Thursday, September 16, 2021

9-15-2021 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-15-2021 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda.  I too am very happy and pleased to be with you once again.


Beloveds, we shine our LoveLights into your hearts. We see you as still joined together in your circle, and spiraling this LoveLight from your center above to your center below. Bringing in all of these rays of energy, along with the Blazing Blue Swords, used as lasers of Archangel Michael, the legions of Violet- Flame Angels with Archangel Amethyst. and Beloved Saint Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch, along with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights.


We are spiraling this energy all throughout your combined energy field.  Beloveds, it is in this place of peace, of harmony, of that being at Zero Point, in this Now Moment, which with your Intentional Requirements, we ask you to call forth in the depth of letting go, more and more, in the Now Moment, into those high frequencies up through the higher dimensions.


And shining forth this LoveLight, this quantum-field energy into your Collective Consciousness, for all of the others to know and feel, and participate in this stage of Unity Consciousness, in this phase of your beginning of your Ascension Process. It is in this place of Unity, whereby you call in all of us, to work in harmony with each and every one, on your planet, who is waking up in the Collective Consciousness to raise the level of vibration, so all, who aren’t quite there yet, will continue on awakening, of joining together, of empowering themselves with the Love and Light, that they are. 


It is within this focus of all of Humanity rising up, celebrating their Free Will, their Birthrights, their Sovereignty, that the Truth is being made known, all over your Beloved Planet, whereby NESARA is ready to be implemented. And that all of the threats against Humanity, food shortages, vaccine mandates, all of these things will wither and dis-incorporate because now it is in the Spirit, and the Will of the People, the Warriors of Light, all of you Beloved Starseeds, where you shine forth this message of Unconditional/Universal Love, this knowingness, that all of you are One, all emanations of the Godhead, joined together in Mission, for Ascension on this Beloved Planet, with your Mother Gaia.

Beloveds, we have been a part of this process for eons along with you. And we celebrate, where you are in this Now Moment. And yes, you are victorious in the Light! But it is still up to you, each and every day, to take advantage of the opportunities of doing the research, of disseminating the Truth, of standing up to those who would perpetrate guilt, and shame, and control mechanisms against you to depopulate your species.


Beloveds, just call on us in your meditations, and every Now Moment, any time that you want this reflection of Love and Support from us, from the Universe.  We are here with you. We are on the same Mission as you, Beloveds.


Victory to the Light in each and every moment!


Namaste and good night.  

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