Friday, May 12, 2023

5-10-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-10-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again,


And yes, Beloveds, breathe into your heart. Feel these high vibrations of these higher light encodements coming in, and you have the capacity, Beloveds, to breathe into this energy, to assimilate it and integrate it, by calling forth the raising of the voltage in each and every cell, to enable you to process these high frequencies of love and light, to be in this Now Moment, to continuously be the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, while you are being heart centered, while you are feeling this sound of truth, and the power of love resonate within the totality of your being, Beloveds.


This is what you have been practicing for the entirety of this incarnation on your Beloved planet, to learn how to be centered and balanced in each and every Now Moment, so that you will not be triggered, by the control systems of the ego mind matrix of fear and separation-based programming.


This power of love is the strongest force in all of creation. It is your saving grace to be able to breathe into these energies, to breathe into the truth that is coming forth, and to radiate and shine these high frequencies of love and light into the collective consciousness, Beloveds. This is the time, when so much is being revealed.


And the most important aspect of this, we feel, is for humanity to take to heart all of the different strategies and mechanisms, that this cabal has used to enslave your consciousness in fear and separation, all throughout all of the institutions of your Beloved planet. Well, now those institutions are having to be revamped, because of the criminal element in all of them.


It is not just in the United States. It is within the totality of the central banking institutions, within all of the higher forms of education, these universities who have been used to disseminate this propaganda of the Cabal, For scientists being brought out by this cabal, and allowing themselves to be the spokesperson for the evil intentions of the population, for war, for keeping humanity locked into the patterns of low vibration and frequency.


But Beloveds, this 3D Matrix, because of all of humanity’s meditations. Because of the demand of humanity at this time for the truth being revealed. Because yes, you are not blind to how many people have died, during these last two years from this jab. You are not blind to how the food has been coming in, in a trickle, and many of the supermarket shelves are bare from time to time, and that once again wars being propagated with saber rattling, of huge proportions, on your Beloved planet.


But Beloveds, as more and more of the truth comes out, the need for humanity to hold accountable these criminals. These factions of the satanic cabal will resonate through each and every heart, preparing you for the full proof to come about in this hard disclosure.


Beloveds, the time is now, and you are an active participant in this process. We love you ever so much. My Beloved Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and once again they offer you the Kumara roses, to take into your hearts. Take as many as you like. Feel their many spectrums of color, and sound, and vibration. They are a symbol of our oneness in working together, to return Beloved Mother Gaia into Fifth Dimensional consciousness, And for ascension in mass to happen on your Beloved planet. Beloveds, we are with you in every moment. We honor you, and we love you. Namaste and Goodnight.  

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