Thursday, October 31, 2019

10-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening! Ah yes, the veil, ah, it is almost transparent from our side.  And we are feeling so much passion, so much light cascading all around, in and throughout your Beloved Planet tonight. 

Ah yes, this is a miraculous time for us, because so many things are coming to a head, you would say. So much or so many of the plans, that the Alliance has put forth are taking on an extra-added measure of, umm, time sensitivity, we would say. Because, yes, things are transpiring in your environment, behind the scenes, that you are not really being made aware of. 

In other words, all of the preparations that need to have been made for this moment of bringing these plans to completion, we see that they are there.  And with ourselves, being our Love and Light, raising the level of our vibration once more, in our meditation, we expedite, and we give more movement, more energy to bring these Beloved Plans to completion.
Ah, yes, it is marvelous for us to see all that each and every one of you have been doing, in the name of the Light and the Love, that you are. Because, yes, who you call Creator Source, or that part of you, that is your I AM Presence, that part of you that helps you to understand, who you really are, wants you to feel this Passion, this Love, the Happiness, this Joy in every Now Moment, and not to have to hold back anymore, to navigate your survival journeys in this lifetime. Because yes, that is something that you have all been learning from, how to survive under some dire circumstances, very unfair, we might add, circumstances that this Cabal has perpetrated upon all of you Beloved Beings, upon the environment, upon all of the kingdoms of your Beloved Planet. 

And now there is this Universal Harmony visiting your planet, with the cohesion of these plans coming into being, to enable these higher vibrations for you, to access the True Nature of your being, which is Love and Light.  And yes, Love Is All There Is! 

So, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and you reaching out for somebody else on this call, to form our circle.  Breathing into your hearts, allowing yourself to feel this Unity, with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, with these high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love. And sending it from your heart, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand.

And allowing yourselves to rise on up to feel this Joy, this Bliss of accessing this Love and Light. And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, now up through the layers of the atmospheres, and up into the layers of ships. And coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru.
I’m opening up the landing deck here, and getting us started to coming onboard, by hovering in the airlock, as we close the landing deck beneath us. And now we are traversing our way back to this elevator, that has opened up for us. And we all get in at the same time without breaking up our circle. It is a very accommodating elevator, one with symbiotic consciousness, if you will. And we all get in, and we’re closing the door and pushing the button. And we’re rising on up.
And now we open the door and come into the Crystal Healing Room, with all of these Beloved Beings awaiting our presence. And ah yes, it’s nice to be welcomed back home once again. And ah yes, all of the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, other Ascended Masters and angels, they are all here. And perhaps you see yourself from a lifetime or two as one of your ancestors.

And now going into the middle of the room, and we’re going to form our circle around our Altar. And while the Mentors form their circle around us, and everyone in the outer circles gets set too. And again, breathing into the Heart Center, sending it around out through the palm of the left hand, into the palm of the right hand, and into the other circles. And from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling our combined energies up, down, and around and through, from the center above, to the center below, allowing our hearts to open up to this Miracle of Unity, of the Oneness of who we really are, joined together, heart to heart, and soul to soul. Allowing ourselves to bathe in this LoveLight and to feel Joy and Bliss in knowing, that everything is in Divine Perfection, in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronization. 

And now we ask you to send your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with doing this meditation tonight, for yourselves to use this energy for your highest and best intention, enabling yourself to be more in your energy flow, in your daily routine, whether it has to do with finances, relationships, being more connected in your meditations, prayers and exercises, or just having more fun, walking out in nature, or listening to music or singing. Whatever is your heart’s fancy in this Now Moment, we ask you to focus it and send it on into this Master Crystal, that sets on the Altar here, in the middle of our Crystal Healing Room.

And tonight, our meditation focuses on the Intentional Requirement of feeling in this Oneness, throughout all of the dimensions of reality. In other words, bringing it in, in this Now Moment, when the veils are very thin, because tomorrow’s Halloween. And with, of course, the Intentional Requirement for positive results, for the Light to wake people up, and for them to have their “ah-ha” moments, where they will be able to put in focus, why they are here in this lifetime. Of course, it’s for Ascension. Of course, it’s for not only their own personal Ascension and spiritual evolution, but for that of all of Creation. Because after all, Beloveds, we are all One. There is no separation. And this is a very Simple Truth, but it is so very Potent, and Compassionate, and Understanding of our True Divine Nature.

So, Beloveds, shining our Intentional Requirements, for this meditation for all of us, and your Beloved Planet, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it out through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. And from the surface, underneath the surface, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, allowing ourselves to let go to this Miracle of Love, coming into the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And waking them up, enlarging their consciousness, to take in this Intentional Requirement of Peace, of Harmony, of interacting with one another from a place of Trust and Union and Oneness. And that it is so very possible, it is almost your reality of going onto this new Financial System. 

Our Intentional Requirement is to plant the Seeds of Acceptance, that there is a better way for you all, on your Beloved Planet, to live your lives; that the advanced technology, the new financial system, new governments focusing on heart-centered solutions, on what so many on your planet call a Meritocracy. Well, we’re in alignment with that, because we want to focus on the positive, on bringing in as much of the LoveLight as we can, to create new ways of manifesting your reality, in harmony with all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet.

So, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface, right into Gaia’s Crystalline Core, out the other side, feeling this gyroscope effect, spinning from the middle, from the center, out to the environment of this Beloved Planet up, down, and around and through, multiplying the Love and Light that we are collectively, totally, of everyone and every Beloved Being on your planet.
And now let us go over to this place in England, which you also call the UK, to this jailhouse, where our Beloved Brother Julian still is. And yes, he’s going through this process of getting extradited. But as with all, that transpires on your Beloved Planet, having to do with governments and institution, the Truth is not coming out. 

And he is not being treated with the respect, that we feel he is due as a Lightworker. And much, much more than that, over the many lifetimes, and all of the different roles, that he has played, that has allowed him to bring his Life Lesson to this space of transmitting all that he has been working onm in these many, many lifetimes, to bring about the Truth, to bring about the plans in Harmony and in Unison with Beloved Saint Germain.

So, shining the LoveLight into his heart, all of us circling around him. And bringing in Mother Mary, and Saint Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch. And spinning this energy all throughout his energy field in a clockwise direction, two feet around his body, from the center above, to the center below, with the Intentional Requirement of energizing him with the Light. And allowing him to know the Strength, and the Power of his Love, of his dedication, of his Union with the Higher Aspects of his Being. Because even though he has been treated poorly, and that the dark energies have been feeding off of him, this is the time to energize Beloved Julian with the realization that Love is more powerful. And he is more powerful, giving his energy to the Love and Light that he is eternally, within and without space and time.

Sending our Love once again into his heart, into all of his chakras, spinning them from the crown, the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart center, the solar plexus, the sacral chakra, and the root chakra, spinning them all at once, for him to power himself up in this Unified Chakra, and to allow himself to feel the connection with us, all of the Beloved Beings of Heaven, in this Now Moment, to manifest his Intentional Requirements of Peace, Harmony, Goodwill, and Conscious Government. And for the Truth to come out, and to energize everybody, in all of the Beloved Kingdoms, on your planet in this Truth. 

And we say, “Namaste to Beloved Julian. And we love you so very much.” 

And now let us take our little trip, over, across the big pond there, down into the elevators in Mexico. Because, yes, once again, we see that there’s some Missions going on to liberate the Beloved Beings who have been kept slaves, because of human trafficking being perpetrated upon them.

And going down into the elevators, spinning our LoveLight in a horizontal spiral, all the way from Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada and around and back, up and through, down and over, again and again. Spinning it deep into all of these hiding places, where some really dark energies make their homes, and use the energies of the underworld to their benefit. 

Well, we’re here to raise the level of the vibration, in all of those hiding places, so they will not be able to draw any dark power anymore, where everything now becomes transparent, in the Love and Light, that they are. And yes, just as easily as we can, send Love and Light, and multiply and expand it, well, they’ve been known to do this when the veils are thin and multiply their darkness. But that’s the trump card. Now, isn’t it? Love is always stronger!

And Love is transparent, has nothing to hide, and it celebrates its high vibration, and the ability to be self-aware, and lift itself up in Joy and Celebration, in Harmony with all of Creation. Because yes, it enables the realization that we are all One, and we are all derived from the same Source.  And that, yes, there is no space and time. It’s all happening in this Now Moment. 

Ah, we thank you so very much for being with us and we send our Love and Light to the children, who are being liberated, and to those that are still in places of imprisonment, being kept against their Wills, fulfilling their Soul Contracts. 

And we say, “Namaste to all of you Beloved Beings. We love you so very much.” 

And to all of you beings on the call, we love you far beyond anything that words can express. And we thank you for your participation, not only in our meditation here tonight, but in all that you do, to bring your Missions to a place of realization and manifestation.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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