Thursday, January 27, 2022

1-19-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 1-19-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am with you once again on this Beloved Call, where we join together our hearts in communion, and feel the energies on your Beloved Planet, that are rising in high vibration. 


And yes, your full moon was awesome and very dynamic. And the energies that are coming into your Beloved Planet are of such high vibration now. We have been telling you for quite a long time, that all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance to implement NESARA have been in place, and if they were/are? playing out in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. 


And now, we see certain markers in your reality coming up, just around the corner. And of course, no dates because there is so much that is in flux.  But Beloveds, take into your heart this knowingness, that you have been in Mission, doing your Mission every time you meditate, every time you feel Love, and Joy, and Happiness, and radiate it. Because you raise the level of the vibration for the All That Is. And you shine it into the Collective Consciousness, so others too can be inspired to wake up, and take the bold action of thinking for themselves, of feeling into their own Inner Truth, and developing their own narrative, to support the actions, and the thoughts and the words, that they resonate with, to create in their reality what they have affinity for.


Beloveds, you have been awakened for a long time, all of you on this call, that will read the transcripts, and listen to the recording. You have been in Mission with us in all of this lifetime. And because you came in with Soul Contracts, and yes, perhaps when you were very young in infant age, you still had that connection with your I AM Presence and Guidance Teams. But then this 3D Matrix took over your reality with all of its institutions, and all of its mind-control programming.


And ever since your childhood, into puberty, being a teenager, and young adult, you have learned how to give energy to making your own choices, to developing your own Inner Truth, to experimenting with what you felt was in your highest and best interest to give your energy to. And now, you have come to this point, in your Beloved Lifetimes, where you see the results of what you have been giving your energy to, how you have been raising the level of vibration for the All That Is, to bring about this tremendous change for the Truth to be made known, for peace to permeate every pore of Beloved Mother Gaia, and the consciousness of all of Humanity.


And yes, your Ascension, your progression into the next Phase of Ascension, and being here in this First Phase has affected all of the star races, that have invested DNA programming, into the design of your four bodies of being. And they are feeling these Divine Energies being put in play on your Beloved Planet to carry you forth in the acceleration to completion of your Ascensions. 


Beloveds yes, you see the desperate acts of mandates, of the implosion of the financial system, of how it has all been rigged, and the lies, and deceptions, and the rationalizations, that keep on being thrust around by the mainstream media. And Beloveds, you know you don’t have to go for it. The only thing, that you feel good about is giving your energy to what resonates with you in high vibration. And remember with each and every breath, that Unconditional/Universal Love is the strongest force in all of Creation.


And to be aligned with these high vibrations, and these higher-Light Encodements, that are coming in, in very strong waves in many different frequencies, from the Galactic Center into your Beloved Planet, into your hearts and psyches, at this time. Beloveds, you feel these upgrades. And it is all due to feeling the Power of Love, to enabling your sovereignty with your thoughts, words, and actions. And allowing yourself to remember who you truly are, as a Divine Expression of Divinity, connected into Creator Source, into the Godhead.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call. Forming our circle, sending the energy around from the left to the right, and spiraling it from the combined field of energy, of our center above, to our center below, in a clockwise direction. Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights.  And spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through.


And sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface of the planet, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling her Love, her Wisdom, her Compassion, and the commitment, that she had made to all living beings, and all of the Kingdoms of her Beloved Planet, to bring about her liberation, and all of our Ascensions, while we are in physical embodiment, to be in full consciousness. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. And sending her our Love and Light, and above all, our appreciation for being partnered with her in this Divine Process. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our High Heart Center. And again, sending the energy from heart to heart, around our circle, in a clockwise direction. And spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Rising on up off of the surface of the planet, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts.


Rising up through the layers of the atmospheres, and coming upon multitudes of ships. And we are being directed into my Beloved Ship, The Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We pop through, and hover in the air lock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way back to an open elevator. We are all getting in at the same time, closing the door, pushing the button to take us on up to the top floor here.


And now, we are coming to a stop and as we open up the door, we hear the merriment and the excitement. And we see the Beloved Mentors in front of us, to greet us, and we see Ascended Masters, and Angels, and Archangels. And we see orbs, that represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings, from other star races in very many different planets, and from the ships, that are positioned in the atmospheres in your solar system. And yes, your ancestors are here, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


And we are walking on over into the middle of this gigantic hall, circling around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And feeling such Joy and harmonious feelings of Abundance, of Joy, of Harmony, as we send the energy around from the left, to the right. And the Mentors have assembled their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds forming their circles instantaneously.


And sending this energy out to the outer circles, and then spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing these high frequencies of energy representing the higher-dimensional consciousness of all of the Crystals, that comprise this Crystalline Healing Room, and the consciousness of all of the Beloveds, joining together with us on this meditation. And letting go with our breathing, deeper and deeper, into this Now Moment. Feeling the Joy of Love, and the Oneness of our energies coming together in this Now Moment.


And yes, to you Beloved Beings on this call, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. Whether it has to do with prosperity and abundance, or strengthening your inter-personal relationships with friends, and family, and loved ones, or simply being in Joy, feeling connected into Creator Source in every Now Moment. Beloveds, shine these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we ask for the clarity that the Truth shall bring. We ask that all of the Plans of the Earth Alliance are harmonized in Peace, Prosperity, and Abundance, and that there be no harm. And that everyone shall take the knowingness of the Truth into their hearts, and be unafraid to express their own personal Truths, and how they feel to one another. To let go of the restrictions of the density of duality, and allow themselves, with the addition of this Truth event of the implementation of the Protocols of NESARA, to truly rise up in frequency and vibration, and let go of all fear and victimization. And realize and implement the Power of Divine Love within every molecule, every cell of our being and radiating it forward.


Shining our LoveLights into this Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, through the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of your Beloved Planet and underneath the surface, once again into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. 


And radiating it from her core, out into all of the DNA, to remove any and all ties, connections, tentacles, devices, and delivery systems, that have tethered Humanity to this 3D Matrix, the central banking systems, all of the institutions, all of the mind-control mechanisms of media, of guilt mongering. Letting it all go consciously. Breathing into our hearts, these high frequencies of Joy, Clarity, Understanding, Bliss, Abundance, Creativity, and Harmony within the four bodies of our being. Removing anything less than Love, all of this negative programming. 


And removing all toxicity, all contamination of the air, food, and water supply. Strengthening the cells of all of the DNA, of all of the Kingdoms and Humanity and the hybrids, all of the children of God, on your Beloved Planet, so that their cells can increase their voltage to implement, in high frequencies, these higher Light Encodements coming in, that are informing you of your True Nature, of your Divinity, of the Power, that you have to be now in the 5th Dimension at all times. To let go of all of the fear-based, separation-based programming, that has been designed to keep you disunified, and fighting wars with one another. And believing that some were elite, and some were not. Beloveds, this is all a lie.


You are so very loved. You are so very appreciated all over Creation, for the level of responsibility that you have taken on, into doing something that has never been accomplished before in your Ascension Process, in being fully embodied, while being fully conscious. 


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much, for all that you have taken on, for the times that you have had to fight off rejection, and abandonment, and the effects of violence being thrown your way, and all of the abuse and judgments, all of the harsh realities, that you have endured within the construct of this 3D Matrix. Beloveds, now is your time to shine.  As we keep on saying, all of the Plans have been lessening the power of this 3D Matrix. And we truly see in the higher dimensions that you are already victorious in the Light. 


And shining your LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the children, letting them know, that they are loved and supported, no matter what their situation is. If they are in happy homes, or being misunderstood, or if they have loving families who open up their hearts to them or if they have been trafficked and separated from their families, and are enduring such heavy division within the four bodies of their being. We honor them for them playing out their roles, for the courage that they have in being here, and for them holding their line, and developing their Truth. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


The liberation of Mother Gaia and all its peoples, all of its kingdoms, in this Now Moment, transmuting all of the negative energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Beloveds, we are One. Feel the Power of Love, all over your Beloved Planet, as you commune with us and all of the Beloved Beings who have awakened. 


And intentionally requiring the liberation of your species, and of Mother Gaia into the 5th Dimension, into the implementation of the social systems, which will be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional timeline, Beloveds. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. 


And now Beloved Maria will come in.

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