Thursday, July 15, 2021

7-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 7-14-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you here once again in our communion of the hearts, as we come together, in these times of great change, on your Beloved Planet. 


Yes, you can see what is enfolding in your environment, on the airwaves, in the social media, and the TV, and the videos, the reports of the mainstream media, and also, of the citizen journalists, who are keeping the Truth of Love alive in their commentaries, in their ability to do the research. And to enable a narrative, that makes sense to them about, what they feel intuitively is happening, on the Beloved Planet, to bring about your liberation, and that of Mother Gaia, whereby all of the institutions are changing.


The Truth is coming out about the dynamics, that you have been manipulated with for thousands of years. Because these star races, that have visited your planet, had unfair advantages of artificial intelligence, of high technologies, that you did not have. And they used this advantage to keep you in the dark, to have secrets, and to create this structure of institutions in governments, in finance, in learning, in business, in all of these areas, that helped keep you in low vibration, on the 3rd Dimensional timeline.


Beloveds, as you know, this is all changing. You can feel the energies rising up. And yes, so many Beloveds are still holding onto their old narratives, that they have been imprinted with, in very-negative mindsets, that support the negative programming, and the designs of this Cabal, to enslave your race, so that they were bringing you to this precipice of extinction, basically. Because they realized that you were right on the cusp of rising up into the 5th Dimension, whereby they would no longer have control.


So, they developed their devious scheme to create depopulation. And this is what you have seen in this last, oh it’s almost been a year and a half now, with all of the changes transpiring, on your planet. And yes, more and more, the Truth is transparent.


And people are so very willing to stand up, whereas before, they were very afraid to speak their Truth, from their hearts. You are coming into this planetary moment of Truth, waking up from the dark night of your soul, Beloveds. All of you have been going through it in various stages, and various phases. And you have been balancing the polarities of issues, that you came in with, that you have been carrying in your sub and unconsciousness, from past lives, while doing your work of learning your life lessons, so that you could spiritually evolve in this Ascension lifetime.


And Beloveds, we are all in this together. And all of Creation is feeling your upliftment into the higher dimensions. This is such a glorious time for all of us, who have been working with you for these eons. And yes, myself, Mother Mary, and Sananda, in that last lifetime, had planted the seeds for this awakening process into Ascension. And now, it is happening, Beloveds.


Call upon us any time you like. We are always with you.


Namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved Twin, Sananda, will come in. 

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