Tuesday, October 8, 2024

10-2-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

10-2-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be once again with all of you tonight on this Beloved call.

Beloveds, feel gratitude. Feel yourself and all of the energies that are coming in onto your Planet and into your high heart center when you breathe in, when you are in meditation, when you are feeling this love in your heart. Beloveds you continue to go through these stages of increasing your inner flow of energy, of integrating these higher light encodements and accelerating your Ascension process. It is so very important for you to allow yourself to be in the Now moment, to breathe into your high heart center, to feel this love & light that you are.

Beloveds you are supported by the Cosmos in going through this Ascension process. All eyes are on you, and not just from the ships that are parked at the periphery of your solar system but all over the Cosmos. You are doing something that hasn’t been done. You are removing the evil of the Satanic Cults that have enslaved you for thousands upon thousands of years.

Yes, these slave masters are Satanists. They do unspeakable, heinous things to keep themselves in power. They are aligned with these fallen angels who constitute the deities of what we call Satanism. Beloveds, it is all a con job that is based on Humanity’s thinking that duality and the 3rd Dimension is all there is. That was working for a very, very long time until people en masse started to raise the level of their frequency & vibration, some of them with hallucinogenic drugs, some of them following what the masters of eastern spiritual practices had worked on for many lifetimes, and that spread into the consciousness of the western countries.

Yes, there has been music to raise the level of consciousness, which is a form of vibrational healing, but now more so than ever people are paying attention to what the Truth is. Because Beloveds, Truth has a feeling that is discernible inside of your body. The sound of Truth cannot be faked. The rationale of Truth cannot be overstated because things happen in a logical step by step process, and to be in alignment with this process creates the momentum of helping others to awaken and to see, feel and be that Truth, which is in alignment with your true divine Cosmic, sovereign nature, Beloveds.

You are all in process during this lifetime to Ascend. But Beloveds, you had to learn so many different things about clearing polarities, letting go of the pain of trauma that you experienced in the past, and healing the inner child splinter that all of you had when you were young and that signified your brain growing and you entering the threshold of duality to really begin in earnest to learn your life lessons in this particular lifetime, with as time when on, you awakened more & more fully, and you understood that this was the Ascension lifetime that you had been working for, for many, many lifetimes building up to this very one.

Beloveds, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each & every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. We are sending the energies from the left to the right clockwise into each other’s hearts, and with our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and feel this Oneness of being joined together in this Now moment.

We are calling in the rays of energy of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.

Now we are spiraling clockwise from your crown, into your central column of energy, through your high heart center, down through the soles of your feet, and out through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.

Here Beloveds, you can feel her heart, wisdom, knowledge, compassion, her commitment to all living beings on your Planet to bring about Ascension to completion in this window of opportunity. We love her ever so much. She has been holding the energies for our Ascensions, and she will continue to do this as we bring this Ascension process to completion. We honor her for all she is and all she does. We love her so very much.

Now we are rising to the surface, through our center below, through the soles of our feet, through our high heart center, and into our crown. Spiraling clockwise from your center above to your center below. We require with the speed efficiency & accuracy of the speed of our thoughts to lift ourselves up off of the surface of the Planet.

We are rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres and coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved ship the Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.

Now it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am closing the door and pushing a button to take us rapidly up to the top floor where our Crystalline Healing Room is, and we are feeling these energies of the Nibiru, feeling this Oneness with them, and also feeling the Oneness with the crew of the Nibiru, who have joined our meditations, because they realized that these meditations were affecting them in a very positive way. Then they understood when I told them that we were doing this for all of the universe to raise the level of the vibration & frequency to rid this universe of the evil that had been running your Beloved Planet for thousands upon thousands of years. We love them and we honor them for all they are and all they do.

Now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us. Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bi-located consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.

Now, we are moving through the crowd and coming into the middle of this gigantic room, and we are forming a circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We are sending the energy from our hearts through our circle into the Mentor’s circle, and into the outer circles. We are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing these high frequencies & vibrations of the crystals that comprise this healing room. We are feeling all of the different Dimensions that are represented here, and also in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings either onsite or bi-locating to us from all over the Cosmos.

Beloveds, this is where we ask you to form your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling more peace in your lives, with being able to open up your hearts in the Now moment, to feel the power of love pulsate through you, and guide you as these changes to your reality start to happen in the Now moment. Whatever is is Beloveds, send these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.

And for all of us on this meditation tonight. We require that more & more of the Truth come out, and that people are affected greatly by the implications of what continues to mount in favor of disbanding the government in the United States, of rectifying the erroneous election results that enabled the current regime which was a foreign takeover to transpire, and to remove all vestiges of that foreign takeover with the help of all the Beloved Beings in the military who are defending the Constitution, who are in alignment with the oaths that they have taken to the Constitution to support and defend it.

Beloveds, we are shining our intentional requirements for Peace and harmony all throughout your Beloved Planet into the Master Crystal and shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Descending through the many layers of atmospheres. Coming upon the periphery of your Beloved Planet, and coming down onto the surface.

We are shining our love & light to raise the collective consciousness of all of Humanity and transmitting this divine perfection of your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting to activate all of the strands of your DNA and power centers within the totality of your being into this place of full optimal functionality, Beloveds, preparing you for integrating all of these remaining stages of Ascension protocols, and integrating the higher light encodements, to bring about the completion of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. And in the Now moment to enable Humanity to feel this love & compassion for one another, as these changes transpire in this war of the light versus evil on your Planet.

Yes, there will be many encounters and different interactions, some of them will be in the form of Earth changes and shifts, some in the tectonic plates, and there will be resolution all throughout your Beloved Planet of letting go of the control structures of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming. It will be fractalized & disincorporated because all of Humanity during this Event of the Truth will make their intentional requirements, Beloveds, to rid your Planet of these lies, tricks, & deceptions, of the control structures that have been foisted upon you by black magicians and all these Beloved Beings of the Satanic Cults who went for the con job of the Fallen Angels to control your Planet in the heinous nature that they were taught. All of these components of their control structure we see being removed.

We are shining the light all over your Beloved Planet to the pockets of energy where this Cabal has taken over on the surface, underneath the surface. We are now seeing them being released of this control structure because it is being fractalized and disincorporated, and all of their lies are being revealed. They are being held accountable in military tribunals. They are sentenced and these sentences are carried out, and they are removed from your Beloved Planet.

Beloveds, we ask you to breathe into your high heart centers and feel the depth, passion, & wisdom of this love that is the core essence of your being. You all volunteered to be here in this Now moment to accelerate Ascension on this Beloved Planet, to awaken all of Humanity, and deliver Humanity from the clutches of evil, and in this Now moment you are making these intentional requirements come to fruition.

Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and so long for now. And now Maria Magdalena will come in.

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