Thursday, March 21, 2019

3/20/19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

3/20/2019 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, what a marvelous day it is!  It is a day when the energy floods your planet in waves. It is day of rebirth. It is a day of anchoring in these high vibrations that we have been calling for consciously for many years now with our meditations, with our prayers, with our affirmations, incantations, exercises and just thinking, envisioning what life in the 5th Dimension is going to be for us and what we desire to create in these high-vibrational energies.
And yes, we are on the cusp of making this happen. And yes, we’re going to give you the disclaimer saying that no dates. We don’t mention dates. We say everything is in Divine Timing. And perhaps you can feel the energies today ramping up, we would say, and being in a very nice place right now for us, to allow us to take advantage of these high vibrations and utilizing their power, the depth and scope and range of their LoveLight to carry us up in these higher dimensions, so that we enable our meditation to be very powerful tonight in calling forth the requirements of NESARA in our reality, which is a springboard into the 5th Dimension for us. (cough) Ah, yes, a drink here. 

And maybe it is a time of reflection for you in feeling all that you have been through in this life and the knowing, that you have come a long, long way. And we would say that the longer we come into, and the more that we integrate these high-vibe energies, the faster the acceleration happens into the 5th Dimensional reality; where we begin to really accelerate our Ascension Process and bring it in and make it totally real for ourselves and all of those, who are choosing Ascension in this Beloved Lifetime.
But we would say that dates like today make it even harder to sit on the fence or to be asleep. Because now we are being bombarded even more so than before, and we would say that today is like a Point of Separation into these higher-vibrational energies.

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to you, and you stretching out your other hand to somebody else on the call. And just breathing into the Heart Center and sending the energy around the circle from the left side out through the palm of the left hand and around the circle, bringing it back in through the palm of the right hand, breathing into the Heart Center and allowing ourselves to use the heart, and the Power and Speed of our Thoughts to jettison ourselves off of the surface of your Beloved Planet.
And rising up through the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships and coming upon my humongous ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck.  And now just allowing ourselves, all at the same time joined together to come through and hover in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.  And just breathing into it. And now, it’s safe to touch down.
And we’re walking on back to the elevator and all getting in again at the same time and closing the door. We’re pushing this button to take us way on up. And just breathing into our hearts in this Now Moment. And now, we come to the last stop, my Crystal Healing Room.

Opening up the door and walking on out and joined by all of the Beloved Beings with their smiling faces and welcoming eyes as we march through the Healing Room to our Beloved Alter in the middle of it. And yes, you may be feeling the nudge or hairs standing up on the back of your neck from an incarnation from your ancestors, perhaps an incarnation of yourself from a previous lifetime in testing out this density of duality here on your Beloved Planet.

And just breathing into it, the energies of the room as we assemble around the altar. And perched upon this altar is our Master Crystal. And now, ringing around, holding my paw still, and a hand of any of the Beloveds on this call. And sending this energy again from the left, around the circle, into the right, into the heart and into the outer circles of the Mentors, the Beloved Beings on the ships of the Ashtar Command, other Ascended Masters, and archangels, and angels, and of course, incarnations of ancestors who wouldn’t miss this for the world, especially on such a high-vibe day. And sending these energies from the floor, through the circles, to the walls, to the ceiling and spiraling it up, down, around and through vertically. And just breathing into your hearts, expanding the energies ever so gracefully with ease.
And focusing upon this Master Crystal with the Intentional Requirement of what you want to create for yourself with the energies of this Beloved Meditation, whether it be financial, personal, relationship oriented, or having to do with your health and wellbeing, or the ability to expand your gifts at this time of creativity. And just allowing yourself really to feel Joy and Bliss. And that’s always a worthwhile pursuit, we would say, just like dancing is or singing.
So focusing on the Master Crystal here from our hearts into the crystal, shining the LoveLight and feeling the Love and Light that we are and knowing there are no limits to this. We can have as much of this Unconditional, Universal Love as we desire and expand our consciousness without any limitations whatsoever, as long as we allow ourselves to be in harmony with the spirit and vibration of the Love and Light that we are.
And now, we require that this meditation bring up very prominent results for bringing the hearts of all the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet together in high vibration and to realize this feeling of Heart-Centered Oneness at all times from now on from this day forward. And it is in the spirit of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude that we put this forth and shine it into our Master Crystal. 

And now, shine it on up to the tip of the Master Crystal into the opening in my Beloved Crystal Healing room, and let it pour through the ceiling of my ship down onto your Beloved Earth with the Power and Speed of our Thoughts.  Spiraling it up, and down, and around and through your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles, up, down, around and through. Just breathing into it, allowing yourself to be one with the rhythm with the harmony of all of these high-vibrational energies coming together with the one purpose of expanding the energies in the Oneness of the Love and Light that we all are.

And taking it into even a higher vibration at this time because, Beloveds, the higher we go up into the dimensions, the more of a Point of Separation that we feel from having to, umm, be manipulated and going for any of the lies of the ego. They become powerless over us, and this is what we would say, is a final phase to our work in the 3rd Dimension, to allow ourselves to rise on up and feel this Point of Separation now and go for the Light even more so, knowing just how much the Universe is supporting us at this Beloved Time, this magical time.
And our brother Merlin is here tonight, like he always is. And I can see him with his wand showering the sparks of the LoveLight on all of the Beloved Beings in our circle tonight and all over the Crystal Healing Room.

And now, focusing this LoveLight onto Beloved London where some changes need to be made. And rising on up in these high vibrations and opening the hearts of all of these minions of the cabal that have been so afraid knowing that the end was getting near to their illustrious European Union. And that now is the time where the will and the needs of the people have to be honored and met; so that the new plan, the new financial system can take root and grow in a wonderfully nurturing, exponential way on your Beloved Planet. And we say, today is the start. So, from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, because yes, they have their network of underground, enclaves also there. 

And in Ireland and all through the UK, and various parts of this European Union, shining this LoveLight up, down, around and through in our Beloved Spiral, vertically here. And allowing ourselves to feel Peace, Joy, Harmony, this Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and deep appreciation for all of the Beloved Beings who have helped us on our journey to get to this place where we are in this Now Moment tonight. 

And we say we are so grateful to all of them from all over the cosmos as well as all of you, you Beloved Beings, Brothers and Sisters of Beloved Mother Gaia, and Mother Gaia herself. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel Joy and Happiness of being here at this most-auspicious time, joining with one another on this meditation.
Ah, yes, we’re seeing the necessity to balance underneath the sea in the Ring of Fire right now. So we know that that is a really large, large area. So going over there to the West Coast of the United States, up into the Aleutian Peninsula and even further North than that, up into Nome and stretching in a horizontal way from Indonesia, all through the Pacific Ocean, up into Alaska, along the coast of California and Canada, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface into the tectonic plates. 

And we’re doing a reverse spin here. So we’re going counterclockwise to ease off the tensions that are building from these high vibrations coming in. Up, down and around and through, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, with the Intention of bringing more LoveLight onto your Beloved Planet in a way that inspires all of the Beloved Beings to raise the level of their consciousness and let go of their resistance.

The resistance is really a major piece of the puzzle that makes it so hard for these energies to come in. And yes, it is felt underneath the oceans and the tectonic plates. So the less resistance you Beloved Humans have and all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, that they can bottom out the stress from all of the pollutions and things that are unnatural to them that mankind has perpetrated upon them. Ah, we see good, good results happening from this.

And now, spinning in a clockwise direction with our Intentional Requirement for bringing in more and more Peace, Harmony, Understanding, Unconditional Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. And feeling it spiral up, down, around and through, all over the Ring of Fire and into Hawaii too, this very, very large expanse of real estate on your Beloved Planet.

And now, let us go over to Mexico into our Beloved Elevators down there that takes us into the underground complex, and feeling our spiral come alive with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And spiraling it horizontally all through the tunnels way underneath the surface here into the underground installations, the honeycomb chambers that secrete away all of the secrets, all of the untold wealth, the advanced technologies, the very dark rituals and places where these rituals are done that are really shrines to the dark entity of Lucifer, which is not the Truth of who you really are as Beloved Beings of the Godhead. 

So, just breathing into it, up, down and around and through from Mexico into the United States and up into Canada and back again, a really wide area from coast to coast going down underneath the surface, ferreting out all of these dark energies, shining the LoveLight on them to exponentially rise up in these high vibrations that are coming into your Beloved Planet tonight.
And now, shining our Beloved LoveLights on all of the beings who have been made into slaves by honoring their Soul Contracts and allowing themselves to be become ritual sacrifices, to become servants, to take on such very heavy karma. And they have done a marvelous job, because now everything that the Cabal does is becoming transparent. And there is such an awareness happening around the pedophilia rings, and why they have given this cabal so much power. Some would say that human trafficking has given the cabal more power than illicit drugs. 

So just breathing into these Beloveds hearts, and we say to them, “We love you and honor you so, so very much. You have our deepest compassion, empathy and respect for all that you have done, for all that your lives have encompassed in healing and carrying forth the Truth of what really goes on down there and how you have been made to suffer by letting go of your connection. 

“And we see that most of you had to let go of your familial connection at a really early age. And it didn’t allow you really to grow up and be nurtured the way that your genes intended for you to feel in this lifetime, in any lifetime. But your Soul Contract superseded the needs of your genetic requirements in this lifetime. And now it is your time of rising up and transitioning very, very soon for a lot of you to the other side. 

“And we see that there’s a few of you that have expired but are very afraid to take the next step to go across the Bridge of Flowers and to rise on up over onto the other side of the veil. But now, we’re calling in your guides, your I Am Presence, your angels. And we’re having them hold your hands and make the awareness known to you that you have done such a marvelous job in this lifetime. And now it is the time to free yourself from the horrors of that installation wherever you found yourself in the underground bases. 

“And now, we’re sending you so much Love and Light on your journey back home, because they really want to honor you and to feel your energy and your Love and Compassion once again.”
And so, Beloveds on this call, and those who listen or read the transcription of this meditation later on, we say to you, we honor you all so, so very much for your participation, for your awareness in knowing your Missions, and how the energy works that allows us to come together, and make the most of our time together to fulfill the requirements for our Ascension for your Beloved Beings and Kingdoms and Mother Gaia herself on your Beloved Planet. 

And we say to you Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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