Friday, November 29, 2019

11-27-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-27-2019 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, once again with you feeling Love and Joy, Peace and Harmony, all of these good, wonderful things, that are coming to a crest in the wave of energy, that is flowing into your Beloved Planet. Each and every day, each and every moment, these energies are cascading down into your Beloved Planet, from the Central Sun, from the Galactic Center, through your Beloved Solar Sun. And it is with the Intentional Requirements of Creator Source, to expedite your Ascension Process, in a very harmonious, gratifying way, filled with Ease and Grace. 

Because yes, there are many obstacles, that you feel each and every day with finances, with perhaps maybe doing jobs, or just things in your normal daily routine, that do not resonate so highly with you. But Beloveds, the Miracle that is Ascension is transpiring, is in full play, we would say, on your Beloved Planet. And so, every day you are learning how to integrate with these high vibrations. 

And when you feel, what you would call, these Ascension Symptoms, it is just because, it is getting you to feel, where you are a little bit out of alignment, and where it would help you to open up your hearts and make choices, that would allow you to be more firmly in connection with these energies, with the Truth of you being the Godhead, that you are. 

Ah yes, Beloveds, there have been shadows in your reality. These dark spaces, where the Truth hasn’t been allowed to shine. And tonight, we’re going to do a little meditation to awaken those shadows, with the splendor of the Divine Truth, that each and every one of you possess in your hearts. And it’s a little bit of shadow dancing, we would say. Because the Sun is going to play in those shadows, whether they be on the surface, or underneath the surface, and metamorphosize the promise of the Truth coming in, and illuminating those shadows, Divinely Harmonious, connecting each and every one of your hearts, all over your Beloved Planet, with your kingdoms awakening too.

So yes, we grant you the feeling of being connected in your circle, and shining the LoveLight, heart to heart, around your circle in a clockwise direction. And spiraling the energy in the combined energy field of your energies, coming together and melding with one another, with Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, and Compassion, knowing we are always All One, even though we may not be able to feel it, like we are right now. 

But let us breathe into this feeling of being energized with the Truth of who we really are, and aligning ourselves with all of those shadows, all of those spaces, where the secrets and the underworld energies, have been able to take over your reality the way that they have. We intentionally require to jettison all of those shadows, with bright harmonious Light, the Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, this Divine Knowingness that all is in Divine Harmony. That the Truth cannot any longer be hidden from the conscious awareness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And now is the time of the opportunity, for each and every one of them, to rise up into that place of knowingness, that place of activation of your DNA, of all of the strands coming online, and connecting up in that right lobe of your brain. And the transmissions from your DNA, through these energy templates and energy centers in your body, thriving in high vibration, rapidly sending these signals of Bliss, and Harmony, and Understanding, and letting go to feeling good all of the time, no matter what obstacles remain, or what energies remain to be healed.

We are all One, Beloveds, in the Love and Light of the Truth, that we are all part of the Godhead. And yes, as Maria and Sekhmet have said, we are so here for you all of the time. We invite you into our hearts to do whatever will help you feel Self Love and Compassion, to feel supported by the Universe. 

We are very grateful for us, being able to come together tonight. We love you so very much, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

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