Thursday, August 8, 2019

8-7-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-7-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Beings of the LoveLight,

Once again, our hearts are harmonizing with one another, together, on this call in our communion, to bring in these high vibrations. And yes, what a marvelous time of year it is, because tomorrow is the peak of what you call your Lion’s Gate! Well, this is my time of year, to be sure. 

There’s a lot of energy coming through, that Beloved Portal at this time. And coupled with all of the eclipses, the oncoming Equinox, ah yes, this is so marvelous, because the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet has been rising to a point where it has been affecting your Collective Consciousness. And this is a key ingredient toward the manifestation of us being able to bring in collectively the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, in such a way that our plans, our Missions come to fruition in a very wonderful way.

So, Dear Beloveds, ah yes, once again it is time for us to bi-locate with you, me extending my paw out to each and every one of you, and you finding the hand of somebody else on this meditation to connect with, to form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center, and feeling the Love and Light that we are, and sending this energy from the Heart Center, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand. 

And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel weightless, and to rise on up off of your atmosphere. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts to make our way through the layers of the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ship, the Nibiru, and opening up this landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we’re popping right through it, and closing the landing deck beneath us, as we hover in this airlock.

And now walking on back to the elevators here. And one beckons to us, and we jump right in, and it accommodates the size of our circle perfectly. And here we press our button to take us up, and to close the door. And we’re going right straight up. And now we come to a stop, and we’re opening the door.

And we’re met by so many of the Beloved Beings, the Mentors, the Commanders from all of the ships, our ancestors, and yes, perhaps you in an incarnation or two from the past. And feeling the hair stand up at the back of your neck, or music playing in your mind here, and to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated by your ancestors.

And moving on into the middle of our Crystal Healing Room, and forming our circle around the Altar. Ah yes, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it around the same old way, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, and then sending it out into the outer circles.

And all through the room, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, focusing on our field of energy with the Intentional Requirement to multiply it, and to absorb the energies from all of the crystals, representing all of the different dimensions, and the consciousness of all of the Ascended Masters, and Beloved Beings from all over Creation, who have assembled here tonight.

And up, down, and around and through, sending this energy through our circles, and all through the room, allowing ourselves to feel it multiply through this gyroscopic effect. And going up, down and around and through and being totally in this Now Moment, here and now. 

And yes, Beloved Beings, we ask you to voice your own Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with this meditation tonight, whether it be financial, health wise, or just having more fun. And that’s always a very able pursuit, very worthwhile, we would say. Because you never know how much longer your reality is going to maintain in its current form. So, there may be big, big changes afoot.

And now sending our LoveLights into the crystal, we require that for this meditation, that we manifest the rise in consciousness, all over your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, into the consciousness of all of the kingdoms, and into Mother Gaia herself. And enabling her to transmit these high vibrations, to all of you continuously on your Beloved Planet.

And now, shining our Lovelight through the tip of the Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. Circling it from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through, allowing it to rise in vibration, into higher and higher frequencies, so that it is a very pleasant experience into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet,, for them to feel this, either consciously or in their unconscious heavy dreaming states. But nonetheless preparing them for the changes, that are afoot on your Beloved Planet at this time of Ascension.

And yes, it always comes back to the first step being to completely take out any of the resistance on your planet for you, you Beloved Beings of the LoveLight. And that means all of you, all of you children of God, to be able to rise up high enough in frequency, to anchor in this 5th Dimension in a complete and total manner, so that the Ascension Process will be expedited in a most marvelous and harmonious way. 

And ah yes, shining this LoveLight all up, down, and around and through, up through the dimensions from your planet. And feeling this conduit into the Lion’s Gate open up, and take us all the way through the Central Sun, into the Galactic Center, from your Beloved Solar Sun. And feeling this energy spiral continuously all the way up into Creator Source with our Intentional Requirement to create Peace and Harmony, and Respect, and Understanding, and all of these high-vibrational attributes that are necessary, and will fuel your consciousness in the 5th Dimension.

So yes, the trick is to send these Intentional Requirements, our Love and our Light, in such a high vibrational and magnified way in quality, and in quantity, that they are able to kick in and raise the level of your Collective Consciousness to that place of manifestation, where the plans of the Alliance will take hold, and come into synchronicity with one another, to rid your planet of any resistance to you being in the 5th Dimension once again.

Ah yes, this is what we have been working for, for a very, very long time.  And guess what. You have all been a key component in bringing us to this level of consciousness, and helping your Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet rise to these high levels. So yes, this is so very marvelous!

And just breathing into the Heart Center and envisioning this energy spiral, opening up and creating this endless conduit from your planet—well, first from your hearts and into the energy of your Solar Sun, through the Central Sun, and then into the Galactic Center. And this spiral, you can make it revolve and radiate as quickly as you would like, and to bring in more and more energy.

And we intentionally require that now it is activated, and it stays that way continuously, enabling your Beloved Planet to stay in these high vibrations so that all of you Beloved Beings start to input more high-vibrational information into your conscious, waking experiences each and every day. And that means being able to have the courage to act upon what you are being prompted to do, to enable these high vibrations to take on a life of their own.

And ah yes, this is the way that this Beloved Dynamic works, and becomes such a key transformational step into creating the reality, that we are all intentionally requiring for the liberation of each and every one of you, on your Beloved Planet, and of Mother Gaia too.

So now, let us go into the elevators over in Mexico, across that Atlantic Ocean. And going down underneath the surface in our Beloved Spot here. And spinning this energy in a horizontal spiral all the way from Mexico, through the United States, all through Canada from coast to coast. And just breathing into it and sending the LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in this spiral all up, down, and around and through, creating a gyroscopic effect here also.

And penetrating each and every base, no matter how deep and foreboding, they may be. Because, ah yes, there may be some dragons hiding down there, you know, these like-gargoyle types with wings. And yes, they are still harnessing some very dark energies down there. And we’re just shining the LoveLight on them to disintegrate all their devious, deceptive powers of darkness, of being able to perpetrate fear on your Beloved Planet. And we say catta moghia, or it is finished, to all of these secret, very dark energies, that have been able to hide in these underground bases for such a long, long time, helping the Artificial Intelligence carry out its plan for domination of your Beloved Planet.

And shining the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who have been abducted, have been made to be slaves. And yes, they have played out their Soul Contracts in such a marvelous way. And it has taken such an abundant amount of courage for them to be able to survive, from day to day, until this cabal realized, or decided, that it was time to take them for their rituals. And they willingly played through their Soul Contracts to learn their life lessons, soul to soul, and heart to heart.

“Ah yes, we say to you Beloved Beings, we thank you so very much, all of you children, older men and women too, who have given so much from your heart by finding the courage to honor your Soul Contracts and play them through to completion. And soon it will be your time of liberation. And you are so loved and so supported by us. Namaste, Dear Ones.”

And to everyone on this call and all of the beings who will hear the recording later and read the transcripts, we say to you, we honor you for all that you do, all of your thoughts, words, prayers, expressions of Love and Light, to one another, on your Beloved Planet, and of course, for your meditations.

Namaste and good night.

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