Tuesday, May 28, 2024

5-22-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-22-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with you all once again.


Beloveds, once again we shine our love & light into each & every one of your hearts. We call for you in this Now moment to let go of any worries & doubts, anything that you feel is foreboding in the future. And we are calling forth all of us as One Consciousness to rise up together in the highest frequencies of love & light so that we meet these tests & challenges head-on.


Beloveds we are all doing it together. There is no separation, and you know fear is a lie and love is the Truth; the Truth of who you really are as a divine interdimensional sovereign being, eternal & infinite energy, which you are because within each & every one of your hearts. You have this connection into the Godhead. And with your intentional requirements, you unleash the power of this love to make it manifest on the material plane. This is what you have been doing all throughout this lifetime, Beloveds.


Because yes, you had many years before you went through the various body cycles, became aware of your powers, and allowed yourself to awaken. Now you have been through many cycles of being awakened, and calling forth changes by raising the level of your frequency & vibration to empower Humanity, to liberate yourselves, and Beloved Mother Gaia, and accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet and now you see all of these plans come to fruition. You feel the foundations of the institutions on your planet, which have been so very corrupted against Humanity, to control you, to lie, cheat, & steal from you to rig elections, anything to keep themselves in power and to keep on enslaving you and having you be the worker bees.


Those days are ending Beloveds because more & more of the Truth is coming out and with each of these revelations you are positioning yourselves to bring in NESARA whereby you will empower constitutional law and completely get rid of the Admiralty law, which we call pay for play. Some of these laws are so diabolical we are abhorred by the way you have been taken advantage of. Because here it is that you were imprinted to trust these institutions and they were just set up in ways to control you, strip you of your power, and make you more afraid to do whatever they wanted you to do. To gain money off of you, and make themselves continuously more powerful.


But those days are ending because they, the Cabal, are being brought to their military tribunals. They are being stopped dead in their tracks. You see what Humanity is capable of when they are calling forth for accountability. So many Humans have expired on your Beloved Planet. Their families were horrified. They saw healthy beings turned into old & wretched carcasses, mere shadows of themselves when they took this Jab.


This has been one of the major educations that Humanity has gone through since its inception on your Beloved Planet, to see the amount of hatred being waged against them, being waged against you by this Cabal, but instead of going for the drama it has taken a cool steady hand, and a detached heart & mind to look at all of the different aspects of the control mechanisms of this Cabal, and take away their power by not feeding them any longer and calling them out in the courts, doing it all by the book, and having the evidence revealed of their heinous crimes against Humanity.


Beloveds, this is a time of transformation. Yes, you will feel many growing pains, but we are all doing it together. You are very loved by all of the universe. You will feel this change multiply. You are feeling the power of love being unleashed on your Beloved Planet. You are feeling it already. This deeper level of compassion is being transmitted to each of your hearts & minds, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste, and now my Twin Soul Sananda is coming in.


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