Saturday, August 12, 2023

8-9-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-9-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very thrilled to be here once again with you all on this call.


Beloveds, yes, we are shining our love and light into each and every one of your hearts. We are so very happy to be with you once again in these energies of the Lion’s Gate. And this Lion’s Gate is proving to be oh so very powerful, Beloveds.


You have so much on the plate, as you would say, of all of these different aspects of the truth coming about revealing themselves in court cases and investigations, and more evidence coming about, about the rigging of elections, and their court cases also. There are many rumors happening, Beloveds.


Once again we remind you that everything is happening in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, and that those, who you are calling the White Hats, which we are in alliance with, are the ones that are in control of the narrative, Beloveds; of the truth coming out, of their even being the military stepping in, and taking out all of these criminal elements all throughout the governments, not just in the United States, but all over the world.


These necessary actions will inspire humanity, and bring about this Event of the Truth, Beloveds. But you cannot have the new systems come in place with the old managers of the systems of the cabal still being in power. All members of the cabal that have played their hand in perverting the energies of your institutions, and being bought off by these Satanic cults and the artificial intelligence. They will have their day in the military tribunals. They will be sentenced and judged appropriately, and all that are found guilty are going to be taken off of your planet, Beloveds.


They will not be able to interfere anymore, and this victory of the light, which you will see, will make humanity ever vigilant to bring about those systems powered by quantum computers, and giving you the ability to identify anything that is out of alignment with these high frequencies and vibrations of being in the Fifth Dimension.


Beloveds, this is your true home being in the Fifth Dimension, and your DNA is resplendent in these Fifth Dimensional energies, all of these higher attributes of ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, clarity, etc., Beloveds.


Yes, you will see during this Event of the Truth how you beings of all of humanity were manipulated into giving your power away, so that this cabal who caused this amnesia state within each and every one of your incarnations, and mutate your DNA and deactivate the power centers within the totality of your being, so that you did not have access to your gifts and true interdimensional spiritual cosmic talents, Beloveds.


We are so very happy with this feeling of being in these Lion’s Gate energies, and seeing the growth of so many Beloved beings on your planet bringing about these high frequencies and vibrations that are continuing to awaken so many other Beloveds, who have been so afraid and so indoctrinated by the negative programming.


But now in these high frequencies of love and light they are able to put two and two together, and they are able to feel the truth and to awaken their intuition into knowing what resonates with them as the truth, and to enable themselves to develop their own narrative about what is really happening.


Beloveds, we are continuously one with you feeling your hearts, shining our love and lights into your consciousness, within the four bodies of your being. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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