4-30-24 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear
Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here
once again on this call tonight
you have raised the level and the frequency of your vibration higher &
higher through these many years of being awakened, and for using your
imaginations to call forth being in the 5th Dimension. You are
calling forth this knowing to allow yourselves to see it transpire on the
material plane. But that awareness in the higher dimensions with this
knowingness of having all of your strands of DNA connected and having the power
centers running on full optimal functionality enables you to be in the 5th
You are
coming to that Beloved Place where this is happening in phases, by steps,
rising up in frequency & vibration of more & more Beloved Beings on
your Planet awakening. Each of you calling forth the Truth & calling forth
more love & light into your high heart centers, calling forth the ability
to integrate & assimilate these higher light encodements that are streaming
in to take you through these next phases of integrating Ascension protocols.
Yes, we are
guiding you all the way through this process of mass Ascension. This is the
payoff for that lifetime of being hung on the cross. Fulfilling the prophecies.
Because Beloveds you are at the end of Passover right now. Passover was when
the King called forth the oldest male child of every family to be murdered, to
be slain. My death on the cross was a balancing of that energy of freeing
Humanity from the wickedness of this evil of mass murder.
Well, this
mass murder has manifested over these past 2,000 years in the form of abortion,
in the form of mass wars on your Beloved Planet, and ritual Satanic sacrifices,
to be imbued with this level of evil & narcissistic mind control, that has
created so much separation and hatred on your Beloved Planet.
But it has
pushed Humanity to the brink whereby so many of the Beloveds on this Planet have
awakened because they know that nothing ever changes unless the evil is called
out and held accountable for their crimes, for all of the confusion &
separation, and fear that has been generated, by the dogmas, throughout all of
their institutions. It is only those Beloveds of Humanity, who are pure of
heart and mind, who listen to the murmurings of their I AM Presence &
Guidance Teams who find a way of creating their own narratives based on the
love & light that they are.
This is what
makes your race invincible at this time, Beloveds. Because more & more Beloved
Beings are having these wakeup moments whereby they are knowing the power of
love & co-creating their reality around this power of love. Whether it be
with us, The Ascended Masters, or these specific deities, such as they made me
into Jesus Christ in this book of the Bible, and then Buddha has his book.
Krsna and Arjuna have their book, and Mohammed has his book, & Zoroastrianism
has its book. But all of those books have been tainted over the years by the
All of those
books are old. Yes, there are some lovely passages in each & every one of
those books, but there is also much that is heinous in nature, and that is just
not plain true. So Beloveds, you have been mired in this dense duality for such
a long time. And now you are waking up, and you have been awakened. But you are
awakening to the point where you are calling forth accountability so the
changes can be made into creating removal of all of these Satanic influences on
your Planet. So that you are enabling yourself to rise up onto the 5th
Dimensional timeline and create new societies, unleashing this power of love in
such a far-reaching, overarching way that soon you will forget about what you
have been through in this lifetime. And only focus on the joy that you are feeling
of experiencing these higher attributes of being in the 5th
My Mary’s
come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses in
honor of each and every one of you for being here at this time, for being in
mission with us, for feeling this Oneness with all of us, to bring about
Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.
Beloveds, we
love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite.
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