Thursday, January 27, 2022

1-19-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-19-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Once again, I am with you on this Beloved Call. 


Beloveds, you are in Mission. You are radiating your LoveLights. And it is a marvel of perfection for us to observe, on the ships. Because we see those structures of violence, of disharmony, chaos, disruption, destruction, that this Cabal has tried to empower itself, to rig the game in its favor, to keep you in low vibration, and in disharmony; that their structures are all unraveling, imploding in on themselves. The Truth is out there for everyone to see. But Beloveds, sometimes it takes, and in this case, it surely does, take an Event to grab the attention of everyone on your Beloved Planet, in one Now Moment, when all of you dodge the bullet. And you see what has been perpetrated upon you, by the evil that has embedded itself in your social systems, in governments, and all of the institutions that control the finances, and all of the businesses, the supply chain that has kept you fed, and all of your survival needs taken care of.


It has all been contrived Beloveds, to keep these members of the Cabal, these factions of Satanists in power. And yes, they have been cheating the natural laws. They have been cheating Universal Laws, and they have kept you away, from learning the Universal Laws, and from acknowledging the Power that you have, and are, when you are heart centered, and when you are using your minds in connection with your hearts, in a creative, imaginative way to create the reality.


Beloveds, they have strived for eons to keep you at such levels of fear, where you would disunify, where you were waging wars on one another, believing the lies, that they told you, that justified those wars, after they staged False-Flag Events to kick off that level of hatred, distrust, disharmony, that carried forth those wars, so that they could keep on stealing the riches of Humanity, and putting them underground, and all of the art treasures, and manipulating the reality, and changing the narrative of the Truth.


Beloveds, those structures and systems of control are eroding the Truth. The Power of Love is coming online, and you have been an integral ingredient in making this the reality on your Beloved Planet because yes, you are the Ground Crew. You have been in Mission with us, simply doing your job, playing out your role, raising the level of the vibration, over and over again, being consciously aware of making choices, that align you with your True Divine Nature, so that you let go of the guilt, of the fear, of the negative programming, mind-control mechanisms, that you were imprinted with.


And you were so bold, as to live a heart-centered lifestyle, and to learn from the results of what you called forth in the creation of your reality, by making adjustments, by taking chances and experimenting, by going for the feeling instead of the mind-control programming. And being successful on a 3rd Dimensional, dense, dualistic timeline, you have been empowering the 5th Dimensional timeline.


And now it is ever-so abundantly clear, that you are getting ready altogether to be there, and to eliminate all forces of darkness, from your reality, from that moment on. And yes, this Event will harmonize all of your hearts, and souls in such high vibration, that you will never go back to being controlled by the darkness, and the evil of chaos, and separation, and fear, and guilt mongering, ever again.


You have earned it, Beloveds. We have the greatest respect and appreciation for all of you Beloveds, the roles that you have taken on consciously, taking on Soul Contracts, that would change the dynamics of the control systems, by clearing those polarities. And allowing yourself to make choices, that would enable you to be in high vibration, and ultimately remember the Power of Love, and who you are as conduits into the Godhead. And this is happening, this is the reality, that we see flourishing, and abundantly coming forth in every Now Moment, from now on Beloveds.


We love you ever-so dearly. 


Namaste and good night.

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