Saturday, September 7, 2024

9-4-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-4-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this conference call with you all, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, yes, you are at this place of the countdown looming large over your Beloved Planet with this Cabal. This is why Beloveds, once again, we ask you to be ever aware, fulfilling your mission of being the ground crew. We are shining our love & light in high frequency & vibration into raising the level of the collective consciousness of all of Humanity.


Beloveds, yes, each moment of the day you have the opportunity to feel these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension, and when you do you cut off the supply of loosh to this 3rd Dimensional Matrix mind control programming and all of its devices & delivery systems.


They want control so very badly. But now Humanity, as so many of you Beloveds awaken you want your freedom. You want Truth and Justice also. You want to know the whole story. You want to know all of their secrets, and this is what it takes to hold them accountable because yes, we are all children of God. But they made their choices to support the mission of these fallen angels to make themselves deities, and in the way that in their demented, twisted minds think they are equal to Creator-Source. They are not because death & destruction are the opposite of Creation. It is a part of Creation, but it is only one aspect of it. And that does not make the total experience for being a God, for being the Creator.


As a matter of fact, they can’t create. They are just using the energies that you are putting forth and feeding off of you. When you feel that you are right on the cusp of Humanity having this major awakening whereby you are realizing what they have done to the children. Now former President Trump said a week or so ago that the numbers coming out from the Border Patrol estimated that there were 350,000 children that once they passed into the United States disappeared. When people put that together with child and Human sex trafficking, with these ritual Satanic sacrifices, and with children being held in cages in underground military bases and tunnels, then it makes sense.


Then you see the bigger picture of the heinous aspects of the control systems of this Cabal. Then you realize that if you want Humanity to survive this all has to stop. That is what we see transpiring each & every moment of the day, Beloveds. You have so many people on your Planet putting their lives on the line to disseminate the Truth. This is a heartfelt, balanced event for us to observe because yes, we have been there. Myself, Sananda, Mother Mary, and many of the Apostles and Disciples also have their experiences with going up against this Cabal. But once you realize that they are powerless, when you allow yourself to be in the higher dimensions of reality. You realize the power of love, and you have such great love for yourself, Creator-Source, and all of Humanity, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

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