Friday, January 6, 2023

1-4-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be once again with you on this conference call.


Beloveds, the energy is shifting so very swiftly and forcefully on your Beloved planet. And yes, there was a Moment of Truth disseminated on national television on what is called Monday Night Football, where a Beloved youngster, only 24 years old, went down from cardiac arrest. And for those of us who have awakened, it is very obvious that cardiac arrest happening like this is a product of this jab.


You have this institution called the NFL protecting their product, by not allowing the truth to come out, by not saying anything about all the other Beloveds who have died all over the planet playing sports, dying in many instances on the playing field. And for all intents and purposes this is what happened to this Beloved man, Damar Hamlin, that night.


Yes, it is said that he is in ICU, but we do not see him coming back from this, and this is really a Moment of Truth coming out in this new year. Beloveds, there will be many, but instead of focusing on the negativity, on fear, and the suffering, and victimization, Beloveds. It is time to fully concentrate and empower yourself with these high frequencies of love and light, to truly understand the power that you have, when you are in these high vibrations, and making intentional requirements.


Yes, the Universal Law of Attraction is in full play, Beloveds. Because the energies that are coming into your planet are of such a high level of vibration and frequency. These higher light encodements are coming in to be integrated, to give you a foundational basis creating a bridge into the Fifth Dimensional timeline.


Beloveds, the meditation is with each and every breath, within the space of each and every heartbeat. The power of love is unfolding, and along with it the truth is coming out. We see, that you are in preparation for this Event of the Truth, that will catapult you, and all Beloved Beings on your planet into the second stage of integrating Ascension Protocols.


This will be the beginning of your Fourth and Fifth Dimensional realities, and the disincorporation of this Third Dimensional matrix control system, and holding accountable all of the minions of this cabal, for all their crimes against humanity, their treasons, their lies and deceptions, their ritual satanic abuses. 

Beloveds, it is happening, and you are playing this major role, that you can't really grasp, until you will be more integrated into the Fifth Dimension, of how powerful you have been in this dynamic of this great shift, in bringing in the highest frequencies of love and light, to accelerate this ascension process. 

Just by radiating your love and light into the collective, you are in mission with all of us, Beloveds. This is basically all that you have agreed to do, as being our ground crew, to keep shining the light, and raising the level of frequency and vibration, to enable these divine plans to accelerate, and to move through all of the different stages of ascension, and it is happening, Beloveds. 

We love you ever so much, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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