Sunday, July 21, 2024

7-17-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-17-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you all once again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, there is much uncertainty happening on your Beloved Planet. There is much confusion about what happened with Beloved President Trump. Beloveds, we say let go trying to figure it out because in the Now moment, he is alive & well.  


Yes, you could call it a come-to-God moment that preserved his body to house his soul. Many have said he was delivering a com by talking about his shoes. Saying that yes, you have pierced my body, but you could never have my soul. To us, this is so beautiful because it is a reminder to all of Humanity that this Cabal can perpetrate such violence and hatred, separation and fear.


But Beloveds, you don’t have to go for it. The power of love is always stronger. You, in the coming days, will be an emblem of this power of love being propagated throughout the consciousness of all of Humanity. Yes, our mission is to raise the collective consciousness continuously. So that all of you Beloved Beings of Humanity are awakened and commit to expediting your Ascension processes to accelerate it on your Beloved Planet and bring it to completion.


Beloveds, we are shining our love & light continuously into your hearts and psyches for you to rise above these low vibrations of fear, separation, and hatred and all of this ugliness that this Cabal loves to feed off of on you,  your energy and yes, this is the defining moment of Humanity because you have the choice to be in these high vibrations, to know that you are loved & supported by the universe as these changes, as the transformation into the light happens, where you once again rise up into being on the 5th Dimensional Timeline in creating your new societies. This wisdom, this compassion with the overview of the bigger picture into a joyous and harmonious future where these Beloved Children procreate the species of Humanity into the future on your 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Beloveds, we are acutely aware of the days to come when you must make choices you have never made before. But Beloveds, there is no wrong choice. Just remember that all you experience on the material plane is a hologram, and you are infinite, eternal, sovereign beings, Beloveds. This was my transmission to Humanity in that lifetime of being hung on the cross, where now I am called Jesus Christ by many. I was continuously saying in all of my sermons we are One. We are born of the same energy.


We are empowered by love & light, and we can radiate the transmission we were created with. Once you allow yourself to fully step into the light, to rise up in frequency & vibration you know how good it feels, and you know you can create the reality from this place of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.


This is manifesting as more & more of Humanity wakes up, Beloveds. My Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like of these high-vibrational roses. They resonate in high frequencies of color, sound, and light. They are a symbol of our union together, of you, Beloveds, being the ground crew in mission with us to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. We are One, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.

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