Hello, Dear Beloved Ones,
Good Evening. It is such a joy for us to be here tonight in this Communion
of the Heart once again. With there
being so much afoot, the energies continue to come in in a most delightful way,
even though in your human bodies, they can be somewhat taxing. And we realize this, but the Ultimate Joy in
knowing that we are all One in the Love and Light that we are. And we are never separate from all of the
higher aspects of our being, and you are never separate from us, the
Mentors. We are shining the Love and
Light on you continuously, and this connection between you and us only grows
And we send you the Truth of Forgiveness at this time to
heal all of the old wounds, all etheric attachments that may be in the
unconscious, and to free you of any troublesome and worrying energies that may
be lingering in these times. Because,
Dear Beloved Ones, it is too great a high energy and high-vibrational time to
be mired down in the tarpits, as Beloved Ashtar would say. And in this Union the Hearts, and we are most
joyful for this because, yes, we can feel your Love. It permeates all of Mother Earth and all of
the Cosmos too. And you can be assured
that your gallery from up on high and all of the ships, they can feel, as your
energies are rising in so many of you on this Planet, are uplifting yourselves
into the Truth of these high-vibrational energies that are coming in right
So, we ask you to join together in our Circle right now. And I’m extending, bilocating a paw to each
and every one of you. And with our
breathing, let us jettison ourselves upward, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
rising up into the firmament with the Power of our Imagination and our Intentional
requirements to come and visit my ship, the Nibiru. And as we approach the bottom of my ship, and
it is opening this landing deck, we’re popping through the airlock, still in
our Circle and moving toward the bank of elevators and opening the doors now,
and still intact in our Circle. The
magic of no space greets us in the elevators, and we are rising up to the top
room, my Crystal Room, and now popping through the doors and feeling the Joy,
the Satisfaction of being in the Now Moment and visiting with all the Dear
Beloved Mentors, our ancestors and all of the Beloved Beings of Light who have
cared to come for this Meditation in my Crystal Room.
And let us encircle the Altar once again with the Mentors
circling around us and all of our ancestors and Beloved Beings of the Light
around us Mentors. And breathing in to
the Heart Center, feeling the Joy of the Love and Light that we all are,
relaxing and letting go. And envisioning
our intentions for liberation of your Dear Loved Planet, the announcements to
be sure, but also in this Now Moment, for Love to open the Hearts of every
living being on your planet and allow themselves this Gift of rising up into
the 5th dimension and beyond, Dear Beloved Ones, because as you know, we are
all practicing for this Solar Blast soon to visit your planet. And that will be a marvelous point of
illumination for you and for all of the Beloved Beings, the Kingdoms of your
Breathing into our heart Centers and sending this Love and
our intentions for liberation, for spreading the LoveLight all throughout our
planet, for sharing the Gifts that allow us to bring the Meditation to our
Beloved Planet and all of the people and kingdoms there. And now sending this LoveLight into our huge,
elongated pyramid of a crystal. And
shining it up and through the top of this Crystal Room, through my ship and
having it cascade downward in a spiral.
And we’re following it there with our consciousness and
complete Oneness in harmony with this energy as this spiral encircles the
planet from the atmosphere to the surface and all through underground, through
Gaia’s crystalline core and out the other side. And rising up and through a few different times and focusing our
breathing on the rhythm of this energy unfolding all over the planet,
projecting it into the Heart Centers of all living beings on your Dear Beloved
Mother Gaia, imparting the wisdom of the Truth and the Love that we all are, in
harmony with one another and all of Gaia’s Beloved Kingdoms in this Now
And now, Dear Beloved Ones, let’s visit one of these spots
that we haven’t been to in a while. And
this is the City of the Vatican in Europe in that country of Italy, but of
course, it’s a nation apart. And at this
time, we send the LoveLight all up and down and throughout the underground
there underneath Vatican City, all throughout all of its different architecture
and down through the tunnel system that houses many dark secrets there. And although certain manifestations have
happened, there is still a great amount of darkness that there is a succinct
fear around exposing to humanity with the rather tainted view that humanity
can’t handle the Truth.
But Dear Beloved Ones, we know that the Truth is Golden at
these times, and that this is one of the main reasons why the vibrations have
been so high in frequency. We are
preparing for that time where the Universal Truths on earth, what has been kept
secret and hidden and their stories via all of our recordings and tapes to be
revealed to you will bring about the Gift of Knowing the Truth without any
filters. You’ll be ready for it. So that’s what we’re doing tonight. We’re freeing the bonds of attachment to
secrets that this institution still harbors from the rest of humanity.
And shining this spiral up and down, around and through, in
and out all of the secret chambers and places over antiquity that certain
manipulations and artifacts and secrets have been hidden buried away, out of
sight, so that the Truth on the surface of the planet could be manipulated in a
business-as-usual institutional format to keep us in this mode of survival and
slavery. Not just physical-monetary
slavery either, Beloved Ones, but a type of an emotional and mental slavery
that you all have been experiencing by not being able to freely activate the
right lobe of your brain and the connection between the pineal and the
pituitary glands. So now, continuing one
more time up, down and through, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ
Consciousness all throughout Vatican City and all of its underground tunnels
and secret networks there.
And now let us visit North America where they have their own
tunnel complex with a lot of military installations and a lot of so-called
spas and centers for ritual sacrifices. And where so many children and so much child trafficking has gone on out
of sight for various nefarious purposes. And at this time, I ask you to envision our energy of the Circle and
this Golden White Light encompassing all of the continent here. And from the atmosphere to the surface and
underground penetrating all of its chambers and secret tunnels of this network
of complexes that the cabal have used to harbor the potency of the very dark
energies for such a long time against humanity.
By shining this LoveLight all up and down and through, and breathing
into it, Dear Beloved Ones, feeling this removal and transmutation to the
highest frequencies of Love and Light, carrying ourselves on this timeline ever
forward progressing to this tipping point of all of these Truths being revealed. And rising up once again in unison within the
Solar Blast to the 5th dimension to firmly anchor the Golden Age of
Gaia in once again.
Dear Beloved Ones, we thank you so much for your Love, your
Compassion, your Forgiveness in joining together Heart to Heart with us for
this Meditation tonight.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Ones. Goodnight.
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