Saturday, August 5, 2023

8-2-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-2-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, you can think that any time, that you are in high frequency and vibration, and you are intentionally requiring for the liberation of humanity into the Fifth Dimension once again. That you are defeating this cabal, and you are protecting the DNA of humanity from this enslavement, freeing up the DNA, and disincorporating this cabal’s plan for transhumanism. That is not happening, Beloveds.


The central bank digital currencies that are being talked about, by Biden, will not be allowed to be happening, because NESARA is happening. And the countries all over your Beloved planet are onboard with this. This is the reason for Basel III and Basel IV protocols being enacted. Because this brings about the sanity of your banking system, once again. Because all of the currencies, whether they be crypto, or in paper, or coins, will be backed up by precious metals, and it will be a one-to-one ratio of exchange of currencies all over your Beloved planet.


This is what the cabal truly does not want. They don’t want equality. They want to manipulate, and connive, and lie, and feel that they are in total control. But now, Beloveds, they are being called upon. They are being called out, and they are on the mat, Beloveds.


They are being exposed for aiding these cartels in the child and human trafficking, and for the drugs, that are very heinous in nature, because they are purposefully programmed to take many lives with overdoses. They do not have to be made that way, but they are on purpose, to take as many lives as possible.


The intentions of the cabal know, that it is the young people, that are truly enamored with the ability to feel these highs. They are the ones, who the cabal wants to deny procreation to, and to shorten their lives. So that they do not live a normal, although mutated life cycle. But all of the mutations of your DNA will soon be removed, as more and more of the children, that have come in have more of their strands of DNA, in some cases, five strands of DNA activated.


And with the advanced technology of the med beds, this will become your reality to be, once again, in the perfection of your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting. Those encodements, Beloveds, allow you to be in this state of neutrality and balance, in feeling and being, and expressing the power of love. So that your creations are aligned, with the integrity of your DNA, while all of you Beloveds are in unity consciousness.


Beloveds, this is what you have worked for, not only in this ascension lifetime, but in the many lifetimes, that you have reincarnated on this 26,000-year timeline, in this dense dualistic Third Dimensional Matrix programing. That is coming to an end very quickly.


So, as Maria and Sekhmet are calling forth in the spirit of celebration, I do too, Beloveds. Because our hearts are One. We are in mission together, and this victory of the light over evil is imminent.


Beloveds, let my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you, once again, the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your high-heart centers. Feel the power of this love, of the symbol of these encodements, of the Kumara roses, of us being joined heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul in mission together, to expedite ascension on your Beloved planet, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way, Beloveds. Victory of the light over evil is happening, and you are playing your roles so very wonderfully. Namaste and Goodnight.

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