8-14-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Sananda, coming to you once again on your
Beloved Conference Call. Ah yes, our feelings, our emotions are all lifted up,
by hearing Maria and Mother Sekhmet come in, and the meditation that you have
done with Beloved Sekhmet.
Ah, there is so much that is changing, energy and frequency
wise, on your Beloved Planet. And yes, we keep on talking about this, and
giving you a bit of a progress report, when we come in. All of us that come in
remark about this, and it is by design. Because we want you to take to heart,
that you created this, each and every one of you, and we with all of the other
Beloved Lightworkers, who have been helping over these many, many earth years
to raise the level of the vibration in your different incarnations on this
Beloved Planet.
Because yes, you have been through a long cycle of
bringing the energies back around through this cycle, where you could rise high
up enough, in vibration, to bring in the 5th Dimension once again,
so that you may realize this Divine Decree, that Heaven has issued, for all of
you Beloved Beings to ascend at this time, this time of completion of this
Ah yes, just breathing into our hearts, feeling and
being the Love and Light that we are, me bi-locating my hand to each and every
one of you. And you reaching out for somebody else, to hook ourselves back up
again in our circle. Ah yes. And sending the energy from our hearts, through
our left hands, around the circle, back into the palm of the right hand,
breathing into our hearts and feeling the energy go around.
And now starting from our center above, to the
center below, imagining where this is in within our Beloved Energy Field, of
being altogether in our circle. Going up, down, and around and through, and
shining these Beloved Energies around the circle, also into each and every one
of our Heart Centers.
And shining it, spinning the shoulders, the elbows,
the wrists, the hands, going back up to the wrists, the elbows, the shoulders,
coming across the collar bone, into the Heart Center. And going down, spinning
the solar plexus, all in a clockwise direction, the sacral chakra, just below
the belly button there, the root chakra, the hips and the knees, the ankles and
the Beloved Soles of your feet.
And breathing into it, and allowing ourselves to
come back up to the Heart Center, by spinning the ankles, the knees, the hips,
the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, and into the Heart Center. And raising
it on up, spinning the throat, your mouth, your nose, your eyes, your ears, and
your third eye, which also includes your Pineal and your Pituitary Glands. And
spinning the crown, and sending this energy just outside of your energy field
into your center above, where your 8th chakra is. And this is our
gateway up into the higher dimensions.
And allowing ourselves to feel this connection all
the way through to your I AM Presence, your Solar Sun, your Central Sun,
through the Galactic Center into Mother and Father God, the angels, and
Ascended Masters, and Beloved Creator Source, all the way through to the Center,
to the Beginning.
And ah yes, there is no time & space. It is all
right here, right now. And we can feel
it in our hearts. We can feel the level of the vibration accelerate and rise on
up, taking us through this conduit, all the way up and through, to feel the
Oneness of all of Creation, the wonder, and the splendor of it. And to know
that our Intentional Requirements resound, throughout the width and the depth
of all of Creation, into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, and to all of
the Beloved Kingdoms, that comprise this Creation from the Center of Creator
And let us once again voice our Intentional
Requirement for Peace, for the Beloved Masses on our Beloved Planet, Mother
Gaia, to rise on up into self-awareness, into Christ Consciousness, this Golden
White Light Energy. Ah yes, being this Love and Light that we are in the
totality of our being.
Ah, we are so very happy to join you once again in
meditation tonight. And now allow yourselves to come back onto your Beloved
And we say to you, Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers
and Sisters. We honor you. We love you
so very much. And good night.
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