Sunday, November 26, 2023

11-22-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

11-22-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, a chord has been struck in the hearts of all of Humanity, because you are realizing that your time is up for sitting on the couch, as it were, of being an observer, and now is the time to get involved, because you see your freedoms eroding. You see your Children, and many Beloved Beings on this Planet being attacked senselessly, mercilessly without any rhyme or reason.


And you are cognizing as a group mind that the same dynamics of continuous, endless war are playing out to make the arms dealers, the bankers, and all of the captains of industry more powerful than they are already are. This is a nightmare for Beloved Beings, who have come to rely upon the institutions of Humanity to keep them safe, and nothing could have been further from the Truth.


Because Beloveds, yes, you are placed in these very difficult positions of having to learn much in the far too few years, that you are allowed to live healthy lifestyles. It has taken much involvement on your part, to even learn how to stay healthy, because you are being attacked in your air, food, & water supply, by such heavy levels of toxicity, that your immune systems are taking a beating. You are very susceptible to these viruses and fungal attacks that are being propagated upon you.


The Cabal knows this. They know how they have doctored up your food, sprayed all of your plants, and made GMO’s in the seeds of the crops, and that, more & more, you are under attack in your physicality, because this amount of toxicity that your bodies have to cycle make it very tired and worn out long before its time.


The lies that you are told, you are under siege within the 4 bodies of your being. It is a spiritual war. All of your negative programming is fear & separation based. There is much trauma that befalls each of you, in each & every one of your incarnations, that you have had on this 26,000 year timeline.


And now Beloveds is a time of reckoning. The time when the Truth must be known, and when it is you will carried into these vibrations of being once again on a 5th Dimensional Timeline. But Beloveds, this time it will be so much different, because of the experience that you have gained, from being in these very dense vibrations of 3rd Dimensional reality. And being programmed in the 3-D Matrix negative programming, that all had to do with taking away your sovereignty, and taking over your minds and bodies, & giving you a transhumanist agenda of this Cabal to be absorbed into their energies.


Beloveds, your DNA is so much more further advanced than theirs ever was. They did not graduate into being in the 5th Dimension, these races that came to your Planet, these beings, who played out the Orion wars, and were pushed around from one planet, from one galaxy to another, and finally ended up on your Galaxy on your Planet. And now their time has come for the reckoning that needs to come in order for Humanity to survive. And from that survival comes your mass Ascension Event.


Beloveds, we honor you for being here at this time, and we know that your are going through some dark days, but we can feel that spark of love within each and every one of your hearts growing stronger on your Beloved Planet. Just remember that each time that you feel this power of love, that you feel these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension, that you radiate these high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, and that it cannot help but be entrenched in the collective consciousness and raise up those Beloved Beings into awakening, and to committing to accelerate their Ascension process, once they are awakened.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We honor you. We shine our lovelights into your hearts & minds for the propagation of Unconditional/Universal Love throughout your Planet, to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Namaste Beloveds, Goodnight and now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in. 

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