Saturday, October 15, 2022

10-12-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

10-12-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena, and I am very happy to be with you once again. Beloveds, we on the ships, as one consciousness now. We empower this transmission of shining this golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energies, beam through your heart centers, as you are still holding hands forming your circle.


Beloveds, in this Now Moment you are being faced with a myriad of tests and challenges, because your reality, the conditions thereof of your survival are changing, and one system is imploding, and the other is right there, as the stopgap measure to fill in the void that its implosion is creating. The truth is coming out measure by measure in baby steps, Beloveds, so that those that are still sleepwalking, who have been conned into thinking, that the institutional third dimensional reality was their only option are being jolted, are being shaken by their shoulders to wake up in the Now Moment, and we are empowering this divine change into high frequency and vibration in all of your meditations, not just with Sekhmet and with us, Beloveds. You have been creating this bridge into the fifth dimension.


NESARA is a huge part of this transitional process of empowerment for all of humanity for Beloved Mother Gaia to enable your ascensions, to come online, to accelerate, to integrate all of the ascension protocols, by way of integrating all of these higher light encodements, that bring you up into higher levels of frequency and vibration, that prepare you for this reality, whereby all of your survival needs will be taken care of; and you, once again, feel your sovereignty, and aided by advanced technology participate in creating your reality in a social, civilized, very creative way, and paying attention to anything that is out of alignment with the truth of the bigger picture of the power of love being the dominant force in all of creation, Beloveds.


You are the tip of the spear. You are the ground crew. You are doing a superb job in being in mission with us, and it is all enfolding in this Now Moment, and do not be afraid. Do not feed this third dimensional matrix. We have your back, Beloveds. We are right there with you every step of the way.


We ask you to call us and to feel us in your hearts, to allow us to be there with you, when you are letting go of all of the lower vibrations and rising up into the highest frequencies of love and light, to cocreate your reality. The visions of you being in the Now Moment in the fifth dimension empowering it, Beloveds. UASA, UASA; Already Happened. It's Already Done. We love you ever so much, and now my twin soul, Sananda will come in.


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