Thursday, March 7, 2019

3-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

3-6-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

You know me. I’m Mary Magdalene, and I know you. And I say this because we have shared time on this Beloved Planet at the same time. And maybe you weren’t all disciples or apostles in that lifetime of 2,000 years ago, the last time that I was embodied on your Beloved Planet. 

But many of you have had previous lifetimes where I was on the planet also.  And we may have run into each other. And you are so very familiar to us, the Mentors. We are so very happy that from our perspectives, the level of the LoveLight on your Beloved Planet is multiplying, coming in in such high vibration and frequency that we feel. 

Ah, yes, just breathing into it and sending it around our circle, allowing ourselves to rise up, and to feel it, harmonize with our physical reality. Because yes, many of you are very stressed out. You are dealing with some of the same problems over and over again for much of this lifetime whereby it’s a matter of health or finances or relationships. Because we see that the negative programming has been so totally at odds with males and females on your Beloved Planet that these deep levels of Trust that need to be realized with one another for a very wonderful, long-term relationship don’t often manifest, because you are all on such a very high-tension, survival trip, or a mode of survival, if you want to say it a little bit of a different way.

And every day you have a lot of demands placed on you, both having to deal with linear time and duality. And this hasn’t been easy on any of you. So, please come to us. Call in the Mentors any time you want to feel loved and nurtured and understood for what is happening to you in the Now Moment. We love you all so very, very dearly.

And as time goes by, perhaps you can see where you started out in this Beloved Lifetime. And when you were young, when you were a child, what the frequency of the vibration felt like and how time was so much slower, but now it seems like all you really have to do is think of something, and then a few minutes or a day later, it happens.
Like how many times have you thought of a person that you haven’t interacted with for maybe a few months or even years; and then all of a sudden, that person gets in touch with you, or you happen to have a chance meeting with them in some store or some building.
And, ah, synchronicity is happening on your Beloved Planet. It really started this whole cycle of the Harmonic Convergence in the late ‘80s on your Beloved Planet. And now it has risen, such a wonderful high-vibe acceleration of energy that certain centers in the right lobe of your brain have opened up. And even strands of DNA have been activated that you didn’t have when you first came onto this Beloved Planet.

So, it’s all been because of the meditations of all the Beloved Beings who have woken up on your Beloved Planet. And some have been woken up for a really, really long time, rather at the beginning of this cycle that the Harmonic Convergence kicked off. And this is, well, it’s over 30 years now, isn’t it? And so much has transpired within that time frame. And we are so happy that all of you on this Beloved Call have woken up. And your energies are beacons or transmitters of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy all over your Beloved Planet. 

And you may not think that you are helping raise other people’s awareness and quality of life. But we see that happening so profoundly at this time. We are so happy about this. And we know that it has taken your Beloved Commitment, you allowing yourself to be centered in the heart. And as Mother Sekhmet says, “It takes courage.” And we see that you have been very brave and very selfless for many of the acts that you have done to help people, to help Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and not just the people in your families either. 

But you have listened to your Guidance. You have learned to listen. You have opened up centers in the right lobe of your brains. And with your hearts being connected in that template, you have access to unlimited energies. And you have become marvelous co-creators of your reality.

We are so very happy that we are with you tonight because, yes, there’s going to be this Equinox happening in a couple of weeks. We see very many high-vibe energies coming in and further accelerating this process that you have all committed to in your individual prayers and meditations and all of your creative endeavors to raise the level of LoveLight on your Beloved Planet.
We love you so very much, far beyond all verbal expression. And we are so very grateful for you and when you come to us to feel us, to feel the Oneness with us. We are all on the same Mission, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. 

Namaste and good night. 

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