Friday, May 19, 2023

5-17-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-17-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here on this conference call with you all tonight.


Beloveds, we are shining our love and light into your hearts, all of us on the ships, all of the Beloved souls on this meditation with you tonight, to enable you to feel this power of love. Beloveds, yes, we know you are programmed to feel these low vibrations of fear, of separation, of worrying of doubt, of shame, and guilt, and what have you, but they are not the truth, Beloveds.


When you are in high frequency and vibration, when you are feeling this oneness with us in this meditation tonight, and all of your other meditations, when you feel connected into the higher aspects of your being, into creator source itself. This is your empowerment. This is the real being of who you are, of your divinity, of the power of love, Beloveds.


We cannot express to you deeply enough how much you are loved for what you are doing in this lifetime. Yes, one day you will see how your actions have raised the level of frequency and vibration all throughout this universe, all throughout creation, by you being warriors of light, you being fearless to be heart centered, to go against the way that you were imprinted in fear and separation-based programming, to open up your hearts. And feel this joy, this wonderment of being alive, of being embodied in physicality, in this great shift from the Third Dimensional matrix low vibrating density of duality, into the high frequencies of love and light onto the Fifth Dimensional timeline.


This is your home, Beloveds; the Fifth Dimension. This is what your DNA has been created for, to be this living reflection of the power of love, to emanate it, and shine it forth all throughout the cosmos. And yes, what you have started with us in our designs to complete this mission of ascension, on your Beloved planet, cannot be stopped.


You are seeing this Third Dimensional matrix dissolve and float away, with every increment of the truth being revealed, with every wave of higher light encodements coming in, onto Beloved Mother Gaia, and into your energy fields. Open up your hearts, Beloveds. Allow yourself to be more and more in the Now Moment, to feel this joy, this harmony, and bliss; all of these higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension. You can be on this Fifth Dimensional timeline each and every moment from now on, Beloveds. The power is so strong.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you once again the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds. They are dynamic in the sounds and frequencies of love and light. They are a symbol of us being One in mission, to bring about ascension en masse on your Beloved planet. We honor you, Beloveds. Namaste and Goodnight.

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