Monday, November 13, 2023

11-8-23 Sananda by Eli Galla



11-8-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, inside of your hearts is this flower of awareness, and it is blooming with more & more of the Truth coming out in each & every Now moment. You have set the stage here for all of these plans of NESARA to be implemented. Now you are having NESARA be active on your Beloved Planet.


Yes, we can’t tell you when it will be announced, but it is growing ever so apparent in each & every Now moment, that more & more of the Truth is being revealed. And of course the implementation of NESARA is dependent upon taking out of power all of these members of the Satanic Cults that formed this Cabal, because once they are out of power all the levels of corruption, that they have perpetrated upon Humanity with this 3-D Matrix negative programming, can be spun out counter-clockwise up off of the surface of your Planet. And be transmuted into the highest frequencies of love & light, and can be shone to Humanity, all of these bad actors being marched off to their military tribunals, Because they have had indictments unsealed upon them, for their crimes against Humanity, for their treasons.


This Beloveds is the beginning of your new 5th Dimensional Timeline. You have been creating this bridge within the fulfillment of all of your soul contracts, all of your meditations, your prayers, intentional requirements, all of the experiential knowledge that you have brought forth in have gained in this incarnations, In each & every Now moment, Beloveds, you have the opportunity to rise up in frequency of the 5th Dimension & beyond, to feel all of these attributes of ease, grace, harmony, joy, satisfaction, absolution, wisdom, compassion, etc.


You will be creating new systems of society. All of your institutions have been tainted, by the machinations of black magic, and the 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming, so that you have been living in an inverted reality with so many secrets being used against you, to confound all of your dreams, to keep you stuck in the low vibrations and frequencies of this dense 3rd Dimensional duality, but now you are freeing those chains of servitude from yourselves, and all of Humanity, and from Beloved Mother Gaia herself, You are rising on up into the highest frequencies of love & light. An yes, you will be called upon to do things, that you can’t ever remember doing before. But your faith, your knowingness, your beingness of who you are, and complete trust in the power of love, will enable you to create these heart centered 5th Dimensional lifestyles, and to preserve the integrity of this 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you, once again, the Kumara roses, Take as many as you like into your hearts. They represent the high frequencies, sounds, & colors of the different dimensions, where there are little or no polarity. They are a symbol of us being in mission together to bring your freedoms, & achieving Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.


Namaste Beloveds. Goodnight. We love you ever so much, and so long for now.



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