Thursday, March 14, 2019

3-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3-13-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to join together with you once again heart to heart in our communion tonight. And yes, we have quite a bit of meditating, going to different places and clearing it out, to do. And well, of course, we’re going to have fun. We always do. And these energies with what is coming into your Beloved Planet, oh, they are so inspiring to all of us. 

Because, yes, we realized we had to get into these energies before things would be coming to this point of Truth. And that is what we see transpiring right now, Beloveds. And so, you know, now is the time to allow ourselves to really feel into these energies that are coming into your Beloved Planet and to let go to them so that we can expand them ever more, up through the dimensions, so that it becomes that much easier to anchor in the 5th Dimension in this Now Moment of your reality. 

Ah, so let us join together, me bi-locating my paw once again, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody on the call, and just breathing into the Heart Center. And with our breathing, slowing down and relaxing into the rhythm of our breathing into our hearts. And sending this energy from the left palm around the circle and back in through your right palm and breathing into it. And with the Power of our Thoughts, rising on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet at the Speed of Thought into the atmospheres, into the layers of the ships. And zooming right on up to my ship.
And we’re opening up the landing deck as we approach it. And now we’re going right in. We’re hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevator and opening the door, all getting in at once. And we’re pressing this button that’s going to take us up a long, long way—it’s really high throughout my ship—in a short amount of time. And yes, we’re pulling in and opening up the door. And all of the Beloved Beings are already gathered here. They’re waiting on us.

And we are congregating around this altar. And yes, very many Beloved Beings here tonight, some of them your ancestors, possibly some of them incarnations of yourself from a lifetime or two. And assembling, holding the paw and the hand, around this Beloved Altar where the Master Crystal sets. And breathing into it. 

And the Beloved Mentors circling around us and all of the other beings forming circles around them. And our ancestors are in there too. And now sending this energy from our hearts, through the circle to the outer circles, from the floor, spiraling it up, spinning the walls to the ceiling, up, down and around and through to integrate all these high vibrations in the consciousness of the Beloved Beings here in the imprinted energy signatures of the crystals from all over the multiverse. And breathing into it, raising the level of our vibrations to be in harmony, to be in Oneness with all of these different dimensional levels of being. 

And yes, Beloved, this is very powerful, powerful dynamic that we’re working with.  And now it even becomes more so, because of the anchoring in of all this high-vibe energy on your Beloved Planet. And now, focusing with your Intentional Requirements on what you would like to create for yourself from the energies being harnessed in this Meditation, whether it be having to do with relationships, financial liquidity or health concerns or the concerns of your Beloved Family and particularly your children and grandchildren that this may not be overpowering to them, these energies that we are in right now. But believe you me, all of you are being supported and loved, and all you have to do is to breathe into your Heart Center, during the course of a day and focus on raising the level of the vibration and being at Peace in this Now Moment. And that’s very, very powerful too.

And just breathing into it. And yes, our Intentional Requirement for all of the Beloved Beings in the Ashtar Command, and all over Creation is the acceleration of your Ascension Process; and that when all of you who haven’t awoken yet on your Beloved Planet start to feel these high-vibe energies, that this will be a very welcome experience for you, something that deep down inside, you will know that you have waited for your entire lives. And yes, this applies to some of the Beloved Beings in your families who are on the call. 

So, just breathing into the Heart Center and with the hand that you write with, this is your directing hand, sending this energy through its palm and into this Master Crystal and raising the level of this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy through the tip of the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And shooting it down at the Speed of Thought onto your Beloved Planet. And when it gets into the atmosphere, to slowly spiral it.
And now, jetting over the Beloved North Pole and spiraling it all up, down, and around and through. And you don’t have to go slow anymore. We’re speeding it up some to raise the level of the vibration into such a flow that people will more easily be able to discern that there’s some really high-vibe energies that are being focused on them in this Now Moment helping to raise them up out of the doldrums or any dense energies or any negative programming whatsoever.

And just breathing into it all up, down, and around and through, sending it out to the kingdoms, into all of the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, sending it down underneath the surface to all of the Beloveds. And yes, sending it up through the layers of the ships. And just breathing into this Oneness that the spiral of this energy, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, is drawing in right now and expanding it. And now focusing it once again on your Beloved Planet affecting all of the subatomic particles underneath the surface and in the atmosphere and on the surface.

Ah, yes, now we feel that we’re slowing down and focusing on Europe here because this is where there is a lot of stuck energy right now. And if you could imagine in a vision all of the capitals of these European countries who have in front of them on their agenda for business, the business of their countries is the ability to approve this requirement for Brexit. And so, just breathing into that with the Intention of taking away the energy from the Fed, taking away all of the autonomy and ejecting this cabal from its role as slave masters on your Beloved Planet, drying up all of their income, exposing them.

And this, well, we know that Mercy is something that you will feel so very happy with in the 5th Dimension. And so, if you really want the acceleration of your vibration into the 5th Dimension, we say shine this LoveLight with the Conscious Intention of Mercy for all of these beings who have played the dark side. Because now is their time to let go of this program that they’ve been on and to let go of their contracts with this dark deity that has been called Satan or the Devil. And to realize that they don’t need to please a deity, that they are part of the Godhead. And now is the time to let go to the Love and Light and let it dominant in their lives, so that they can become more of who they really are, not less, which is what the whole dynamic of worship of Satin was all about, because it was always about cheating, wasn’t it? And showing up the other person with lies, deceiving them, making them suffer. And this isn’t where we are going to. This is no longer needed to teach us these lessons any more. 

Ah, and so, Beloveds, going down into Mexico right now and breathing into it, going down into the elevators. And spiraling the energies all the way from Mexico to the United States up through Canada, up, down and around and through. And feeling this LoveLight expand and go down into all of these underground installations, rooting out all of the secrets, all of the lies, all of the secret stashes of drugs, of stolen treasure, of ancient artifacts that were said to have provided them with unusual occult powers. Shining this LoveLight into exposing these things and permeating it with this high vibration of the LoveLight. 

And now shining it into the Beloved Beings who have been taken down there against their will in these underground installations, made captives of this whole tunnel network.

And we say to them, “We love you so very much.  We honor you and right now everything on your Beloved Planet is becoming transparent about these dark beings who would treat you less than human for their own gratification, for their own control and the worship of their satanic deity.” 

Ah, and Dear Beloveds, we thank you so much tonight for being on the call with us and doing this meditation. We love you ever so much.

Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. 

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