Thursday, September 16, 2021

9-15-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 9-15-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I once again am so very happy to be here, on this call, feeling your energy coming together in this meditation, that you have just performed with Sekhmet, to raise the level of vibration, and enable these plans of the Alliance, to go forth with the implementation of NESARA.


Beloveds, you are at a most-auspicious time, because, yes, as Sekhmet was saying, the narrative has been pushed to this place, where so many demands are being made upon Humanity. And you, Beloveds, are fearless with the Power of Love in your hearts, because you want the best for yourselves, for Mother Gaia, and for all of the other Beloveds on this planet. And you realize that no one can do it alone.


And now is the time to come together, to feel the Love spread and disseminate all throughout the Human species, to raise the level of consciousness, with this Truth of how you have been enslaved, with the lies and deceptions of this Cabal, the AI, the black magicians, these thirteen banking families, all of the different factions, and components, of this dark energy, that you have been at war with all during this 3rd Dimensional timeline, and the construction of this 3D Matrix.


And yes, Beloveds, when I was in that lifetime with Sananda, and Mother Mary, and Beloved Joseph of Arimathea, and Joseph, the father of Sananda; in that lifetime, we were at war also. And we had to be very clever and be very astute in what we said, and how we played with the energy.


But Beloveds, Sananda was the mouthpiece that attracted so many disciples, and people, who were very turned on by the energy, and the Power of Love. And this, all along, has been our transmission, to open up your hearts, and let the Love come in and inform you, to help you to rise up through the dimensions, and make these connections with your I AM Presence, and Guidance Teams, so that you can make these well-informed choices, and that they become second nature to you, in raising the level of your vibration, and radiating that LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness, for it all to rise up into the 5th Dimension, whereby you are taking Beloved Mother Gaia back from these dark energies once and for all. 


And for the Plans of NESARA ,to rid the planet of these Satanic influences, by holding them accountable for treason, and crimes against Humanity, for the heinous acts, that they have done to retain their power, generation after generation, during the eons of time, that this Fall from Grace has been playing out, on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we are One. All of us on the ships are shining our LoveLights. And Beloved Beings, from all over Creation, are seeing how this Passion Play of the unfolding of your Ascension Process is playing out. And yes, Beloveds, this event, and the announcement, are imminent.


And for each and every one of you to stay in high vibration, to look at each and every day, as an opportunity to call forth these changes, that will enable Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of your Kingdoms, and all of Humanity to win back the 5th Dimension, so that all of you who are choosing to may ascend.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are one with you in all of your waking, and unconscious sleep-state moments.


Namaste and good night.


And now Beloved Sananda, my Twin Soul, is coming in.

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