Monday, July 15, 2024

7-10-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-10-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with you all again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, let us open up our hearts and feel this love & light shining into our hearts in high frequency & vibration. Allowing ourselves to let go and be in the Now moment at zero point to fill ourselves up with this love & light, and to radiate these high frequencies, to raise the level of the collective consciousness and with our intentional requirements to awaken all of Humanity to prepare Humanity for this Event of the Truth because yes, so many of them have no clue of what needs to happen on your Beloved Planet so that Humanity can move forward and assure their survival.


It seems if we were allowed to go on as they projected on to us, by this Cabal, you would have been a transhumanist race, and you would have lost all of your freedom, but that is not going to happen because the Councils of Heaven saw that this was a very real probability. And so they issued this Clarion Call all throughout space & time, for all of you Beloved Starseeds, Wanderers you were called also, to volunteer to be here at this time to set the record straight and to align with the parameters of your mission in bringing about Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.


This is what you have agreed to. You have agreed to do the heavy lifting and now you are seeing the rewards and benefits energy-wise of what you are feeling in your hearts each & every moment now. All you have to do is let go and make your intentional requirements for what you want to see, feel, and be in the Now moment. We are with you in this mission. We are up on the ships. We are providing guidance here, as we see these moves made on the 5-D chessboard being made.


Yes, you have a very desperate group of Cabalistas who are willing to do anything to hold onto their perceived power to enslave Humanity. Their control systems are eroding because they have lost control of the money supply on your Beloved Planet. And more & more of the Truth comes out about how they have cheated, stolen, and lied time after time to all of Humanity through their propaganda machine of the mainstream media. This has been going on for quite some time.


Even before the time when there was the printed word the Town Criers would do the bidding of whoever paid them to tell the story the way the Cabal wanted, Yes, this Cabal has always had these royal banking families as the higher echelon of their control structure. As the eye of the pyramid, if you will. But now that whole control structure is rapidly eroding because so much of the Truth is coming out. So many Beloved Beings are at that point of Truth within their being they are willing to do anything to win back freedom, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, and you are supporting them in these meditations. In your own meditations when you allow yourself to rise up in frequency & vibration and make your own intentional requirements. It could be for the day, for NESARA to unfold, to be fully implemented.


Whatever it is you are empowering Humanity, by being in mission with us as the ground crew. Now we are seeing all that we have been calling forth unfold, and we know that it is imminent that Ascension happens on your Beloved Planet because we know the Event of the Truth is about to transpire. All along we have been saying to you, Beloveds. Yes, we need to be patient. This is taking much longer than any of us had hoped for. But it is being done the right way. It is being done in such a way that all evil is being eradicated from Beloved Mother Gaia, and by doing so you are eradicating all the evil in the universe.


This is so very important. This is the main reason why all of you volunteered to be here in this cycle of this Ascension lifetime to bring about Ascension en masse to Beloved Mother Gaia for the liberation of Humanity on Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now my twin soul Sananda is going to come in.

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