Sunday, October 13, 2024

10-9-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be on this conference call with you again tonight.


Beloveds, yes, you can feel the energies be of such high vibration & frequency. You can feel on many different fronts the Truth coming out, and people such as yourselves who have awakened are in a better-equipped position to connect up the dots now, and to see the way things really work on your Beloved Planet ever since this Cabal has been running the show.


You hear all these stories about deployments of the National Guard and this impending EBS broadcast. Beloveds, whatever happens, you are loved & supported by the universe. Your love & light shine the way to guide you through all these twists & turns necessary for Humanity and Beloved Mother Gaia to go through at this time, because yes, all of the old structures of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming have to be released. They have to be fractalized & disincorporated so that the new energies can come in via the implementation of NESARA. But Beloveds, that is only the starting point because then all of you get to recreate your societies based on what you know now and give credence to as the Truth because yes, the Truth has a deep feeling inside of your body.


You have to be courageous to breathe into your high-heart center and allow yourself to feel it, be it, see it, and propagate it out to all of Humanity. Yes Beloveds, it has taken quite a long time for us to get to this point where we in this one fell swoop can slide into this second wave of integrating Ascension protocols.


Yes, this Cabal has their backs up against the wall. They are afraid, and yes, we don’t have so much fear on our part for them to feed off of anymore. They will try Directed Energy Weapons, they will try to foment another war, a big World War. But Beloveds, we see that people have discerned the patterns of their manipulations to control reality, to keep you tied down in low frequency & vibration, to steal all of your wealth, to make you sick long before your time, to depart your physical body on this Planet.


It is coming into clear vision for all who have awakened, and by your meditations, your intentional requirements for all of Humanity to awaken in the collective consciousness. You are putting forth this equation each & every day to accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. This is the reason why you volunteered to be here Beloveds. You knew that when you heard this clarion call from the Councils of Heaven to come into this Now moment at the end of this 26,000-year cycle it would be an Ascension lifetime. It would be the harvest of the souls, and that is what you are experiencing right now in grand fashion, Beloveds.


This Cabal has been allowed to get away with so much; so many lies, deceptions, & tricks, so many wars, and so much death & destruction to give glory to their Satanic deities. But now Humanity is finding out what those Satanic deities demand of them, and that is to take over your DNA, by wreaking havoc and taking the lives of many children and creating terror amongst children so that they have more loosh to feed off of.


These heinous acts of Narcissism, greed, and entanglement, of living in an inverted reality are now about to catch up with them, Beloveds. They cannot hide. They cannot take a spaceship & leave this Planet, and go to another one. They themselves are now locked down the same way, they had you locked down in low frequency and vibration, and this survival game of theirs where they control the money system, they control all of the institutions of Humanity, and now the chains are being broken on all of Humanity to rise up in high frequency and vibration. You have been integrating these higher light encodements, particularly for these last 4 years, while more & more of the Truth has come out.


You see which individuals are speaking the sound of the Truth and which are just gaslighting Humanity. Saying this and saying that, but it has no connection to the Truth of the reality that is being made, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle. Shining our love & light around this circle, allowing ourselves to be in the Now moment, to slow down and relax with our breathing, and to feel this Oneness of us being joined together in this Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy. The Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst, and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now all of us spiraling clockwise from the center above, to the center below, through your crown, through your central column of energy, through your high heart center, out the soles of your feet, down through your center below, underneath the surface, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.


Here we feel her love, her compassion, her wisdom, and her commitment to all of Humanity to bring about Ascension en masse to completion to anyone who chooses the light on her Beloved Planet. We honor her for all she is and all she does, and all of the eons upon eons that she has held the energy of this Beloved Planet for us to exponentially grow, learning our life lessons, feeling and being the truth of who we really are, and why we all incarnated into physicality.


Now we are rising up to the surface, through the center below, through the soles of our feet, into our high-heart centers, up through our crown, and spiraling clockwise from the center above to the center below. We are lifting up off of the surface of your Planet.


It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts we are rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system where there are multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved ship the Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising through, hovering in the airlock as the landing deck closes beneath us.


Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown, and we are making our way to an open elevator. We are all getting in. I am pushing a button to close the door, and pushing another button to take us rapidly up to the top floor where our crystalline healing room is. We are feeling this Oneness. We are feeling the energies of the Nibiru, and this Oneness with the crew of the Nibiru, who have been joining these meditations with us because they realized that we were doing it together for the entire universe to be rid of Satanism, of this evil that has propagated itself in the logjam of the energies on your Beloved Planet. We honor them, and we love them oh so much for who they are and what they contribute to this meditation within their experiential knowledge.


Now, we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us. Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets from all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. We are moving through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. We are forming a circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets.


As we do this the Mentors form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We send the energy through our circle, from heart to heart, from the left to the right, into the Mentor’s circle, and the outer circles.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. We are absorbing the consciousness to all of the crystals that represent all of the levels of consciousness, all of the densities, also called dimensions, and we are absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings either onsite or bilocating to us on this meditation tonight from all over the Cosmos. We are feeling this Oneness, this love of being in mission with all of you Beloved Beings to accelerate Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.


For all of you on this call tonight, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling more love & light in each moment of the day so that you feel yourself being guided by these high frequencies of love & light to open up your hearts even wider, to take more of this love & light into overflowing, and to create from this place of knowingness, beingness, and discernment in this Now moment to accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


For all of us on this meditation tonight. We call for Peace. We call for the Truth to be made known of how each of us are brothers & sisters and how we are all One on this Beloved Planet, and how we move through each & every day, and we have the opportunity to open our hearts, to make our intentional requirements for Peace to propagate, for us to release all of the fear & separation based programming. And for our Truth to expose the lies of this Cabal, Beloveds.


We are shining these intentional requirements with our love & light into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, descending through the many layers of atmospheres. We are coming upon the periphery of your Beloved Planet and onto the surface. We are transmitting, as One consciousness, all of us into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity. We are calling for the Truth to be made known, and for each & every Beloved Being to awaken and to choose the light in everything they say, think, and do; to feel this Oneness with all of Humanity, with all of the spirits, their Guidance teams, their I AM Presence. This intentional requirement of bringing about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


We are calling forth the exposure of all of the members of the Cabal in having their military tribunals, being exposed for their actions, for their secret societies, for their secret handshakes, for their ritual abuses of Children.


We are calling forth the Truth to be made known in its totality, which some call hard disclosure, but what we know to be the elixir to propagate love and compassion throughout your Beloved Planet. Truth is Beauty, Beloveds. It allows you to be at this place of zero point. It takes away all of the secrets, all of the manipulations, and it brings out the glory of Creator-Source in a very articulate and harmonious way, Beloveds.


We are shining our love & light into each and every one of Humanity’s hearts. We are calling forth the end of all wars, the end of all hatred and judgment and blame. In other words, for you to renounce your 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming because Now Beloveds, you see that it has been the big albatross around your neck, a millstone that has been weighing you down, and has been tricking you into giving your power away to this Cabal.


They want you to be ever serious and worrying, so they have this low vibrational energy to feed off of. But Beloveds, now you are seeing and feeling this power of love because people are starting to talk to one another about what they really feel, and to some people, it doesn’t even matter if they are judged. They just know that this is the time to make it real for themselves and everyone else too about what they are experiencing internally and externally.


You all can feel, to let go, to be the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, and to empower yourself with these high frequencies of love & light, to radiate them forth making your intentional requirements. Each & every day you are presented with tests & challenges, and now some of you are seeing that this can be a lot of fun because you know you are being guided by these high frequencies of love & light & supported by the universe, and all of the spirits therein to bring about the completion of this Ascension en masse, Beloveds.


When we come together with you in these meditations, for us on the ships it is a grand celebration because we feel your love for each other and for us. We shine our lovelight into your hearts, Beloveds.


We are calling in all of the children into the middle of our circle. It doesn’t matter if some of them are in happy homes, or hustling out on the streets to survive, or they have been locked in cages and never seen the light of day because their spirits are strong. They knew what they were doing when they made their soul contracts. They are giving it their all because they know what the payoff is, and that is the freedom of all of Humanity.


We love them ever so much. They came in with more strands of their DNA activated than the rest of us on your Beloved Planet. Yes, we are talking for you, getting inside your minds & hearts now. We want you to expand your consciousness when these imminent changes come in. We want you to feel that you have it. You got it. Everything will be alright because we are One, and there will always be a way by going through the steps of this process to feel those stretches to come up with choices that empower yourself with this feeling of the love & light that you are Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.


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