Saturday, October 29, 2022

10-26-2022 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds, we shine the light on you into each and every one of your hearts. Yes, you have just gone through another major portal opening in an eclipse in this past day, and the energies are very strong on your Beloved planet, and we ask you to utilize this moment for the benefit of yourselves, and all of humanity by shining your lovelights into Beloved Mother Gaia, into all of her kingdoms, into all areas of conflict on your planet, and that means just about every country is going through very real changeovers, and transformations in power, as you go on to this new banking system, Beloveds.


This has been a long time in the offing, but this Cabal, and all of its major banks, its central banking system is bankrupted, as well as institutions of the Fed, the International Bank of Settlements, the world bank, of what have you, Beloveds. This fiat money system is not empowered any longer, and you are in full swing onto activating all of the provisions of NESARA.


It is at this time where your light and where your love and where your expression of that light and love, within one another’s hearts, empowering the truth of what you resonate with, is being asked for you to shine it forth to hold the line, to hold this balance on your beloved planet, so that there is no more bloodshed.


There is no war, but there is the empathy of heart to heart, and soul to soul and for you to empower all of the children on your Beloved planet, with their sovereignty, with their free will, and to remove all systems of mind control, by being in these high frequencies of love and light, and feeling this oneness with all of humanity, at this time, as you navigate through this condition, of the event of the truth, Beloveds.


This is very, very necessary, and it will reveal all of the cover-ups along this 26,000 year cycle. It will reveal how your DNA, and the power centers of the right lobe of your mind brain, were mutated, so that your gifts of intuition, of time travel will all be activated, and this gave this Cabal total reign over you, to enslave you, to feed off of your energies, by controlling the money supply, and keeping you locked down in a narrative of fear and separation to meet your survival needs.


You were imprinted to believe, that you were dependent upon them, and that this condition of ownership was only just and natural, and it was anything but, Beloveds. You are all free, sovereign, interdimensional, divine beings powered out of the inspiration of the divine unconditional love of Creator Source, and when humanity realizes this, you will feel such joy.


You will feel all of the higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension, such as ease, and grace, and harmony, and joy, and prosperity. You will be able to call forth these higher attributes with each and every breath, and create a reality, that is empowered by Unconditional/Universal Love.


Beloveds, we are with you every step of the way. We ask you now more than ever to be in high frequency and vibration throughout the day, and not just in times of quiet, when you can sit and meditate, and play meditation music, or whatever you do to get to that place of connection with the higher dimensions; but Beloveds, to feel this love in your heart in each and every Now Moment and empower it with your sound, and your intentional requirements for peace, for harmony, and all of these attributes of the Fifth Dimension, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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