Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mother Sekhmet February 21, 2018, by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones,

We are so happy and enthused tonight to be here again to do another Heart-to- Heart Meditation in our Communion at these times of great upliftment on your planet. And even though the challenges we see going on still are unfolding, we also see all of these other actions by this, what you call, the Alliance that are making great progress and headway at this time.  

And there is so much for us to come together about and feel the Love, Joy and Passion for ourselves and our lives and our creation of these Meditations that have helped to raise the level of Love and Light on your Beloved Planet and all throughout the cosmos. 

So, we will endeavor here to come together in this Now Moment with my paw extending to you and joining in our Circle. And with our breathing, feeling this energy and our intentions to lift up and jettison ourselves up throughout the atmosphere here with the Power of Thought, speeding along until we approach the bottom deck of my ship. And now I am opening it with my Conscious Intention, and we are popping through this airlock and right on the landing deck here and walking back to the bank of elevators.

And through this Beloved Elevator that’s carrying us up to our Crystal Room right in the top portion of the ship. And now opening up the door and completely walking out together in our Circle, and feeling the energies of all the spirits here, the Mentors, our ancestors and all of the Beloved Beings from the ships who have come to do this meditation with us. And now circling around our Alter, the inner Circle with the outer Circle of the Mentors and then our ancestors and breathing into this wonderful energy in this beloved Crystal Room.  

And let our intention tonight be for the unfoldment with ease and grace of the announcements of NESARA. Once again, we see the opportunity here as the Spring approaches, and the matter of so many actions being taken right now give us the feeling that we are on the right track, and that our energies will manifest in the ways we desire. And that in this Now Moment, it is already done. So, feeling these high frequencies, as we spiral our energy up and throughout this Crystal Room and into the Heart Centers of each other, all over and all through this room, this space in this crystalline energy.
And once again, let us each place our visions for what the unfoldment and the announcements of NESARA will mean in our own Missions and what we envision happening as we firmly anchor these energies of the Golden Age in. And all of the Love and the Light that we have for our creations, and the sharing from heart to heart with so many people, we will come in contact with as our creations grow and spread out and affect so many people. And energetically they will be felt all over the cosmos. Because, Dear Beloved Ones, this is the way that we anchor these high vibrational frequencies of Love that NESARA will enable now, now that we won’t have to be on survival mode, now that the crystalline grid will be activated. 

And so, to get to this point and to see this and feel this with the energies coming into the planet, breath by breath, is stunning for us.  We see all of the energy streamers from where we are on the ships. And we can tell you that it’s happening.  And its’s not a mystery to us. And even though your main stream media and the illusion of duality would have you believe it’s otherwise -- that it is really taking off here, that everything is enfolding in a procession of these Ascension Protocols opening up and their promise being fulfilled.  

So, with light hearts, let us shine our LoveLight, joined together with all of the Dear Beloved Beings in this room and all over the Ashtar Command who are together with us in spirit at this moment.  And send our energies into the crystals tonight to go out through the top of my ship and down to cascade in a spiral over your planet as we follow these energies down.  

And from the atmosphere to the surface and below the surface through Gaia’s core, that Beloved Crystalline Ball of Energy right at the core and all the way down through the other side and up. And sending it up and down in progression a few times to thoroughly saturate all of the subatomic particles there of the DNA of all of the living beings, and sending them this message of Unconditional, Universal Love in the highest of inter-dimensional frequencies. 
In other words, letting them feel the oneness of all of creation coming together in this Now Moment to lift them up out of the illusion of duality and into the Truth of who they really are, which Dear Beloved Ones, NESARA is a kick start, if you will, into that Beloved Golden Age Reality.  

So, just breathing into it and seeing ourselves hovering over all these places that the cabal would have us think are hot spots of confrontation, these places like Korea and Iran, and their underground bases and the oceans there. And spiraling down to these bases and filling them with the LoveLight, just as we are visiting and sending the energy into all of the installations where these atomic bombs and missiles are said to be housed and all other armaments and agents of war. 

And let us go to the Antarctic where there’s still some activity going on of a very nefarious type. And shining our LoveLight from the surface all the way down into these bases and through them and spiraling down. And going up and down a few times here uplifting the energies.  

And now let us take a little trek over to that very esteemed place in your country of your nation’s capital, Washington, DC, and to this place that we call Langley and its buildings where it houses this CIA. And we believe that this is really the controlling agency at this time that is responsible for the bulk of the propaganda and misinformation, disinfo, if you will, on your planet. And we’re going to spiral this energy all the way from the atmosphere to the surface and in the underground bases that we see there, the tunnel complex and all of their science experiments and plans for control and store houses of secret information.
And to inundate the hearts of all of these participants, hopefully waking up some that have to be wondering what their future will unfold for them now that they see so much of their facade being penetrated by alternate news and Wikileaks and things of that nature that just, in a few short months, the complexion of the situation seems to have greatly changed.
And so, they’re wondering what their future can hold for them seeing that they’ve been so complicit in doing whatever they were told without questioning their superiors. So, we’re shining the LoveLight into their hearts to help them let go of their fear, and to see things in a clear and level-headed manner at this time. And sending them the message of Peace and Oneness. And the name of fear is a lie and Love is the Truth, all the way down into their DNA. 

And let us go over to the Supreme Court now.  And in these hallowed chambers is the spirit and the essence of all of these judges who have supported the Gag Order against NESARA for all of these years.  And let us shine the LoveLight on them to let them realize what their role has been and what they stand to gain at this time of great change on this planet, by allowing them to rise up into these high frequencies of Love and Light. And sending them the message that no matter what their role has been, that they are forgiven, because we are all One Energy. And what they do in this Now Moment is what is important, and not what they have done. So, let that help them in guiding their situation for the choices that we see them having to make as the process of NESARA unfolds.
So, Dear Beloved Ones, let us end with going down into the tunnel complexes once more. It is said to be 256 installations in Northern America, this vast network that stretched from one coast to the other. And spiraling this energy down, you can think of it as a Mother Ship of NESARA energy coming to visit the underground bases to free all of these captives there, and to expose the illusion of their lies of control and domination with separating the species off from itself and from its connection with Creator Source. 

And breathing into it, spiraling this energy from the atmosphere to the surface and into the bases. And seeing the honeycomb construction of these different installations with all of their compartments for the different activities and the living quarters for those who believe that they can separate themselves off from the rest of the population and continue to be the elite. Shining this LoveLight on them to help them to wake up in the Truth of the Oneness of who we all are. And the knowledge and the clarity is that in our Unity, that is where the Real Power resides, and that there has never been anything to be afraid of. And that all of fear is a lie and that Love is the Truth. 
And then ending our meditation with going over to California and visiting these two campuses of the Getty Museum and Disneyland where these nefarious activities are still happening.  And sending the Love and Light to the children there and the slaves.  And spiraling this energy from the surface, from the atmosphere to the surface, to these underground bases.  

And sending our heartfelt Love, Compassion and the Light of the Truth to all of these Beloved Souls who have entered into their Soul Contracts to bring about the end to this episode of these dark players being able to do their sacrifices the way that they have for so many thousands of years, by coming in on a higher vibration, and transmitting to the rest of the Collective Consciousness just what has been going on. And sending them energies to all of the people, all of the spirits of the children who have been locked away in such mortal fear that they haven’t been able to transition yet. And with our LoveLight, helping them to rise up and to go with their angels now in Peace and Trust and Remembrance of who they really are.  

So Dear Beloved Ones, once again we send you our Heartfelt Expressions of Love, of Joy in us coming together, but our Love for you is beyond all expression. We see all that you go through, all of your actions to raise the Love and Light day in and day out.  And we have the greatest respect for you. And soon we will be in a type of reunion where you can all see us and experience us on your planet. 

So, Namaste and Good Night, Dear Beloved Ones.

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