Saturday, November 5, 2022

11-2-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-2-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds, we are the empowerment of the truth being made known in the hearts and minds of all of you Beloved Beings, at this time, because now we see you are reaching this critical point of mass saturation of the Light in consciousness of your collective, upon your Beloved planet.


This Cabal has been brazen in nature, and its actions, since the beginning. But it has taken a very large degree of Humanity, and now expiring from this jab, and from the continued mandates of these organizations, that say they know better than the mothers and fathers of these Beloved Children, and this is making itself known, not just to mothers and fathers, but anyone who has a heart, that is still beating, and a mind that is capable of holding the truth, and seeing all of the different levels of consciousness, that are available to humanity, by simply being heart centered, by being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions; and realizing that you are not one dimensional.


You are interdimensional sovereign beings, but with that knowingness and beingness, Beloveds, you take on an increased level of responsibility, because then you know, you realize the power of your thoughts, words, and actions, to create the reality on your Beloved planet, and those of you on your planet, who have awakened, and who are doing the clearing work, the meditations, the energy work, and transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, that they are integrating with, that are streaming in from the Galactic center into the collective, are helping to empower and accelerate this process of ascension, in its different stages, and you are poised to move into the second phase of integrating Ascension protocols, Beloveds.


More and more of you, Beloved Beings are awakening, because you are seeing the stakes being raised higher and higher, each and every day as the truth is filtering in to your conscious minds, and more and more are going for alternate sources of information, because they realized that the mainstream media aligned only with one side, and that side is causing them to be in an inflation condition, whereby their money does not buy as much as it did merely months before, and the price of having a full tank of gas, and getting to work, has now just about doubled.


Beloveds, you have been made to struggle on this Third Dimensional timeline, in this density of duality, merely to survive. And this is not what Creator Source had envisioned for all on this Beloved planet. This is why the Counsels of Heaven, per the instructions coming from Creator Source, have issued this divine decree, whereby everyone on your planet, that is currently incarnated here, can ascend.


That is what your mission, as a ground crew, with all of us is about, Beloveds, because every time, that you breathe into the high heart center, and make your intentional requirements for the provisions of NESARA being implemented, to enable humanity to once again be in the Fifth Dimension. You are empowering this process of ascension, and you are playing out in Divine perfection the completion of Soul Contracts, and empowering the dynamics of your mission, of raising the level of frequency and vibration, & radiating it into your Collective Consciousness, so that those who have not yet awakened will find it easier to take the reins of creating their reality, and empowering themselves, and to bringing forth ascension on your Beloved planet, when they have awakened. When they finally see, that they have the power to create their reality, and this is what you have all been enabling with us.


But Beloveds, because you are at ground zero, if you will, you have direct connection into the hearts of humanity, as these many tests and challenges play out on your material plane. And you have the wherewithal to shine the high frequencies of Love and Light, that are streaming into your Beloved planet, to integrate with them, and then to shine them into the Collective Consciousness for others to awaken, and begin their clearing work, and to step into the completion of ascension on Beloved, Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses, and this is a way for you to connect with us, in your hearts, on a very deep level, because these Kumara roses represent the power of love, all throughout creation in these high spectrums of color, of light encoding, and this is a symbol of you being in mission with us, and for all of us to know that we are victorious in the light, Beloveds.


We honor you for all you do. We are with you every step of the way. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We thank you for being on this call, in meditation with us, once again. Namaste and Goodnight.

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