Thursday, February 1, 2018

January 24, 2018 Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones, 

So nice of you to all come on the call tonight and join together in your hearts for this celebration as we come together and share our energies in the Light and the Love that we are.  Yes, we have a Mission here to do tonight.  And again, it is in alignment with our Mission of bringing in Nesara. This is what our commander wishes us to do at this time, our Beloved Ashtar. 

So now, let us join together in the circle with our hands bilocating, my paw out to each of you and with our breathing, let ourselves rise up, up into the firmament, jetting along on the power of thought, Dear Beloved Ones. And don’t worry, you won’t fall. We wouldn’t want that to happen. 
And now approaching my ship and seeing the underbelly of it rising up into view and “Open”, says me.  And here we’re popping through the landing deck.  And walking back to the elevators here and stepping on one of them with our Circle intact, of course, and jetting right on up into the Crystal Room here. 

And now, opening the doors and coming into the celebration of all the Mentors and other Beings of Light, a lot of your ancestors and people that -- and Beings of Light that want to join us in this meditation because they know what time it is and what we are collectively creating, not just for ourselves on this planet but all throughout the multiverse here. 
So let us encircle our Beloved Altar with the Mentors encircling us, and continuing to breathe into the Heart Center to feel all these magnificent energies of our Beings of Light, of each other, and the crystals that resonate with the highest frequencies and highest of dimensions. And just allowing ourselves to spiral this energy of the room, starting at the bottoms of our feet and rising up into the ceiling here, going up and down and taking it all in, Dear Beloved Ones.  And allowing ourselves to feel at ease, to feel and be the Love and Light that we are. 

And yes, once again, I’d like to call forth this magical tool of Imagination. And our Dear Beloved Mary Magdalene is supporting us with her energy in this. She is in particular a Master of this.  And now, focusing our intents once more on letting – Nesara is what the Golden Age is for us, as it has already happened in this Now Moment.  

And breathing in that experience of feeling it deeply in every cell into our DNA.  And truly feeling and being the Oneness with these higher dimensions and higher vibrations, united with each other in Unity Consciousness. Throughout all time and space, united with that part of ourselves that is the Godhead or the Godself, if you will, the Higher Self. And sending this energy out through the Circle, through the whole room here, and then focusing it on the Crystal Alter here.

And now sending out this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy through the crystal using it as a shining beacon up through the top of my ship. It’s opening through the ceiling of this Beloved Room and pouring down as we travel along with it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia. And circling the planet in a spiral, going up and down, feeling its Beloved Flow of Energy.  And letting it intermingle and transit these high frequencies of high vibrational, inner-dimensional, upper-dimensional Love and Light into the subatomic particles of all living beings in all of the Kingdoms on Beloved Mother Gaia.  

And this is just a subtle taste of the direction that we are headed in with this Cosmic Blast, Dear Beloved Ones, ‘cause it will permeate every fiber, every subatomic particle of ourselves starting with our hearts and allowing us to feel our hearts beating in Oneness with all of creation with the hearts of all.

And starting from the atmosphere, and I know you can feel the ships up there, and sending them the LoveLight too. And spiraling down onto the surface and all down and through, down to the one side of the earth and back up again into the atmosphere a few times here. 
And now seeing ourselves above our Beloved North American Continent once more. And this is a work in progress, Dear Beloved Ones, because this system of tunnels underneath the surface, it is the haven for the cabal of these dark forces in league with very dark energies that are not particularly of the Human Realm and of the artificial intelligence programming that has allowed these less-than-one percenters, this cabal, to run their domination agendas for the whole of these 13,000 years.  

And these programs, this what I call the Main Frame Network of the AI has been around for millions of years, and it has achieved some very nefarious deeds, and wiped out whole civilizations across galaxies, if you will. So now’s the time where all the Beloved Beings and all of us Agents of the Light are coming together to transform this dynamic once and for all. And we’re shining. And you can breakout your crystals here like I’m breaking out my wand. 

And we’re going and traveling these networks all over and spinning the LoveLight, first all over this vast networking. Some 250-plus bases down there allows the military -- Some of them are the bastions of the dark ones -- for their control of the financial system and how they’ve been able with these programs, these codes, to manufacture money out of thin air up until very recently when they have been checkmated. And that checkmate continues to play out, Dear Beloved Ones, because, don’t you ever forget that the Light is stronger. It’s stronger than the fear and all the lower vibrations. 

And all we have to do is to be centered in the heart, and shine this LoveLight out and let it permeate and radiate. And it will catch on.  It will wake people up. And still going down through these tunnels. And so, picture yourself going on top of them even and energetically clearing all of that. And you can be spinning counterclockwise to remove all of the evil intents from the negative programming, from the dark agendas of these Reptilian races that still are bent on feeding off of our energies to keep us in the lower vibrations.  

(interference) And now, let us go forward to the Getty Museums, Disneyland and their underground bases there. Shine some LoveLight where the children are and with our breathing into the highest frequencies and shining down into the hearts of any beings that are being persecuted, that are in wait, that are slaves down there in these underground bases and shining the LoveLight on all of the spirits that won’t cross over because they are in so much mortal fear having been desecrated the way that they have and driven into such trauma. 

We’re sending them our intentional requirement of liberation and having them feel our Love in this Now Moment to help them make their transitions and to rise up. And all the other beings who are still alive, for them to know that we love them so much and we support them and they are never out of our thoughts and our consciousness.  And we truly revere their sacrifices because, Dear Beloved Ones, for all of them, this was a Soul Contract to experience these heinous acts and particularly at the end of this Cycle.  

And now, let us take a final little jaunt over to the East, and let us go to this place in Langley, Virginia, because this is a crown jewel of the intelligence community, the CIA. And we know that there’s some good people there, but there is some very still-dirty dealings going on just as there have been with these other intelligence agencies, such as the FBI and the other alphabet agencies.  

So, we’re going to shine the LoveLight on them and not give them anything lower vibrational to feed off of so their power can dry up, and that the Truth will become so transparent. They will truly be amazed, maybe even shocked at what the Truth is ‘cause as they know, they’ve been told that they are in the highest levels of intelligence. And it’s rarely the case that they are. There’s always several levels above. It’s just the dynamics of this Rubrics Cube -- AI playing out in real time.  

And now blessing all of these Beloved Beings for the roles that they have played. And letting them know that these roles are soon to end.  And So It Is.  

And Dear Beloved Ones, we greatly appreciate your service in this exercise tonight. And we ask you to keep your vibrations high. And it will really help you with these Ascension Energies that are pouring forth on your planet. 

We love you so very much.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Ones

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