Thursday, November 21, 2019

11-20-2019 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

11-20-2019 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, I am very happy to be here with you all tonight. Ah yes, the energies in your quest, to bring about the Divine Changes on your Beloved Planet, we witness that they are going very well.

And still each and every day, you are having to go through your routines, and being tested and challenged with so many different things, that come up, in the course of the day, for you to make choices. And this is one of the most important things, we see, you all having to master, in this Beloved Lifetime. Because the ability to be able to be conscious in the flow of your internal energy, inside of your hearts, breathing into them, and letting go, letting go of all of the static of your negative programming, of your imprint, if you will.

And allowing yourself to be conscious of that Spirit that you are. The connection with your I AM Presence, this allows you, Beloveds, to make very aware and conscious choices. And this changes the energy dynamic, not only for you, but all of the Beloved Beings in the Collective Consciousness, residing upon your Beloved Planet. Yes, each and every day affords you the opportunity, to rise up higher in vibration, and affect the Collective Consciousness. 

And over the course of these many years, this has manifested in so many Beloved Brothers and Sisters awakening, and beginning to challenge, to question, and to take active participation into shaping their external realities, because they are no longer going along with the agenda of this Deep State, or Cabal, as you have called it. They are able to be aware of how it feels, when they hear lies and deceptions. And when they hear their friends, or their family, going for the old program of being brain washed, thinking that the institutions are going to take care of them, and make their life easier.

Well, Beloveds, we say to you that nothing, practically nothing, has been really easy in this present lifetime, because this is the lifetime of Ascension and completion, for you to master your life lessons. And this is one of the main reasons why I come in, and the rest of the Mentors, because we very much want to show you our Love. We want to show you that we are always here with you, that you are loved so very much, and that this dynamic that you have been imprinted with, of judging yourselves, of feeling unworthy. We say to you, Beloveds, that you are most worthy, most worthy of your own Love, and our respect and admiration for all you’ve done, not just in this Beloved Lifetime, Brothers and Sisters, but all through this testing period of duality, on your Beloved Planet, where you’ve been having to deal with the extremes of duality. And many, many lifetimes giving up your lives for your integrity, and being your Truth, at all costs.

We love you so very much. And once again, let me say, any time that you want to feel our Love, for any reason whatsoever, please call us in. We love you so very much. Namaste and good night.

And now bringing in my twin, Sananda.

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