9-4-24 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear
Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this
call with you all once again tonight.
yes, you are going through such a very intense time right now. You are being
squeezed by this Cabal over & over again with inflation, with so many lies
that it makes your head spin, but yes, you have the power of discernment. You
know what the Truth feels like in your heart. This gives you a marked advantage
over very many Beloved Beings of Humanity, who have still been struggling with
getting off their imprints, and really seeing the Truth of the love & light
that they are.
yes, you are coming upon what we are calling this moment of the Truth, this
Event of the Truth, But first, you may have an Event such as a Black Swam
coming into your reality. So this means that something very detrimental to Humanity
such as a false flag, the implosion of the old financial system, or perhaps a
nuclear attack, but that nuclear attack will not be brought to completion
because all of us on the ships possess the advanced technology to stop it right
in its tracks.
you are at this place where the power of love in your heart is blossoming. It
is unfolding in a bouquet of joy, understanding, and wisdom, of all these
attributes of being in the 5th Dimension.
this Event will be very heavy for some of you, but for those who have awakened
who have been doing the work. You will see it as a moment of liberation because
in your hearts you know what it signifies. It is the liberation of Humanity
from these slave masters of the Cabal. You have put forth much effort to reach
this point of waking up all of Humanity.
This has
been your main focus of being in mission as the ground crew to raise the
frequency and the level of the vibration so that it will transmit into the
hearts & minds of all of Humanity in the collective unconsciousness to wake
them up, to ready them for this Event of the Truth and for taking their power
back, and for understanding who they really are as divine, sovereign,
interdimensional Cosmic beings.
Beloveds, we
honor you. We are with you every step of the way. My Marys coming into the
middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as
you like in their high frequencies and vibrations of sound, color, and light.
They are a symbol of us working together to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia to
bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. They are a symbol of our
Oneness and our love for each other.
Beloveds, we
love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.
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