Thursday, November 7, 2019

11-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

11-6-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Once again it is our very welcome pleasure to be here with you on this call tonight. Ah yes, the changes of the clock, the changes of the season, and our quest for bringing about the Announcements of NESARA continues. Because it really comes down to how enabling these provisions, that NESARA entails, are allowing your Beloved Planet to realize that place of the 5th Dimension, within your conscious everyday dealings with your reality and the cc-creation of it.

Because, Beloved Brothers & Sisters, ah yes, this is not a journey that you have just been doing in this lifetime. This journey, this commitment to enabling your spiritual evolution, and the unfolding of who you really are, in your physical, material world has been going on for quite a long time. And you have dealt with so many obstacles, challenges and tests. 

Well, we tell you that each and every day, the opportunities coming into your energy fields, and your energy bodies, allowing the four bodies of your being to soak up this high-vibe energy and for you, more so than ever before, to learn what truly resonates with you, and in your conscious awareness create your Intentional Requirements for expediting the flow of energies, radiating them out to affect the Collective Consciousness.

And yes, we continue to talk about this, because we ever so much want you to feel the Love and Light that you are, and to feel the Joy of you creating your reality in a very high-vibe way. Because yes, we take in this energy and then we radiate it out. And it’s up to all of you to focus on whatever you feel guided to do to create your own reality in a way, that will allow you less and less resistance to being continuously in these high vibrations in the higher dimensions. 

Yes, Beloveds, this is where your Power is. This is a reflection of who you truly are, by connecting with those higher aspects of your being, and enabling that relationship with your I AM Presence and other aspects of your being, and also with us, and all of the Ascended Masters, and the angels that you feel affinity with. 

And yes, you know about the war, what’s been called a Spiritual War, or the War of Love, because of the limitations that this Cabal places upon your reality, so that they will stay in the driver’s seat. Well, we all know that it is all falling apart on them. And all you really have to do is just turn on your mainstream media, and see the degree of polarization between the stories of the mainstream media, and your Beloved Citizen Journalists, and alternative media around the globe, not just in this country. And that is the Grace and Beauty of your Beloved Internet, because if you have your connection into the Internet, you can access viewpoints and stories from all over the world. And we say that, yes, it always comes down to using that very useful tool of your Discernment. 

And just breathing into your heart and letting yourself feel, and be, in the Now Moment. Ah yes, it’s beautiful to feel that place of Zero Point where you feel yourself letting go and being entrained into that flow of energy where you know you’re creating what you truly desire. 

Ah yes. So, let us form our circle, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And you reaching for somebody else’s hand on this call to form the circle. And just breathing into your Heart Centers, and sending the energy from your heart, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand, allowing yourself to be in this rhythmic flow, of energy coming in, pulsating throughout our circle, and our combined energy fields. 

It is with the Power and Speed of our Thoughts, that we require ourselves to lift up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, and rise on up through the layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship the Beloved Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck here.  And now we are rising on up into the ship, hovering in the airlock as the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to an elevator that has opened for us. And yes, we can all get in at the same time. It is very accommodating, this symbiotic elevator. And now all of us are in. We close the door and push the button. And we rocket on up into that top room, which is the Chrystal Healing Room. And now opening up the door. 

And yes, we feel the celebration going on, and all of the familiar energies and Beloved Beings, such as the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, our ancestors, other angels and Ascended Masters. And ah yes, there may be a previous incarnation, or two, of you in amongst your ancestors. So, let us walk on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where our Altar is, and assemble our circle around it, where our Master Crystal sets on the Altar. 

And forming the circle, and sending this energy out around the circle, just breathing into our hearts, while the outer circles assemble around us, the Mentors, the Commanders, ancestors, all of these Beloved Beings, who have come here tonight, to be in Mission with us, to show their Love and the support, at this most Divine and integral time, in the process of bringing Love and Light to your planet, and waking it up, in these very high vibrations of the LoveLight. 

So, sending it around, around the circle, to the outer circles, and up through the combined energies of us assembling here together, tonight, and of the room, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling our energy up, down, and around and through, allowing it to pulsate rhythmically into our hearts. And feeling this expansion happening, this melding of our energies with all of the energies of the Beloved Beings in this room, and the Crystals, that comprise this Beloved Room. All of the dimensions of reality are represented here, Beloved Beings.
So, allowing ourselves to delve into that energy, and drink of it, and merge with it in this Now Moment. Letting go of all judgments, of all unease, of all preconceived notions, about who we are, and what we think we need to do in order to survive. Allowing our hearts to open up to this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, flowing into us, pulsating rhythmically, up, down, and around and through, feeling all of these energies flow within us, into our hearts. 

And we ask you to formulate your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create, from you doing this meditation tonight. Ah, whether it be financial, more abundance, more prosperity, more connection with Creator Source, and those higher aspects of your being, the ability to communicate clearly, and feeling more Love and Light within your relationships. Whatever your priorities are in this Now Moment, let yourself give Love and Light to them, and shine them forth into the Master Crystal.

And tonight, our Intentional Requirements focus on Peace and Communion with the higher aspects of our being, in connection with Creator Source. And feeling Forgiveness and Gratitude for all that is transpiring, not just on your Beloved Planet, Brothers and Sisters, but all throughout Creation. Ah yes, it is a wonderous time!  It is a time of learning, of multiplying the energies, and letting go. And our Intentional Requirements are also for Peace, Harmony, Ease and Grace in the unfolding of our Intentional Requirements on your Beloved Planet.
And of course, for the Truth to be made manifest, so that all of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia can learn to trust each other and yourselves. When the Truth is told, you will become so familiar and entrained with the vibrations of the Truth. And the high vibrations, of being in the 5th Dimension, won’t allow anything less than the Truth to come shining forth. 

So, now all of us shining our LoveLights into the Crystal, shining it through the tip, bursting it forth, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and then spiraling it down onto the Beloved Mother Gaia, at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, from the atmosphere, onto the surface, beneath the surface, into the central core of Gaia, up, down, and around and through.  Letting this spiral unfold and bring Peace, Joy, and Understanding to your Beloved Planet.

We intentionally require that, from this moment on, that Love and Light awaken all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms, that the rhythm and flow of energy, of the photons coming in, cascade and spread out, and spiral all through your environments, there on Beloved Mother Gaia.

So, spiraling it once again up, down, and around and through, all over your Beloved Planet, and shining it forth into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, into the Kingdoms of your planet, into the oceans, into the forests, into the mountains. Letting this LoveLight resonate, right down into the subatomic particles, into the cells of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, shining the LoveLight into their hearts, awakening them with spontaneous Joy, Bliss, and Understanding, and Clarity of Purpose, such as they have not had before, because of survival taking its toll, on all of you Beloved Beings, in many ways, shapes, and forms. 

Well now, we intentionally require, that the Christ Consciousness Energy bring you to this precipice, this plateau of high vibration and understanding, that this Unity becomes transparent on your Beloved Planet. This Knowingness, about the Truth of who you really are, and the Truth of what is really happening on your Beloved Planet is awakening each and every one of you, to eliminate resistance, and doubts, and worries; and this feeling of no space and no time, but only being focused in this Now Moment. And knowing that Love Is All That There Is (LIATI), enabling ourselves to be in these higher dimensions, and flow harmoniously with the energies, cascading into your Beloved Planet from the Photon Belt, coming in from the Galactic Center, through the portal in the Central Sun, and the portal in your Beloved Solar Sun. 

And let the Grace and Ease lift us up over to the United States of America, and where these fires are going on. Well, it’s not really fires in the traditional sense, we would say. It is a form of warfare going on, a type of weather warfare, being once again waged, for various reasons and purposes, at the behest of this cabal. And once again, it is affecting so many Beloved Beings, casting the shadow of doubt, and bringing in fear. Well, we’re going to shine the LoveLight into them, to open up their hearts even more. And picturing this wide area, where the forest fires are in the Northern part of California, in your Beloved USA, and seeing its energy field. And from the center above it, to the center below, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And as we do, we’re letting this energy interact with the atmosphere, with the sky. 

And we’re bringing in the Intentional Requirement for turning on the spigot, and letting it rain, letting it cascade down in a spiral, and flushing out all of the darkness, all of the beings, who are keeping secrets from your hearts, and your minds, playing their old game of secrets, lies and deceptions. Well, we can’t have any of that anymore. 

So, shining this LoveLight, with the Intentional Requirement of Unity, of all of the Beloved Beings, undergoing this test and challenge of being in that area, and having to co-exist with these fires, and not knowing, how these weather warfare weapons will be used against them. But in this Now Moment, we are eliminating the fear. And spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all up, down, and around and through the energy fields, the environment, from the sky, to the surface, underneath the surface, where these technologies, that are being used against the Beloved Brothers and Sisters are housed. And we require, the Intentional Requirement of revealing these weapons, and where they are being hidden, and rendering them inoperable, rendering them passé, in these high vibrations, that we are bringing in to the hearts and the minds, of all of the Beloved Beings on your Beloved Planet, and particularly into the energy fields of all of the Beloved Beings, in that area, where the fires are occurring. 

And now, let us go once again into that area in Southern California called China Lake. Because there has been ongoing operations, to root out these hidden spots, underneath the surface of your planet, where these technologies have been housed; but also, where Beloved Beings, Beloved Children, have been kept against their Will for various reasons. And shining the LoveLight into their hearts, we say to them, “We love you so very much.” 

We love all of the Beloved Beings, who are sticking out their necks, and going down there, to find where these Beloved Children are and liberate them. And from now on, we’re shining the LoveLight in these two areas, to bring these threats of enslavement, of fire, and the ruination of environment in those areas. Up, down, and around and through, with the Intentional Requirement of the Truth coming about, about what is really going on with human trafficking, with weather warfare, and all of the other things that need to be exposed, in this Now Moment for NESARA to transpire and all of its provisions, to enable this Beloved Planet to anchor in the 5th Dimension.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We thank you so very much for your participation.

Namaste and good night.

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