Thursday, October 24, 2019

10-23-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

10-23-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight with the message once again of Love, of Light, of remembering who you truly are, and assembling together to send our Love around the circle, to one another, and expand it. And joining together, me bi-locating my hand out to every one of you. And you reaching out again to somebody else on this call, and connecting with your breathing into your Heart Center, sending it around the circle, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, into your hearts, allowing yourself to slow down and relax once more. 

Allowing this Love and Light to come in, and to raise you up in vibration, and frequency, and combining our energies together, sending it around, and around the circle, up, down, and around and through. And feeling this energy of the gyroscope, going through its motions, raising the level of the vibration, within to without, of the four bodies of your being, around the circle, raising it up, spiraling this energy, sharing in this moment of this Golden White Light. 

And remember, Beloveds, you are the Divine Co-Creators. And we have been in Mission with one another to create the conditions on your Beloved Planet, where all of the beings, who came here, and that means just about everyone. Even the force of the darkness, came in knowing, that they could ascend in this lifetime. 

See the thing is that they had to become aware of this connection with who they really are. Instead of going for the same mechanisms of control, of lies and deceptions that have given them a false sense of Power. Because, Beloveds, the real Power is in your heart, is the Love and Light that you are, that you connect with up into the other side of the veil, which is your I AM Presence, and the higher aspects of your being, and all of your guides, angels and Ascended Masters, like us, the Mentors, whom you have been working with in these meditations.

Ah yes, breathing into the Heart Center, with this Divine Intentional Requirement that we all remember who we really are as being Eternal, Divine Vessels of Love and Light. And enlarging our vision to encompass your whole planet. And from there going through the portal of the Central Sun, by way of your Solar Sun, and into the Galactic Center. And sending the LoveLight all through the cosmos, permeating all of Creation with this Intentional Requirement of Ascension, of rising up, of unification with all of the higher dimensions, with all of the genetic bloodlines, all of the races, all of the species, all of the manifestations of Creation.

Bringing this into your hearts, Beloveds, allowing yourself to know, that we are all One. There is no separation. There is only Divine Harmony, and Understanding, and Bliss of bringing in this realization, that you are eternal beings of the Love and Light. This is the conduit into Christ Consciousness.

And ah yes, Beloveds, anytime that you want to feel this once again, you can listen to this meditation. You can just call us into your hearts. And we are so there with you.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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