Thursday, October 3, 2019

10-2-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-2-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Yes, I’m coming in tonight, because I feel the desire to spend a little more time with you, and to answer any questions, that you may have. But first, I would like to do a short meditation.

Ah, yes, the energies are so Divinely Harmonious right now, with what we are feeling. We are working our way to another plateau, we would say, of bringing in this 11-11 energy, now that your seasons have changed, and you’ve brought in your Equinox energies. And we see a progression happening through the end of this year where, yes, we’re feeling more and more of the LoveLight, that we all are together, rising up higher and higher, harmoniously with each breath, with each thought of Loving Divine Intention, to bring in the 5th Dimension.

And let us form our circle, once again, and breathing into it, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you. And you reaching out with somebody else on this call. And sending the LoveLight around the circle, from the left, back into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center, and allowing ourselves, with our breathing, to expand our heart-centered energies, to raise the level of the vibration, and expand our energy field, as we hold hands.

And feel the Oneness, heart to heart, meld into each other’s energy, raising this level of vibration up, down and around and through. Expanding it in this Now Moment, all over your Beloved Planet. Spiraling it out, up, down, and around and through, to the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, with the Intentional Requirement of creating this Peace, this Peace that passes all understanding, this knowingness, and appreciation of who you really are, and what you are capable of, as being a part of the Godhead. Because yes, my Beloveds, it is something that you created, for you to come into this moment of feeling that Power of the LoveLight, which you are. 

And I had these moments 2,000 years ago, approximately, on your planet, with my Mother Mary, and my Beloved Mary, Maria Magdalena, in that lifetime that you called me, or that the Bible calls me, Jesus Christ. 

Ah yes, to feel all of you coming into this moment of your evolution is truly magnificent for all of us Mentors. But I would say for me in particular, to see your progression in this lifetime, and to know the awareness that is coming in to you more and more, so each and every day, of you creating this reality whereby you will live in Peace, whereby this will be the norm.

And there will not be any more wars, or survival games, played upon you to create fear and separation. There will not be any lower vibrations whatsoever. And you will feel such Grace, and Ease, and Harmony, and Understanding, and feel no resistance whatsoever, in sharing that LoveLight, that you are with each other on your Beloved Planet.

Allowing yourself to be Here Now and always coming back to this place any time that you want to call us in to do this meditation with you. Ah yes, it’s very basic, breathing into your Heart Center, forming the circle with us and expanding the energy. And calling forth Peace and Understanding on your Beloved Planet.

And now we’re going to ask if there are any among you who would like to ask us a question. And yes, I’m talking for all of the Mentors, but it’s coming through me. And my Maria and my Mother Mary are here also. And yes, they’re passing out these Kumara roses to you tonight, for you to take into your heart, all different colors for you to keep as a symbol of our Divine Union, and Interdimensional Love with you, in this Now Moment.

So, if there is anyone that would like to ask a question that I will answer, please press Star 6.

(Pause) Ah, okay, so maybe it’s time to unmute everybody. (Pause) Ah, if there’s nobody that has a question, all right, we could say good night. And we’re going to stop the recording. Here we go.

Namaste, & Goodnight, my beloveds.

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