Monday, January 1, 2024

12-27-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-27-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. I am so very happy to be with you once again on this call


Beloveds yes. you are in your holiday season, and even though this is not the time of the birth of my Twin Soul Sananda. It is still a wondrous time for all of us, on the ships, to behold all of Humanity coming together, and the feeling of love permeating your Beloved Planet in a way that is always intriguing for us, that you are given this one Day when it is universally accepted to love each other, and to celebrate that nature of your being that is Divine, that is of the God Essence.


Beloveds yes, we are all One. We are empowered with the light of love, & even though this Cabal has done everything within their databases to trick us, to manipulate us, and to lie to us continuously about who they are, and how they have our best interests at heart. The Truth is being made known about who they really are, and what their intentions are, and have always been. It has always been about control.


It has always been about them enslaving Humanity and using us as a food source. And I say myself, Sananda, and Mother Mary, as well as all of the other Beloved Beings, who we were in mission with us in that lifetime. We felt their anger, their judgements, their blame continuously, but we found ways to rise up in frequency & vibration & to make choices that empowered us. This is what you are being faced with, because yes, you are in Ascension mode. This is why we wanted to be here, to free Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of Humanity, and all of the Kingdoms of Beloved Mother Gaia.


It is happening. We see the energy streamers. We feel you rise up in frequency & vibration. We even see & feel how your choices are being changed, because you are now being guided by the light, and your teams, to rise up over the accumulation of fear & guilt and all of these lower vibrations, that this Cabal has perpetrated upon you with their black magic, all of their 3-D Matrix mind control systems. But they cannot touch you. They cannot intimidate you when you are in the 5th Dimension, and beyond of course.


We are with you every time you call us in to help you strengthen this bridge into being on your 5th Dimensional Timeline. It is such a very beautiful process for us to behold. Beloveds, we are One, and you are starting to feel your strength through the power of love.


We love you ever so much. Namaste, and now Beloved Sananda is going to come in.

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