Monday, January 15, 2024

1-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-10-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sananda, I am very happy to be with you again on this call.


Yes, so much is happening, so much forward movement into the light is being made. And we are seeing these players of the Cabal running for cover, because they know what is about to transpire. You cannot fake the records of the flight transcripts of those who have been to Epstein Island. You cannot fake the bank records of all of the LLC transactions made to the individual accounts of the 19 family members of the Biden Crime Family.


No matter how Biden’s cronies rail against these impeachment proceedings, against the House Oversite Committee opening the can of worms about All of their illicit activities. It's not going to go away, because of you. Because you are the people that are supposed to be represented by this President, and by all of the members of the House of Representatives, & the Senate. And that has not been happening. There has been a sham government for 3 years now. And it is time that it is exposed. And with it all of these control structures of the 3-D Matrix are going to be dismantled in such a divine way, that we cannot help but be overjoyed.


Because yes, this control system of the Cabal has given them an unfair advantage over Humanity for these thousands upon thousands of years. And all of the evil that has been done is because they were able to keep you distracted. And to keep you on this continuous cycle of fulfilling your survival needs. And all of the time making it very difficult for you to do so. Because every time you thought you were making traction, & climbing up the ladder up into financial prosperity & abundance, some random event like work needing to done on your car, or a washing machine would drag you back into the density of the 3rd Dimensional Reality. You kept on struggling with for all of the years of your incarnation in this lifetime.


Yes, all of the previous lifetimes had their requirements with the energy dynamics of your Planet to keep you locked down in frequency & vibration, so that you could not unify yourselves. You could not be in the creative energies of being once again in unity consciousness. But all of this is about to change. And you are going to be seeing this very graphically play out in this time frame, whereby you will move into this next stage of integrating Ascension Protocols.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your heart. They are an emblem, a symbol of the love we share with you of being in mission together, with you being the ground crew. We could not be doing this mass Ascension protocol on your Beloved Planet without you. You have made it possible, and you will continue to make it possible to bring about this mass Ascension. And for Humanity to once again be in the Golden Ages on the 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way. Call us in whenever you like. Namaste and so long for now.

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