Thursday, August 1, 2019

7-31-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-31-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And I’m coming to you tonight, yes, to do a meditation, because we see so much, transpiring on your planet as Sekhmet has said. And we want to help you anchor in the Love and Light, in your daily lives, to even a greater degree than you have already. We see that this transmission coming from all the Beloved Beings, all over Creation, through your Galactic Center, through the Central Sun, through your Solar Sun, and onto your Beloved Planet, are making such a difference at this time.

And we feel that this will be easier and easier for you, by learning how to let go to it, more and more, in Divine Rhythm and Timing. And there is no set way to do this, because the energy isn’t the same all of the time. As we say, all of Creation, and all of consciousness is in Divine Flux.
And so, what we ask you to do is be cognizant of the fact, that this means, that through the connection with your Heart Center, that you flow into your own Divine Flow of energy that you feel from all of your chakras spinning, and creating this dynamic of the Unified Chakra.

So, let us once again join together, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you, and you reaching out for somebody else on the call, to form this circle with. Breathing into the Heart Center, feeling the Love and Light, that you are. And sending it down through the palm of your left hand, and around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand. And with your breathing allowing yourself to rise up.

And now focusing on your Heart Center, which is your Thymus Gland. It’s in the middle of your chest, about two inches below your breastbone. And breathing into it, and allowing it to spin in a clockwise direction. 
And now going up into your Crown, and spinning it clockwise, and spinning your Third Eye. And feeling this connection in the center of your brain, from your Pineal Gland, into your Pituitary Gland, which is your Third Eye. And it’s radiating this LoveLight out through your Third Eye. And spinning your third eye down again, once more, into your heart.
And spinning your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists in this clockwise direction, both at the same time, and the palm of your hands. And then coming up, repeating the steps here, the wrists, the elbows, the shoulders, coming across the collar bone, into the Heart Center. And spinning your solar plexus, your sacral chakra, your root chakra. And spinning both your hips at once.  And yes, because they’re opposite each other, they spin in opposite directions.
And spinning your knees, and your ankles, the soles of your feet.  And coming back up the same way through your ankles, your knees, your hips, and your root chakra, your sacral chakra, your solar plexus, and back into the Heart Center.

And yes, we say that our Mission is Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. So, breathing into this Divine Realization that we are One on this Beloved Mission, and this is our Power and Strength, because it keeps us in alignment with the Core Essence of our Being. This Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy is a product of that.
So, focusing this LoveLight into each other’s hearts, once again, sending it around the circle. And from the top of our combined energy field, up, down, and around and through, to feel this gyroscope effect multiplying these energies.
And sending it out to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet into their hearts, into the hearts of all of the children, all of the men and women, all of the animals, the trees, the crystals, into the mountains and the oceans, attuning it to this Divine Harmonic Vibration of Oneness, of Peace, Unity, Clarity, of Joy, Forgiveness, of Bliss, of Satisfaction, of coming together, each and every one of us, in the Love and Light that we are. And multiplying this throughout all of your planet, throughout all of Creation. Ah, so it is.
We thank you so much for your participation. Any time that you want us to come in, and for you to feel our Love and our Light, and for you to ask us questions, we are right here for you, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

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