Thursday, January 5, 2023

1-4-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-4-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sekhmet. I am very pleased to be with you once again on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds yes, the power of love is augmented on your Beloved Planet by the Truth coming out. During this past year, you have been in a progression in increments of the Truth coming out, about court cases that have swung in the favor of the people. And more information coming out about investigations by the special prosecutors, such as John Durham.


Also the Cabal has walked into several traps, such as once again rigging an election, and this time the med-terms. Beloveds, as the days go on, the culmination of the effects of this Jab are making themselves felt, and for some, what proves to be in a very scary manner, because some of their Beloveds are now showing signs of being affected in a very detrimental way, by developing chronic conditions, or even cardiac arrest or arrhythmia, that they did not have before they took this Jab.


The more & more people that go on longer having taken all of these shots, the more that it is disseminated into the environment, via shedding this spike protein with its graphene oxide. Beloveds, it is only the very dedicated scientists, and very able physicians, who have much experience with these beings with vaccines, and cardiac and circulatory issues that are able to really chart the level of toxicity that has been perpetrated upon Humanity.


And it is mainly the scientists that have come up, that have gone into that vaccine, and found the different contaminants, the different toxins, that are there besides the hydra and snake venom. These things are playing out with a very long term effect. The longer that we move into this dynamic of having so many people on the Planet having taken these Jabs, the more & more people will expire from that.


But Beloveds, we did not allow this situation to happen without a way to neutralize these polarities, and we feel at this time that the ball is still in our court, Beloveds. Because the higher the vibration, that we are able to raise up the love & light, to raise up the frequencies on this Beloved Planet, and send them into the collective consciousness.


Well basically, as we have said many times, this is your mission, as the ground crew, to radiate this love & light, to raise the level of consciousness of the collective. So more & more Beloveds will wake up, and take deeper levels of responsibility in expressing their Truth, and using their individual knowledge, and wisdom, to express from their hearts their narrative based on what they resonate with as the Truth.


Beloveds, let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, to form our circle with. Sending the energy from heart to heart, from the left, to the right. Now combining our field of energy. Spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. Allowing ourselves to slow down & relax in this Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and the Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


And spiraling these energies, allowing ourselves to go deeper & deeper into our heart centers, & be more & more present in the Now moment. Now spiraling clockwise these energies down through the souls of our feet, through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And this is Gaia’s heart center. We can feel her love, her compassion, her wisdom, and her commitment to all Human Beings on her Planet, to spiritually evolve, and to Ascend in this window that we are currently in, at the end of this 26,000 year timeline. We love & honor her for all that she does, for her love, her high level of consciousness, and holding the energy for all living beings on this Planet.


Now sending her our love & light, and raising ourselves up through the surface, up through our center below, up through the soles of our feet, and into our high heart centers.


Now spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below, with the power & speed of our thoughts, rapidly rising, lifting up off of the surface of the Planet, through these many layers of atmospheres. Up & up, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system, and multitudes of ships. I’m honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.


Opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship, and we are popping up, rising up, hovering in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way back to an open elevator, and all of us are getting in. I’m pushing the button to close the door, and to take us up to the top floor. We are feeling weightless, as we rapidly rise up through these many floors. Feeling this Oneness of being here once again on the Nibiru in these high vibrational energies.


And now we are coming to a stop, opening up the doors. The Mentors are here to greet us, other Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many beings from ships, and from planets all over the cosmos. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now we are moving into the middle of the Crystalline Healing Room. We are coming upon this altar, where our Master Crystal sets. Forming our circle, and as we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings from their circles.


We are breathing into our hearts & sending the energy all through our circle, from the left, to the right, into the Mentor’s circle, to the outer circles. Now spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing these high frequencies & vibrations of the higher densities represented by the crystals in this room, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are onsite with us, and the others who are bilocating into the energies of this meditation tonight. We are absorbing her consciousness into our hearts, and feeling the love & light that we are all as One, connected heart to heart, & soul to soul, in this Now moment.


And Beloveds, this is where we ask you on the call to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to crate with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with having a stronger connection with the higher aspects of your being, with having more clarity & understanding, when you ask for guidance in your meditations, & having more intimacy in your personal relationships. Whatever it is Beloveds. Send forth your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation, we intentionally require that this New Year brings about the high vibrational shift, this rotation into overdrive to bring about the Truth onto Beloved Mother Gaia, in such a way to open the hearts & minds of all the Beloved Beings in the collective consciousness, to awaken them, & prepare for this Event of the Truth, this hard disclosure that is so very necessary to propel Humanity once again into the 5th Dimension, and enable Ascension Protocols to be integrated for Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal and all as One, shooting them up through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru.


Spiraling clockwise down through the many layers of atmospheres, and onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia. Encompassing the surface of your Beloved Planet with these high frequencies of love & light, with the intentional requirement for Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude, to transmit in high frequency & vibration into the hearts & minds, and into the sub & unconscious minds of all of Humanity with the intentional requirement of each & every being awakening to deeper levels of compassion, of letting go of all of the fear based programming. Of how this fear based programming has trapped us into the psycho babble of the ego mind, and allow all of Humanity, calling forth all of Humanity, to feel into their hearts, to allow themselves to be present in the Now moment, to let go of the fears, of the judgment, of the blame, of the attachments, and just allow themselves to shine the light, and to be the love & light that they are.


Calling forth compassion for the Human condition on your Beloved Planet to awaken those who are still sleeping, those who have been afraid, those who have been letting their emotions to control their reality. We are calling forth balance, for integration of these higher light encodements, that are streaming in to your Beloved Planet en masse, never has there been such a high vibrational, high frequency dynamic of interdimensional energy flowing into your Beloved Planet to accelerate this process of Ascension, while you are in this window of opportunity for Ascension on your Beloved Planet, while you are now still in the first phase of integrating Ascension Protocols.


Now we are calling forth the energy bodies, and the energy fields of all of Humanity, counter clockwise spiraling, calling forth the release of all negative programming, of all disqualified & discredited energies, all polarities & traumas, all devices & delivery systems of all of the different components of the negative programming, anything that has tethered Humanity to this 3rd Dimensional Matrix control system, all of the Black Magic, the ill intent that has informed all of the institutions of Humanity on the material plane, all of the databases of energies of artificial intelligence & underworld reptilian power sources, that have aligned with Satanic cults, to propagate their control systems and enslave Humanity, to keep Humanity locked down in the density of duality.


We are calling forth liberation at this time, for the Truth to be heartily & mightily felt into the hearts & minds of all Beloved Beings, & releasing all control systems of negative dendrites, that have enabled the ego mind to automatically into fight or flight responses, instead of clearing these negative dendrites. The ego mind has encouraged you only to hold onto that pain, over & over again, to solidify the dynamics of negative dendrites.


We are calling forth this control system of all of Humanity in the middle of our circle, and we are counter clockwise spiraling on it, to fractalize and disincorporate, how it is used to setup an unconscious, sub and conscious mind anytime that you are triggered, by the pain of past events of trauma, to hold onto that trauma, letting it go deeper & deeper into your nervous system, the circuitry of your mind/brain.


We are releasing all of these patterns along this 26,000 year timeline, of all of this trauma, all that needed to be cleared in this Ascension lifetime, that you have brought forth in your soul contracts, to truly enable all duality, all of the density of all these polarities, to be disassembled.


We are calling forth with one or both of our hands on our high heart center, for the transmutation of these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude, and other high vibrating energies, such as ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment, & absolution in each and every Now moment, Beloveds.


Shining our lovelight into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloved children. Those who have chosen to come in with more strands of their DNA activated, to carry forth this equation of high vibrational, 5th Dimensional consciousness into future generations, to show Humanity your power of love, to shine your light in such a way, that they are the teachers, to enable this transmission of 5th Dimensional energies to propagate abundantly & prosperously, on the 5th Dimensional Timeline. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We thank you for assembling with us tonight on this meditation. We are One, Beloveds. Namaste & Goodnite. And now Maria Magdalena will come in.

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