Thursday, August 29, 2019

8-28-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-28-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And yes, I’m coming to you in the spirit of conscious awareness, for where you are in this process of bringing in so much of the LoveLight, to your Beloved Planet, at this time. Ah yes, it is a treat for all of us, who have come to you tonight, to be with you once again, because these opportunities are really very golden for us. We see the level of the vibration rise every time we come together, and do meditations, and talk with you, heart to heart.

So, let us form, our circle once again. And I’m extending, bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And with your other hand, look for somebody else’s hand on this call. And now forming the circle, and breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it around, from the palm of your left hand, around the circle into the palm of your right hand. And with your breathing, activating your Heart Center, once again, in high vibration.

And ah yes. And now feeling our energy expand, as we send the LoveLight around our circle, and to grow very high and wide. And let it engulf your entire planet. And now spinning from a spiral, up, down, and around and through, through the entirety of the planet, one more time, with the Intentional Requirement of Peace, Harmony, and Forgiveness.

And all along, you have been programmed to feel fear, to feel guilt, and shame for thinking outside of the box, for thinking you were more than just the negative programming, that you were configured with, through your growth process, when you came in through the Ring of Fire, and when you grew, and when your body started to change, and you went through the different phases of bringing more and more of your total energies in, for the first twenty or thirty years of your life.

And now, you are bringing in this totality of high vibration and frequency on your Beloved Planet doing your meditations, realizing who you really are, as limitless, eternal beings of the LoveLight. And yes, this was my message to you a couple of thousand, of years ago. And really not that much of my message has changed.

Your conditions on Planet Earth have changed greatly. And we are very happy for this, because now you have much more technology. Now it is easier to spread the Truth, over your Beloved Internet, and make transparent the secrets, the deceptions, that have been foisted upon you from your mainstream media, from your politicians, all of your institutions.

Shining the LoveLight up, down and around and through, all throughout Mother Gaia, with the Intentional Requirement of awareness, of transparency, of understanding, just who you are, and what it is, this whole process of going through duality, and lifting its density up into the higher vibrations has meant for you, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

Yes, my Beloveds, we have been doing this altogether, heart to heart, one breath at a time. And now we see very abundant gifts, visiting the higher dimensions. And soon they will come down and spread themselves in your conscious physical realities, making themselves manifest. And yes, it’s the Law of Attraction, it’s the Law of One, the Law of Vibration in aligning, and focusing our thoughts on creating the reality, that we see for ourselves and the whole planet, once the 5th Dimension becomes fully operational, on Mother Gaia once again. But now in a totally different, harmonious way with the Company of Heaven.

And this means so much to us, and we see that it will mean every bit as much to you also, when it happens. 

We love you so very much, my Brothers and Sisters. We truly appreciate your attention to detail, your commitments to do your Mission, and to learn more and more, about what this Mission entails for each and every one of you.
Namaste, Brothers and Sisters. And good night. And never hesitate to call myself and the rest of the Mentors in. We love communing with you, heart to heart, soul to soul.
Namaste and good night.

8-28-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-28-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, I am thrilled to be with you once again.  And ah, in your North America, you are getting toward the end of your Summer. And this means that you have been through your Eclipse season, your Lion’s Gate, and you’re working your way toward the end of the fiscal year.
And we see that there are many changes, that are trying so very diligently, by the efforts of the Ground Crew of this Alliance, to come to completion, to establish this new system of financial freedom, in alignment with St. Germain’s vision of financial abundance, that he started in your United States hundreds of years ago. And this will mean great changes, of course, as you know, for all of your planet.

And we are so very happy to be with you on this meditation to bring about this. And yes, as Mother says, we have been doing this for a very long time.  And we would like you to take to heart the level of devotion and commitment, that each and every one of you has shown, to reach these stages of completion, which will allow full consciousness to come to you, inside of your physical bodies, which we also call Ascension. 

And yes, I have been through this process with Mother Mary and Sananda. And we are so very happy, each and every day, for you as you get closer. Because, when the changes come about, you will look at these days as a springboard toward your Ascension, and you will be filled with such Joy that you allowed yourself the depth of these experiences, to unfold the way that they did.

And yes, Beloveds, we are always here for you. Any time you want our Love, and Support, and Nurturing, please just call us. As Mother says, it’s not just I, Maria, or Sekhmet or ever Sananda, but it’s all of the Mentors you can call in.

We love you so very much. And now my Sananda is going to come in once again.

8-28-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-28-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We thank you so much for being again here tonight. And yes, we have our Mission to do. And it is a Divine Time on your planet, as we keep on saying, to remind you, that everything, that you do for bringing in more and more of this LoveLight, and high vibration, to resonate with the high frequencies of the photon energy coming into your planet, at these times, is Divinely appreciated, not just by us, the Mentors, and the Beloved Beings on the ships of the Ashtar Command, but all over Creation. 

Because, yes, that is how much of an effect, that you, and your meditations, and your Intentional Requirements, to accelerate the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet are affecting the whole of all of Creation, at this time. And this places you right in the driver’s seat, as it were. 

So, we know that you’re feeling quite a few shifts in the energy over the last few months here, since the Eclipse season began in the summertime, and even before that back in January at the end of that month. And it seems like every day the level of the vibration has risen, and the energies have become more intensified.

And well, this is marvelous for us to see, because this is what we have been working on for so, so many years. And now we’re at a Divine Crossroads, we would say, whereby all the plans are out there. And it’s just a matter of timing, rhythm and synchronization with how high the level of the vibration is at any particular point, in the scenarios, of these plans unfolding and completing their Divine Intentions to set you up in high-vibe energies so that you will be able to bring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.

So, let me bi-locate my paw to you, and with your other hand reach out to a Beloved Being on this call. And forming our circle now, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending the energy from our Heart Center, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and in through the palm of the right hand. And breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to relax, to be at Zero Point, in this Now Moment. 

And now rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. At the Power and Speed of our Thoughts, we’re rising up through the atmospheres. And we’re coming upon the layers of the ships, and up to my ship, the Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck, and we are waltzing on up through into the airlock.
And with the landing deck closing beneath us now, as we hover up here. And now it’s closed. We could touch down, and walk on back to the elevator. And yes, there’s one that’s open, that we get into. And we ride right on up, after closing the door, and pushing the button to go up to the top floor. And now we’re here. 

We open the door and the party has started. And so many Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, of course, perhaps you in a previous incarnation or two. And, ah yes, you can feel the level of this vibration, as we step into the middle of the room, and form our circle around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And now the outer circles, forming around us, and sending this LoveLight from our hearts, through the circle, and back again, through the outer circles, and into our combined energy field from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling.
Spiraling this energy up, down and around and through, with this gyroscopic effect to intensify it, going all the way down into the subatomic particles and the photons. And with our Intentional Requirement for Unconditional/Universal Love, to raise ourselves higher up, through all of these dimensions, that are represented in this Crystal Healing Room.
And once again we ask you to direct your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight; and direct them from your Heart Center into the Master Crystal, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with healing relationships, or any polarities in your life right now, that you want to bring up into higher vibration. Just breathing into it and shining your LoveLight into the Master Crystal here.

And we, the Mentors and the rest of the Beloveds, we require, that Peace be felt all over your Beloved Planet, and that the conscious awareness of the high-vibrational energies, that are coming into your planet, wake up all of the Beloved Beings, nudging their thoughts and their feelings, at this time with new possibilities, new choices for creating their reality, for them to wake up and realize, that the reality of the situation, that everything on their Beloved Planet is changing for the better, that the energies are rising up in high vibration, and this portends much more Love, Abundance, and Bounty for everyone on this Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, so, breathing in and focusing this LoveLight of ours, heart to heart, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the Nibiru’s Crystal Healing Room. And spiraling it down on your Beloved Planet, at the Speed of our Thoughts. And from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling it up, down, and around and through; intensifying the energies, letting go to these feelings of Unconditional/Universal Love, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And allowing ourselves to feel this place of Joy, Harmony, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and to feel the activation of the conscious realization all throughout your planet, of the Law of One, and all of the other Universal Laws. Because, Beloveds, you don’t need religions. And you will see that the protocols, that you are given by us, for maintaining these high vibrations in the 5th Dimension, have everything to do with the Universal Laws. And so, this is a good place for each and every Beloved Being, on your planet, to start from having the recognition, and the respect, and the understanding of how these Universal Laws affect your planet, your reality, in every way, shape, and form.

And now, shining -- Ah yes, we’re seeing that there’s some other tunnel networks, that could use some cleansing tonight. And this, ah well, this is what we call the catacombs. And over the course of history, going quite a ways back in your recorded history, although you haven’t been told the Truth about what was really been going on back then. There were a lot of secrets, and really low-vibrational, heinous acts, that were going on. 

And this had to do a lot with this Reptilian energy, going in these underground bases, if you will, these hiding places, and turning loose, their very dastardly energies of low vibration on the Beloved Beings of your planet, for control, to keep you basically powerless at the time of monarchs, and dictators, who ruled with an iron fist, if you will. And those times have been replaced by corporatocracy, we would say, and that’s really, hasn’t been much better. But now, that’s all set to change.

So, spiraling this LoveLight, going down into these tunnels. We start right at the Vatican. And this network has tentacles all over Europe, stretching all the way to London. And now focusing this Lovelight, and spinning it horizontally in a spiral up, down, and around and through with the Intentional Requirement for transparency for removing the dark energies, that have been hidden down here, the Reptilians, who are still usurping a great deal of energy, to stay in power, and in control with their heinous acts. And yes, the AI, the Artificial Intelligence, uses these reptiles as their power source. So, you cut off the connection from them to the AI, and they are very powerless. 

Up, down and around and through, breathing from your hearts into this spiral, covering all of the catacombs, all of these underground hidey holes, we would say. And some of them are quite elaborate bases too. And much hidden wealth, and secrets, artifacts, that really tell the true story of your history/herstory. But of course, they’ve been kept hidden from you, because these rulers, didn’t want you to know the Truth of who you really are, and the power, that you have exhibited, before they came down and very effectively cast so much fear into the hearts and minds of the Beloved Beings on this planet, that you lost the connection with those parts of the brain, that allow you to access your high-vibrational powers. 

And now, our Intention is to regain those connections from the DNA into the right lobe of the brain, by breathing into the Heart Center, and calling for the Truth, to be disseminated on this Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia. And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved over the ages, who have given up their lives, as part of their Soul Contracts, as the objects of ritual sacrifices and the like.
“We love you. We honor you so very much. What you did in those lifetimes, and still, we see very many beings, that are in that position right now. And we say to all of you in the past and present, we love you so very much. We honor you. We celebrate your achievements, along with all of the other Beloved Beings, working the Light on the planet, to get us to this cusp of the 5th Dimension once again. Namaste, Beloveds.”

And now, let us go on over across the big pond there, and go down into our elevators in Mexico. And walking right into those tunnels, feeling the energy of them, and spinning our spiral, once again, horizontally through this tunnel-system network in North America, starting from Mexico, all through the United States, and into Canada, and up, down, and around and through, spinning our horizontal spiral here, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, into all of these installations, all of the hiding holes, where the Reptilians are hiding, still using their power, to power the Artificial Intelligence. 

But of course, their powers become obsolete, when the planet regains their footing, in anchoring in the 5th Dimension. So, this is what we have all been working for so diligently, well basically, you, for all of your lives.  Because everything you learned in your childhood was a part of your evolutionary process in this lifetime. And, of course, it brought you to where you are in this Now Moment.

So, yes, we celebrate that fact with you, each and every time we do our meditation, because for each and every one you, it has been a rather long, tedious journey. But we are in celebration, seeing that the changes are very forthcoming, because you, my Beloveds, have learned how to breathe into the heart, and let go, and let the level of your vibration rise on up. And yes, it takes courage. And we see that within all of you.

And now, we say to all of the Beloveds over on this part of the tunnel-network system in North America, where all of these advanced technologies and secrets, that the rulers, the cabal, the minions of the AI, don’t want you to have any awareness of at all. Because, you know, this is how they’ve been able to get away with their machinations of control and leverage over you, Beloveds, in inflicting the survival game on you, for all of these years. But of course, our meditation calls for Truth and transparency.
And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have allowed themselves to come down and fulfill their Soul Contracts of being slaves, and being the objects of ritual sacrifices.

“We love you so very much. Our hearts go out to you in appreciation, for your courage, for your bravery. And yes, we say to you, your time has come to raise up higher, and feel the Love and Light that you are. And your Ascensions are all upon you, whether you still have more days left in your physical body, or you have transitioned or are about to. Namaste. Dear Beloveds.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on the call, we love you so much. And we are always here, for all of you, any time you want our Love and Support. And this means all of the Mentors and not just me.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

8-21-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-21-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, coming to you once again tonight with designs to do a meditation. Ah yes. And you may feel that maybe this is a little bit redundant, after doing Mother’s meditation. But we’re going to take you to some place a little different, and so that you can meet up with some of your ancestors. Well, we call them that, but in this case, they will be rather recent members of your family, that have crossed over to the other side.

So, we ask you to come together once more in this, our Beloved Circle, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And you reaching for the hand of someone else on this meditation. And breathing into the Heart Center, and allowing yourself to be at Peace, to feel the Oneness, heart to heart, of sending your heart energy down through the palm of your left hand around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand, back up into your heart.
And breathing into your Heart Center, and with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, allowing ourselves to rise on up, off of your Beloved Planet once more, up through the layers of the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships, passing the Nibiru now. And going on over to the New Jerusalem. And Ashtar, he’s opening up his landing deck in the belly of his ship for us. And we are popping through without breaking up our circle, hovering in there aloft, while the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now we’re walking on back to one of the elevators here. And it’s a short trip on his ship. And we get in, and we press the button to close the door, and we rise on up one floor. And we’re here. And we open up the door and pop through, and walk down the hall, and take our first right here, into what you would call his galley, which is also this very large meeting room. 

And ah, coming upon Ashtar and Athena, and all of the Mentors, and your Beloved Ancestors. And this means so very many people, that you have had interactions with, that you consider your Soul Family also, not just your physical bloodline. And it could have been teachers, or mentors besides the Mentors of the Ascended Masters, which we are.
And forming our circle, and shining the LoveLight around the circle, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. We are in the inner circle, with the outer circles surrounding us. And sending the energy all up and down, around and through our collective energy field. And expanding our energies by again and again, breathing into our hearts, feeling the Power of the Love and Light that we are.
And shining our Intentional Requirements down on all of you Beloved Families still on Mother Gaia, with the Intentional Requirement of them feeling these Beloved Ancestors, who have departed in this lifetime. And all of you coming together heart to heart, with one another, in your families, and your Beloved Soul Families, on Mother Gaia, too, of which we are a part of. Because, my Beloveds, there is no separation.

And now is our opportunity to raise the level of the vibration, each just a bit higher, so that when the changes manifest, your Beloved Family members will know, that the seeds have been planted by us, for their Liberation and for them opening their hearts to you in that future Now Moment, when they may be unsure about the choices that they need to make, in that Now Moment for their Liberation, for bringing in more and more of the Love and Light that all of a sudden, they have been consciously aware of. Because now they will have awakened. And feeling all judgments, all division, because people put down one another, when they are afraid, when they do not understand, and when they judge one another.

And in these high vibrations, no judgments will be available because, as you would say, they hold no water. And just allowing ourselves to rise up in these high vibrations, with the members of your families, and imprinting this high-frequency LoveLight into their psyches. Because, Beloveds, there is no space/time. It’s all in this Here/Now Moment. And we are planting seeds in their conscious memories, to be opened at the time, when your planet bridges the gap into the 5th Dimension.

We thank you so much for being a part of this meditation tonight, Beloveds.  Namaste and good night. 

8-21-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-21-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, coming to you once again in our communion of the Souls, of our hearts with one another. And yes, the peace that pervades after the magic of this meditation, that Sekhmet has just brought forth, is such a wonderful feeling for us. Ah, yes, these are the times of Beloved Change on your planet. 

And, ah, there are steps that still need to be taken, we are seeing, to bring all of these different steps into the realization of manifesting these Requirements, these components of NESARA, so that you may feel yourselves walking over on the Bridge into the 5th Dimension. Because there are these Requirements, of you having Peace and Prosperity and Abundance, on your Beloved Planet, so that you may maintain the high-vibrational energies of the 5th Dimension there.

And yes, your planet needs to be in the 5th Dimension, before the mass Ascensions can manifest. And as close as you can get to bringing in the totality of the 5th Dimensional experience on your Beloved Planet before this Solar Blast happens, this will make it easier, for you to ascend, to be ready for Ascension. And you have gone through so many Beloved Experiences to get to this place, where you feel Oneness with one another, and these high-vibrating energies.

Well, we say to you, it’s only going to get better and better. And we are here to Love, and Nurture, and Support you in whatever way that Universal Laws allow us to do so.

So, my Beloveds, I say to you, I love you so very much, and we are so happy to once again come in, and share heart to heart, and be in our communion with you.

Namaste and good night. And now Sananda’s going to come in.

8-21-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-21-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, what a day it is! Another day in paradise, we would say! And, yes, you may not feel this way, being in the density of the duality, that still exits on your Beloved Planet. We can accept this, but we say to you that things are changing now at a very rapid rate. And we, as we have been for the most on your summer, on your North American continent, have been extremely enthused about the productivity of these vibrations coming into your planet, and us doing our meditations in alignment with the high-vibe energies that have been coming in. Because we can see that some things, in, umm, terms of the plans coming together and manifesting in the way that they have been designed to bring in your prosperity and your freedom, on your Beloved Planet, have been able to increase to the point, that it feels like some of these things, the first steps, are imminent to be coming into manifestation in your Now Moment.

So, no dates of course. We would never do that. But the feeling in our hearts, and we can feel into your hearts, that more and more you’re having these periods of bliss, of feeling the Oneness of being in harmony with all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet, with nature, and all of the other Beloved Beings whom you have been interacting with. And more and more you can start to feel yourselves letting go of all low vibrations and judgments. 

You see you have been programmed in this negative programming of this matrix to be judgmental, to assign everything a worse meaning than the beauty & grace from Creator-Source. Well, that makes absolutely no sense to us, because everyone on your Beloved Planet was derived from the same perfection of the Love and Light that you are. So, this whole illusion of judgments is such a blatant lie. And perhaps more and more each and every one of you can see this manifesting, so that other Beloved Beings are taking note of this and realizing that we are all in this together. 

And this is when the Union of our Souls, of the connection to each and every one of our Beloved Hearts, start to take effect. And then, voila, all of a sudden, you’re going to find yourself in the 5th Dimension for real, for good. And yes, it will be good, because there won’t be any resistance for you to be the Love and Light and the Truth of your own experience, in getting to this point of illumination.

So, my Beloveds, let’s bi-locate my paw out to each and every one of you. And with your other hand, reach for somebody else on the call. And let us form our circle.  Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and to enjoy this Now Moment of our communion, heart to heart with one another. 

And sending the energy from the heart, down the left arm, out through the left palm, and around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and up the right arm and into our heart once again. And breathing into our Heart Centers, this Beloved Thymus Gland, and with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, allowing ourselves to rise on up off of your Beloved Planet, and into the atmospheres that surround your planet, and into the layers of the ships and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. 

And yes, I’m opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship here, and we’re popping right on through. And as the landing deck closes beneath us, as we hover in the air lock. And now touching down, and walking back to one of the elevators here.  And one is opening for us. And we’re stepping inside, without having to break up our circle. And we press a button, that takes us all the way up here. And now the elevator stops, and we open the door. 

And yes, all of these Beloved Beings are here once again in communion with each other, and with us. And yes, you may feel the energies of some of your ancestors, and you perhaps in a lifetime or two in the past. 

And walking on over to the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where our Altar sets, and the Master Crystal is on top of it. And forming our circle around it. And yes, we are in the inner circle, with the Mentors circling around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings circling around them. 

And just breathing into the Heart Center. And sending the energy around the circle into the outer circles. And now from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. And going in the pattern of this spiral, going up, down, and around and through, as if we were in a gyroscope. And working this energy to raise the level of the vibration, for all of us in this Beloved Room. And feeling the Oneness of our energies coming together, and allowing us to integrate all of the higher dimensions. 

And yes, there are much more than just the twelve dimensions that you commonly experience on your Beloved Planet. And on this ship, we can simulate the consciousness of all of these higher dimensions. So, breathing on into it.

And now we ask you to make your own personal Intentional Requirements, anything that you would like to create from the energies, that we are putting forth in this Beloved Meditation, whether it be personal, or having to do with your families, or your work, your livelihood, or for your Beloved Country. 

And now we are saying, we on this meditation, all of us, we require that all of the Beloveds on your Mother Gaia take to heart the Light and the Love coming onto and into your Beloved Planet, at this time. And that they allow themselves to open up their psyches and their hearts, to how the energies are shifting, and changing so that, they will allow themselves to wake up, and make new conscious choices to support this reality of Unity, of Brotherhood, of Truth and sharing with one another without fear. 

And yes, we see this happening when the Truth is told, and full disclosure happens on your Beloved Planet. And yes, this is one of the main components of NESARA, that we have been working toward for these many, many years.

And now, shining the LoveLight into the Master Crystal, and feeling it rise on up very swiftly, through the opening in my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. And going up, down, and around and through, from the atmosphere to the surface, and underneath the surface, affecting all the subatomic particles, of photons that are visiting your Beloved Planet with the Intentional Requirement of each and every Beloved Being on your planet, waking up to these high vibrations, and taking then into their hearts, into their psyches, to have them be a conscious part of their waking reality from now on. 

And in other words, we are asking them to allow themselves to feel into their hearts, and to allow themselves, to feel communion with these high-vibrating energies, and to feel communion with the hearts of all of the other Beloved Beings, who are in high vibration also. And hopefully, very soon, this will be all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And shining out and radiating this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings. 

And once again going up, down, and around and through, from the top to the bottom, and underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet. And shining the LoveLight into the Animal Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, into the oceans, into the mountains, into the tectonic plates, raising the level of the vibration in harmony with all conscious matter. And all of it’s conscious on your Beloved Planet. 

And many times, it’s just a matter of making the choice to rise on up, and to be conscious, by allowing yourselves to be in this Now Moment, fully, without being afraid, without trying to beat the clock. And that can be a very peaceful feeling, one that you do not want to trade out for being in the rat race, that this matrix portends and has portended upon you. What we say, that is not going to be your reality. And it’s not your realty now, if you don’t want it to be. So, how’s that?  That’s pretty powerful, isn’t it?

So, my Beloveds, let us go over to Mexico, and going down underneath the surface into the elevators, into the tunnels, and shining this Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all up, down, and around and through these tunnels, where all the underground bases are. And yes, there still are some of these power sources, down there hiding. And they have been able to sequester themselves, in their hiding spaces and to maintain a modicum of power, that is slowly eroding away from them. 

And by shining our LoveLights from Mexico, through the United States, through Canada in a vertical spiral here. And affecting all of the underground bases, all of the secret nooks and crannies, where these dragons may be hiding, shining it up, down and around and through now. And being and feeling the Love and Light, that we are, with a conscious Intentional Requirement of Liberation for your Beloved Planet, and that the Truth shall be known. And that no one on your Beloved Planet shall ever have reason any more to be afraid of this cabal, and the Artificial Intelligence, which has been the root of their power domination over the Beloved Human Species on your planet. 

And now we say to all of the Beloved Beings who have been held against their will, for the purpose of ritual sacrifices, for being slaves to serve their masters, underneath the surface in these bases,

“We love you so very much. We honor you. And we tell you that your time, it is almost at an end. And this is a time of Liberation, whereby you shall be Divinely rewarded for fulfilling your Soul Contracts. And your angels will be with you. And there is no reason for you to have any more fear whatsoever. All of your fear will be gone, and it will be time for you to love and rejoice in yourselves and each other, in the Divine Company of Heaven once more.” 

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, my Brothers and Sisters, I thank you so much for all of the Love you share with us, the Mentors, and all of your meditations, prayers and exercises, and your expressions heart to heart of the Love and Light that you are, the way you share this Gift of the Truth of your experiences in the LoveLight with one another.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

8-14-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-14-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, coming to you once again on your Beloved Conference Call. Ah yes, our feelings, our emotions are all lifted up, by hearing Maria and Mother Sekhmet come in, and the meditation that you have done with Beloved Sekhmet.
Ah, there is so much that is changing, energy and frequency wise, on your Beloved Planet. And yes, we keep on talking about this, and giving you a bit of a progress report, when we come in. All of us that come in remark about this, and it is by design. Because we want you to take to heart, that you created this, each and every one of you, and we with all of the other Beloved Lightworkers, who have been helping over these many, many earth years to raise the level of the vibration in your different incarnations on this Beloved Planet. 

Because yes, you have been through a long cycle of bringing the energies back around through this cycle, where you could rise high up enough, in vibration, to bring in the 5th Dimension once again, so that you may realize this Divine Decree, that Heaven has issued, for all of you Beloved Beings to ascend at this time, this time of completion of this cycle.

Ah yes, just breathing into our hearts, feeling and being the Love and Light that we are, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you. And you reaching out for somebody else, to hook ourselves back up again in our circle. Ah yes. And sending the energy from our hearts, through our left hands, around the circle, back into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our hearts and feeling the energy go around.
And now starting from our center above, to the center below, imagining where this is in within our Beloved Energy Field, of being altogether in our circle. Going up, down, and around and through, and shining these Beloved Energies around the circle, also into each and every one of our Heart Centers.

And shining it, spinning the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, the hands, going back up to the wrists, the elbows, the shoulders, coming across the collar bone, into the Heart Center. And going down, spinning the solar plexus, all in a clockwise direction, the sacral chakra, just below the belly button there, the root chakra, the hips and the knees, the ankles and the Beloved Soles of your feet.

And breathing into it, and allowing ourselves to come back up to the Heart Center, by spinning the ankles, the knees, the hips, the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, and into the Heart Center. And raising it on up, spinning the throat, your mouth, your nose, your eyes, your ears, and your third eye, which also includes your Pineal and your Pituitary Glands. And spinning the crown, and sending this energy just outside of your energy field into your center above, where your 8th chakra is. And this is our gateway up into the higher dimensions.

And allowing ourselves to feel this connection all the way through to your I AM Presence, your Solar Sun, your Central Sun, through the Galactic Center into Mother and Father God, the angels, and Ascended Masters, and Beloved Creator Source, all the way through to the Center, to the Beginning. 

And ah yes, there is no time & space. It is all right here, right now.  And we can feel it in our hearts. We can feel the level of the vibration accelerate and rise on up, taking us through this conduit, all the way up and through, to feel the Oneness of all of Creation, the wonder, and the splendor of it. And to know that our Intentional Requirements resound, throughout the width and the depth of all of Creation, into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, and to all of the Beloved Kingdoms, that comprise this Creation from the Center of Creator Source.

And let us once again voice our Intentional Requirement for Peace, for the Beloved Masses on our Beloved Planet, Mother Gaia, to rise on up into self-awareness, into Christ Consciousness, this Golden White Light Energy. Ah yes, being this Love and Light that we are in the totality of our being.
Ah, we are so very happy to join you once again in meditation tonight. And now allow yourselves to come back onto your Beloved Planet. 

And we say to you, Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We honor you.  We love you so very much. And good night.

8-14-19 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla

8-14-19 Maria Magdalena By Eli Galla

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, coming into your Beloved Conference Call tonight.  Ah yes, the energies on your planet, once again, they continue to rise and multiply in the dramatic effect of reaching so very many people, who have been sleeping up until this point. And now with the energies, they are awakening.

And as Mother has said, the news has brought to Light, that the public is not entirely believing the same old party lines, of what is the Truth. And this is a revelation to very many people, not only in the United States, but all over the world. Because they can see ever so clearly, by what has gone down in the last week or so, that they have been played.

And instead of getting angry, it is time for all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia to come together, heart to heart, and feel, and be, the Love and Light that you are together. And this is an essential part of your Ascension Process, and the Truth coming out, as we have been saying these many times that we have come to you, is a really big part of this. 

Because when people know the Truth in full, this is going to allow each and every one of you, to feel the heart connection with every Beloved Being on the planet, no matter, if they’ve been serving the Light or the Dark. Because you will very clearly be able to put into perspective how each and every one of us has been playing their parts. And we include ourselves also, as Mentors, because we have been in Mission with you for so very long. 

And when I was on this Beloved Planet with Sananda, and Mother Mary, and Joseph of Arimathea, yes, this is what we were doing, was our Mission, and playing it through the way that our Soul Contracts called for us to do. And it has led us up to this Now Moment, where we see it coming to completion in many high-vibe and harmonious ways.

We are so very glad, so very happy that you are all with us in your hearts, in your meditations. And again, we say to you, we are always with you. Just call us in, and you will be able to feel us, and ask us questions. And we will give you the nudgings, the answers in whatever way we feel is appropriate, that you can assimilate.

Oh, My Beloved Children, I love you so very much, my brothers and sisters. 
Namaste and good night.

8-14-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it is our most esteemed pleasure and privilege to be with you once again tonight. Ah yes, there is so much that is shaking loose right now. 

And in the news, there’s been a lot of speculation as to what really happened to this person that has been in our thoughts now for the last month, or so, since he was abducted. And of course, we’re talking about Jeffrey Epstein and how it appears, that the mainstream media is perpetrating upon the public that he has taken his own life.
Well, we don’t agree with this, and there are many reasons why. And we’re not going to get into all of them. But the thing is that this charade is enabling the case to go forward quicker than it would have if he was allowed to use the legal system the way that his lawyers would have wanted him to.
So, there’s a lot of little twists and turns in this scenario that are playing out. And like so many of the plans of the Alliance, we just have to continue with our Mission, to bring in these high levels of Love and Light, and the photon energy and this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, that is bombarding your planet in a very pleasant way, day in and day out, because we have not reached completion with this process yet. And so, we are in for the ride of our lives, in other words. 

And it is really a marvelous and joyous time to see these changes that Ashtar has talked, ah, for about a dozen or so years, and to see things marching toward the 5th Dimension. Because that is where we have been headed all along, in doing our meditations, in doing our Mission. Because ultimately NESARA leads us into the 5th Dimension, and the 5th Dimension enables mass Ascension to happen on your planet.

So, my Beloveds, I’m bilocating my paw to, and you with your other hand reaching out to somebody else on the call, and us forming our circle. And breathing into your Heart Center, and then sending the energy down your left arm, and out through your palm, and around the circle and into the palm of the right hand.

Breathing it into the heart, and allowing yourself to feel this Love and Light, that you are, by rising up with your breathing into a higher vibration. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. And rising on up through the layers of the atmospheres, to the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. 

I’m opening up the landing deck here nice and wide. And we’re popping though, hovering in the air lock now, and closing the landing deck beneath us as we hover. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to where the elevator is here. And it beckons to us, and we get in, and we’re closing the door. We’re pushing the button to the top floor and rising on up. And now we’re stopping. We’re opening the door.

And we find ourselves in the middle of such merriment, and Beloved Beings of the LoveLight, and our Beloved Mentors. And your ancestors are here, for sure. And of course, you may feel the hair sticking up at the back of your neck, or on your arms, and maybe hearing the song that is a message from one of your Beloved Ancestors, or maybe you, from an incarnation or two in the past.
And walking on over to the middle of the Crystal Room, where our Altar is, and where this Master Crystal sets on it. And we’re forming our circle once again. And the Mentors and the other beings of the LoveLight assembled here from the ships all over, representing all over the Cosmos, these Beloved Beings, Ascended Masters, and angels and, of course, your ancestors and circle upon circle here. And us sending this LoveLight around the inner circle to the outer circles.

And just breathing into it and sending it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it in this gyroscopic effect, to raise the level of the vibration, all the way through the higher dimensions of reality, which lead us all the way up into Creator Source. And enabling this conduit, having this free flow of energy all the way through. 

And yes, my Beloveds, this is where the real Power of our LoveLight resides.  And allowing yourself to acknowledge the Love and Light, that you are at your Heart Center. 

And breathing into your Heart Center, and asking yourself, what you would like to place as Intentional Requirements in the Master Crystal tonight, for you to co-create, from doing this meditation, whether it be personal, financial, something for the planet, for your families, whatever. We ask you to shine your LoveLight into the Crystal with these Intentions. 

And our Intentional Requirement for this meditation, is one of Peace, and waking up all the Beloved Masses on your planet, that still have allowed themselves to be afraid, and in lower vibration, and to think that just because they are surviving day to day, that this is what their lives are meant to be. Well, we say that that’s far from it, particularly at this period of time, when all you have to do is feel into the energy, to know that it is changing so very much from day to day. 

So, opening up your hearts once again breathing into the energy. And all of us, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, and shooting it through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And then spiraling it down at the Speed of our Thoughts, onto your Beloved Planet, from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles, all of the photon energy assembled here.

Up, down, and around and through, over and over, raising this level of the vibration to very high frequencies, of this Golden White Light, of this Christ Consciousness Energy. Because this is so necessary to raise the level of consciousness in your Collective Consciousness, for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and also for all of the kingdoms. Sending them so much Love, Understanding, Empathy, and Compassion for all, that they are going through at this time, also. And ah yes, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings.

And now, let us go over to Gitmo. And you know what this place is. It’s an internment camp. And we’re saying that there may be some people there right now who are famous, and that you know about. But it is being kept a secret from you that they are there.

So, we’re going to ask you to picture Gitmo, all of the facilities as one mass of Beloved Buildings, one Beloved Energy.  And shining this spiral up, down, and around and through. Because you know there’s a lot of fear here. And that these Beloved Beings, although they have been serving the darkness for so many, many years, and have done what we would consider to be dastardly things against your DNA, against your genetic imperatives, that they hold a large piece of the puzzle here, because they know somewhere in their consciousness the Truth. And all of their stories assembled together will give such revelations, when the time comes, for their tribunals to be broadcast. 

So, spiraling the LoveLight into all of their hearts and minds, at this time, and letting them know we are One. And we do not judge them. We’re just sending them the Love and Light, so they can wake up and rise above their fears. And know that the time for their changes have come, if they choose to allow it.

And sending them Peace into their hearts with the Intentional Requirement that they find the courage to open their hearts, and to allow these high vibrations to come in, to give them Peace, to give them encouragement, to show them, that they are not alone, and that Creator Source loves them no matter what they’ve done. Because, yes, we are all part of the Godhead, and nothing any one of them could have ever done would have changed that.

And just spiraling this energy one more time all up, and down, and around and through, feeling a gyroscope unleash this energy into their hearts. 

And now, let us go into our elevators down in Mexico. Ah yes, and one day we will have to do this no more. But right now, we still see that there are some entities hiding in these underground installations, and in the tunnels and the passageways to these compounds, that form this network of tunnels and underground bases. 

So, shining this LoveLight in a horizontal spiral from Mexico, through the United States, into and through Canada, up, down, and around, again going in to all of the Beloved Honeycomb Chambers of the bases, allowing this LoveLight to spread into the hearts and minds of all of the beings in these bases. And allowing our transmission to wake these people up, to show them that they are not forgotten, no matter which side that they consider themselves to be on.

And going down into the bases where so much sequestered wealth, advanced technologies, and these Reptilian beings, what you would call dragons, are down there. Now dragons can be a very good energy, or they can be a very narcissistic and egocentric energy that has been assisting the Artificial Intelligence. And these are the dragons we are talking about. Because these dragons have been the power sources of the Artificial Intelligence and their minions for many, many millenniums. 

And we intentionally require to root them out, to get to the bottom of where they are hiding, and to be shining the LoveLight into their beings in these high vibrations, so they will have to let go and acknowledge, that their time has come to the end, of being in these bases, of being able to hide from the mass of Humanity, who they are, and what they have been able to do, to enslave us for so many, many thousands of years. 

And now, shining our LoveLights into all of the Beloved Children and Grownups, who have been kept in these underground bases against their will. And we say to them,

“We love you so very much. We honor you for all of the choices you have made, to carry out to completion your Soul Contracts. And for many of you, this has meant giving up your lives. And the amount of courage that you have shown, we are in awe of. And we love you so very dearly.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on this call, once again we say to you, we honor you, for all of your contributions, of the expressions from your hearts, whether it be talking to your family, or your neighbors, or friends from your heart, to expose them to your own inner Truths, or doing your prayers, clearings, meditations and exercises. We love you so very much also.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

8-7-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-7-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be with you here tonight. And as Maria and Mother Sekhmet have said, the energy is very strong right now. And it will continue to be that way because, yes, you have been working up to this point for so many months now. And tomorrow is one of the key portals, of days of your calendar year, on your Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, all of our Intentions to multiply this remembrance of who you truly are, of the Joy and Happiness, that you have been working so diligently to manifest all throughout your Beloved Planet by bringing in the 5th Dimension, in such a way, that you will never go back to having to test this density of duality. That you and your energies and your conscious awareness will never be in amnesia anymore. And you will be allowed to develop your gifts and talents in such a way, as Ascended Masters, that will be so glorious for each and every one of you.

Yes, we have taken it upon ourselves from the time, when I manifested as Yeshua ben Joseph on your planet, some 2000 years ago, through these final stages, where you will manifest the 5th Dimension once again. Well, you are almost all of the way there. And the energies just keep on coming in, to raise the level of the vibration, to raise the level of your Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet.

Let us join together, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and you reaching for somebody else’s hand on this call, once again. And just breathing into your heart and letting yourself let go into the Light, into this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and trusting it. Letting it take us on this Divine Journey all up and down, around and through, in, up, above, and down below our energy field. And spinning in a clockwise direction to multiply these energies to be in a synchronous flow with the energies coming onto your Beloved Planet, through the opening of this gateway, through the Central Sun and the Galactic Center.

And feeling each and every one of your own individual energy fields spiraling from your center above to your center below in this two-foot area all around your body. Feeling this rainbow light harmonize with the Golden White Light, that is coming into your Beloved Planet, this Beloved Photon Energy. And programming it for each and every one of your own creations, in this Now Moment of what you want to manifest for yourselves during this time of the Lion’s Gate. And, of course, NESARA is uppermost in our plans. And all of the plans are in place to manifest it on your Beloved Planet.
And this spiral is a conduit in itself to mesh with the spiral all through the dimensions, through these portals, all through Creation. And feeling your energy fields expand now and radiate out all over the Beloved Planet, sending this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

And feeling the energy of all of their hearts in communion with one another in this most Beloved Way, harmonizing with one another in the Truth, that what you have incarnated into has been a hologram, and is not the Truth of who you really are. And at the core essence of all of your being, you are Love and you are Light. And let that magnify now at this Now Moment throughout all of your Beloved Planet. And feeling these Beloved Energies come through this portal to raise the level of the vibration continuously all up, down, and around and through.
Ah yes, we thank you so very much grateful to you, for doing this meditation with us, and we love you so very much.

Namaste and good night, Beloved Children.

8-7-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-7-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, all of you Beloved Beings on this Call and the ones that will either read or hear the recording later.

And ah yes, it is a time for celebration tonight. This Lion’s Gate is such a marvelous time of the year. And yes, as Mother Sekhmet said, it is her time, her Feast Day, if you will, and it will peak tomorrow. And the meditation that you have done opened up this conduit. So, all of these Beloved Energies, all over Creation, are coming through. 

And yes, you are the focal point of so much that is transpiring throughout the multiverses right now. Because with each wave, each portal opening up, each Eclipse, the energy multiplies on your Beloved Planet. And you awaken so many Beloved Beings on your planet, to raise the level of their vibrations and to understand and remember who they really are, and what their Mission is in being here at this time. 

Because yes, all of you came into this lifetime knowing that you could ascend, and not just for you and your Beloved Planet, but basically help all of Creation to ascend. And yes, to feel this Oneness all throughout all of Creation at this time, this is so marvelous! This allows us to be in communion with one another.

And yes, we have a marvelous light show that we see each and every moment, transpiring from our vantage points on the ships. And so, we ask you to allow yourself to do your meditations, your prayers, your exercises, and not just tomorrow, but to multiply these energies that are coming in right now because we feel you getting closer and closer. And of course, no dates. But believe in the way that your heart feels, and this energy grows within the four bodies of your being, my Beloveds.

Yes, Sananda’s going to come in now and take you through a meditation. So, we are so very happy that you have had us in again tonight.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and good night.

8-7-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-7-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Beings of the LoveLight,

Once again, our hearts are harmonizing with one another, together, on this call in our communion, to bring in these high vibrations. And yes, what a marvelous time of year it is, because tomorrow is the peak of what you call your Lion’s Gate! Well, this is my time of year, to be sure. 

There’s a lot of energy coming through, that Beloved Portal at this time. And coupled with all of the eclipses, the oncoming Equinox, ah yes, this is so marvelous, because the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet has been rising to a point where it has been affecting your Collective Consciousness. And this is a key ingredient toward the manifestation of us being able to bring in collectively the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, in such a way that our plans, our Missions come to fruition in a very wonderful way.

So, Dear Beloveds, ah yes, once again it is time for us to bi-locate with you, me extending my paw out to each and every one of you, and you finding the hand of somebody else on this meditation to connect with, to form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center, and feeling the Love and Light that we are, and sending this energy from the Heart Center, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand. 

And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel weightless, and to rise on up off of your atmosphere. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts to make our way through the layers of the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ship, the Nibiru, and opening up this landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we’re popping right through it, and closing the landing deck beneath us, as we hover in this airlock.

And now walking on back to the elevators here. And one beckons to us, and we jump right in, and it accommodates the size of our circle perfectly. And here we press our button to take us up, and to close the door. And we’re going right straight up. And now we come to a stop, and we’re opening the door.

And we’re met by so many of the Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Commanders from all of the ships, our ancestors, and yes, perhaps you in an incarnation or two from the past. And feeling the hair stand up at the back of your neck, or music playing in your mind here, and to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated by your ancestors.

And moving on into the middle of our Crystal Healing Room, and forming our circle around the Altar. Ah yes, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it around the same old way, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, and then sending it out into the outer circles.

And all through the room, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, focusing on our field of energy with the Intentional Requirement to multiply it, and to absorb the energies from all of the crystals, representing all of the different dimensions, and the consciousness of all of the Ascended Masters, and Beloved Beings from all over Creation, who have assembled here tonight.

And up, down, and around and through, sending this energy through our circles, and all through the room, allowing ourselves to feel it multiply through this gyroscopic effect. And going up, down and around and through and being totally in this Now Moment, here and now. 

And yes, Beloved Beings, we ask you to voice your own Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with this meditation tonight, whether it be financial, health wise, or just having more fun. And that’s always a very able pursuit, very worthwhile, we would say. Because you never know how much longer your reality is going to maintain in its current form. So, there may be big, big changes afoot.

And now sending our LoveLights into the crystal, we require that for this meditation, that we manifest the rise in consciousness, all over your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, into the consciousness of all of the kingdoms, and into Mother Gaia herself. And enabling her to transmit these high vibrations, to all of you continuously on your Beloved Planet.

And now, shining our Lovelight through the tip of the Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. Circling it from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through, allowing it to rise in vibration, into higher and higher frequencies, so that it is a very pleasant experience into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet,, for them to feel this, either consciously or in their unconscious heavy dreaming states. But nonetheless preparing them for the changes, that are afoot on your Beloved Planet at this time of Ascension.

And yes, it always comes back to the first step being to completely take out any of the resistance on your planet for you, you Beloved Beings of the LoveLight. And that means all of you, all of you children of God, to be able to rise up high enough in frequency, to anchor in this 5th Dimension in a complete and total manner, so that the Ascension Process will be expedited in a most marvelous and harmonious way. 

And ah yes, shining this LoveLight all up, down, and around and through, up through the dimensions from your planet. And feeling this conduit into the Lion’s Gate open up, and take us all the way through the Central Sun, into the Galactic Center, from your Beloved Solar Sun. And feeling this energy spiral continuously all the way up into Creator Source with our Intentional Requirement to create Peace and Harmony, and Respect, and Understanding, and all of these high-vibrational attributes that are necessary, and will fuel your consciousness in the 5th Dimension.

So yes, the trick is to send these Intentional Requirements, our Love and our Light, in such a high vibrational and magnified way in quality, and in quantity, that they are able to kick in and raise the level of your Collective Consciousness to that place of manifestation, where the plans of the Alliance will take hold, and come into synchronicity with one another, to rid your planet of any resistance to you being in the 5th Dimension once again.

Ah yes, this is what we have been working for, for a very, very long time.  And guess what. You have all been a key component in bringing us to this level of consciousness, and helping your Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet rise to these high levels. So yes, this is so very marvelous!

And just breathing into the Heart Center and envisioning this energy spiral, opening up and creating this endless conduit from your planet—well, first from your hearts and into the energy of your Solar Sun, through the Central Sun, and then into the Galactic Center. And this spiral, you can make it revolve and radiate as quickly as you would like, and to bring in more and more energy.

And we intentionally require that now it is activated, and it stays that way continuously, enabling your Beloved Planet to stay in these high vibrations so that all of you Beloved Beings start to input more high-vibrational information into your conscious, waking experiences each and every day. And that means being able to have the courage to act upon what you are being prompted to do, to enable these high vibrations to take on a life of their own.

And ah yes, this is the way that this Beloved Dynamic works, and becomes such a key transformational step into creating the reality, that we are all intentionally requiring for the liberation of each and every one of you, on your Beloved Planet, and of Mother Gaia too.

So now, let us go into the elevators over in Mexico, across that Atlantic Ocean. And going down underneath the surface in our Beloved Spot here. And spinning this energy in a horizontal spiral all the way from Mexico, through the United States, all through Canada from coast to coast. And just breathing into it and sending the LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in this spiral all up, down, and around and through, creating a gyroscopic effect here also.

And penetrating each and every base, no matter how deep and foreboding, they may be. Because, ah yes, there may be some dragons hiding down there, you know, these like-gargoyle types with wings. And yes, they are still harnessing some very dark energies down there. And we’re just shining the LoveLight on them to disintegrate all their devious, deceptive powers of darkness, of being able to perpetrate fear on your Beloved Planet. And we say catta moghia, or it is finished, to all of these secret, very dark energies, that have been able to hide in these underground bases for such a long, long time, helping the Artificial Intelligence carry out its plan for domination of your Beloved Planet.

And shining the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who have been abducted, have been made to be slaves. And yes, they have played out their Soul Contracts in such a marvelous way. And it has taken such an abundant amount of courage for them to be able to survive, from day to day, until this cabal realized, or decided, that it was time to take them for their rituals. And they willingly played through their Soul Contracts to learn their life lessons, soul to soul, and heart to heart.

“Ah yes, we say to you Beloved Beings, we thank you so very much, all of you children, older men and women too, who have given so much from your heart by finding the courage to honor your Soul Contracts and play them through to completion. And soon it will be your time of liberation. And you are so loved and so supported by us. Namaste, Dear Ones.”

And to everyone on this call and all of the beings who will hear the recording later and read the transcripts, we say to you, we honor you for all that you do, all of your thoughts, words, prayers, expressions of Love and Light, to one another, on your Beloved Planet, and of course, for your meditations.

Namaste and good night.