Saturday, November 12, 2022

11-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. Feel our love and light, as we are shining the golden white light of the Christ Consciousness into each of your hearts, and sending this energy around your circle to help you feel empowered in this Now Moment, while you are encountering this transition period from the old systems being dominant, on you Beloved planet, into the systems of NESARA.


Yes, you are at this pivotal moment, when these changes are so very necessary, because of all of the work that has been done to raise the level of consciousness on your Beloved planet, and this feeling of oneness that has been accumulating within the hearts and the minds of all of humanity, as these smaller events for the truth being made known empower you to express your own personal truth, from your hearts, to share with others, to be in your meditation, and to bless all of these areas on the planet that are encountering war, and the threat of war, the biological warfare, the weather warfare.


All of these events, Beloveds, are playing out enabling humanity to see corruption, that has been dominant, that is currently at play, that so many significant events are coming to a head. This will allow this event of the truth, this near death experience to transpire, and you will gain much experiential knowledge, and you will be upgraded, because you have been choosing the light all of the time. You have been allowing your heart to take in more and more of this love and light, and to make choices that have led you into different arenas, whereby you have let go of the limitations, that you are imprinted with in your ego mind, negative programming.


Beloveds, we are shining our light into each and every one of your hearts. We love you ever so much. We are with you at this very pivotal time, because this next phase you are moving into will be in the integration of Fifth Dimensional energies, where you will see the implosion of this Third Dimensional matrix. You will see the last moves being made on this cosmic, Five Dimensional chessboard that reveal the power dynamics, the evil of this Cabal.


This evil will be exposed, and those who have been the progenitors of this Third Dimensional matrix, and artificial intelligence, and reptilian underworld power dynamics, will be held accountable, and they will no longer be a part of your reality. What you have gained in experiential knowledge will make you ever vigilant every time the lies, the deceptions, and tricks try to impenetrate your Fifth Dimensional reality, Beloveds.


We are with you as you are moving into this next stage of integrating ascension protocols. Beloveds, we love you, and we honor you for all you have done, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in. Namaste and Goodnight.

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