prayers and your Intentional Requirements, to bring about NESARA, enabling you to be in the 5th Dimension, and accelerate your Ascension Processes.


Patience, yes, is a Divine Virtue. And it is a key ingredient into you achieving your mastery, Beloveds. We are with you, shining the LoveLight into your hearts with every breath that you take.


Namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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