Friday, February 28, 2020

2-26-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

2-26-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight to suggest how important Forgiveness is in this Now Moment. 

Yes, there have been very dark deeds, campaigns to dissuade you into being upset, being angry, being in fear, feeling separation and blame and all of these low vibrations. Well, again, Beloveds, the dark forces, all they know how to do is to use the negative programming, that they’ve perpetrated upon your Beloved Species, to keep you down and powerless, and not taking advantage of these high-vibrational energies that you know are available to you, and to all of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters in every Now Moment from now on. 

You are not going back to where you came from. The density on your Beloved Planet is evaporating, Beloveds. Every moment this veil, that gives off the illusion of separating you from the higher dimensions of reality, and from us, from being in light body, is playing out. And more and more, Love and Light is available to you.

All you have to do is breathe into your hearts. And we are there with you, helping you to feel this Grace, this Ease, this liberation. But first shining the LoveLight around you in your circle, into your hearts, around from the left, to the right. And all of us Mentors, from all over the ships, all over the Cosmos, all of the beings of Love and Light, shining this LoveLight into your hearts, to let you feel the strength of this Power, each and every moment now. 

Because yes, you are at this place, where things are coming into view, where the pieces of the plans are taking hold. And the more, that we can raise the level of the vibration of your Collective Consciousness, the more accelerated this process will be. We intentionally bring in this understanding, this feeling of Forgiveness to unlock your hearts, to enable you to let go of shame, of guilt, of confusion, of anything less than Love, Beloved Brothers and Sisters.

We are all here now joined together with you, with the Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness. This is a level of awareness with all of us being equal parts of the Godhead, and taking responsibility in this Now Moment, for the dissemination of these high-vibe energies, by breathing into your hearts, and radiating this LoveLight out with the Message of Compassion.

And Beloveds, Compassion is the knowing that each of you have Free Will, and not to judge at all. But to allow each and every one of you to find your way through the maze of this matrix of negative programming, that has been built in within the four bodies of your being. And Beloveds, you have been lied to, because you have been initiated into this culture of a patriarchal, dualistic system.

But Beloveds, now is the time of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine coming together within the four bodies of your being. This is a feeling of harmony, of flexibility, of letting go, of acknowledgement of the true nature of your Godself Being. The Divine Feminine has been kept away from your Conscious Awareness for such a long time, Beloveds. But this is the brilliance of the Sacred Heart.

Opening up your hearts, allowing yourself to let this LoveLight permeate every cell, every subatomic particle, down into your DNA, in your Akashic Records, Beloveds. Because, yes, it has been a part of your nature for so many lifetimes, before you agreed to play out this duality, in these cultures of Atlantis, and the ones that you are now finding yourself in, by releasing these last vestiges of duality, of density.

Just breathing into your hearts, allowing more and more of this LoveLight that all of us on the other side are shining into you. And allowing yourselves to know that you are Divine Eternal Beings of Infinite Love and Light.

We love you so very much.  We thank you for allowing us to be with you tonight. We are always here for you Beloveds.
Namaste and good night.

2-26-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-26-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Good Evening, Dear Beloveds,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so happy to be here once again.
Ay yes, Beloveds, Love is the anchor, that brings us all together and allows us to feel this Unity, a Spirit of Intention, of knowing who we really are, and what is really important in this Now Moment, to raise the level of our vibration, to spread this Message of Love throughout your Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of awareness throughout your Beloved Planet, so all of the beings, who are still mired in the trenches of fear, of separation, of playing out these games having to do with survival, in some cases on your planet, having to do with war and violence. It is up to us, Beloveds, to shine the LoveLight to them all over your Beloved Planet, as you have been doing with Mother Sekhmet.  

And we say to you that us, as the Mentors, this is our Mission too, from the ships, from being with you on this meditation tonight. And we are so very happy, that your planet has passed the Markers for Ascension, and that every day more Beloveds are waking up. They are taking the reins of the awareness, that they are co-creators of their reality, and that they are part of the Godhead.
And that now is a very important time for each and every one of us to make our will, our Intentional Requirements, radiate all over your Beloved Planet, to help each and every one of our brothers and sisters reach that place of understanding, of clarity, of waking up.

And yes, so many pieces of this puzzle, that the Alliance has been putting in play for such a long time now, are coming together. And it has been upon all of us to keep on raising the level of the vibration, so that less and less resistance will hamper these efforts of the Forces of Light and Love, to create this shining, sparkling new reality based in Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Joy, all of these high vibrations, that will allow all of you Beloveds to feel this Unity, this Ease and Grace, of creating your reality in a Divinely-inspired, beautiful, harmonious way.

Ah yes, Beloveds, everything is in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.
And once again, we say to you, we are always here for you.  We are always feeling your hearts, singing you a song of Love and Compassion.
And namaste, Beloveds and good night.
And now my Beloved Sananda, my twin, will come in.

2-26-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-26-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening once again. We are so very happy, that you could join us tonight on this call, or listening to the recording, or reading the transcripts. We are all in this Now Moment. 

And well, how wonderful it is to witness the ongoing procession of the energies, as the unlimited photon energy pulses, spirals onto your Beloved Planet. And yes, there is so much, that is happening on the surface of your Beloved Planet right now. You have this Covid-19 virus, which is a man-made virus. And there is much ill intent behind this. And the dark forces, yes, we say they’re perpetrating this. And there are many different angles as to why this is manifesting at this time.
And then, of course, you have an election year. And you have so much, well, we would say, anger, and blame, and accusations, and spin doctoring going on about the Truth. But of course, we know what the bigger Truth is. And that is that the conditions on your planet are leading you into this place, where Ascension is imminent, and where the anchoring in of the 5th Dimension is a big step in that direction. And of course, you factor in the Solar Blast into that, as being a part of the process.

So, this is the lifetime where, before you came into this lifetime, you were making Soul Contracts around these realizations, that so much would be coming together, having to do with the completion of your Life Lessons, by making these Soul Contracts in the Planning Halls, before you came in. But you knew that this would be a Momentous Lifetime. And so, here we are all together. 

And we say to you that, yes, this can be a time of much Joy. It’s mainly a matter of you accepting, that you created this. This Moment in Time of being the Co-Creator of your reality, of breathing into your heart, and creating these feelings of high vibration, where you feel this interconnectedness with all of Creation, not just even all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

You are being watched from all over the Cosmos. There are ships represented in the layers of your atmospheres, that have been monitoring this situation.  Because, yes, they are affected by it, by the level of your vibration, and by you ascending.

So, we have been working with you for a long, long time, and not just at the beginning of this Harmonic Convergence. Although that was a very telling moment in the evolution of your spiritual evolvement. And of course, you passed the Markers for Ascension. So, there is no going back. There is only stepping more and more into the Light, and being the Love, feeling the Love in your heart, by way of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

So, Beloveds, I am bi-locating my paw out to you again. And please reach around with your other hand to somebody else on this call. And let us form our circle. Breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves once again to slow down and relax, and to be in this Now Moment. And to bring in this Love and Light in high vibration. And sending it around, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, breathing into your hearts, expanding our field of energy, combining it altogether, watching it expand.

And now with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck once again. And we’re popping on through, hovering in the airlock, and closing it now. And now, it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to an elevator that has opened up for us. And we’re popping in all at the same time with our circle intact. I’m closing the door. I’m pushing the button, and we’re rocketing right on up.

And now, we are here. And we are met by so many smiling faces, and warm hearts, that are welcoming us into this Healing Room, as we walk on over and surround, and form our circle around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.

And the Beloved Mentors are forming their circle around us. And the Commanders from the ships, other Angels and Ascended Masters, other beings from all over the Cosmos, who have assembled here tonight. And, of course, there’s beings that are bi-locating from the ships nearby. And all of these Beloved Beings, sending their Love and Light to be a part of this Beloved Meditation.

And circling around, from the left, to the right, sending it to the outer circles, combining our energies, expanding our energy fields. Spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, raising the level of the vibration. Bringing in these higher dimensions of reality, allowing ourselves to feel connected with our I AM Presence, and with Creator Source, as all of the dimensions of reality are represented in the crystals, and in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled with us here tonight.

And yes, Beloveds, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create with this meditation once again, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with you feeling more connection throughout the course of the day with your I AM Presence, or higher aspects of your being, whatever you think, and feel, will benefit you.

And all of us requiring, that the level of the vibration, on your Beloved Planet, wake all of the Beloved Beings, who are still sleeping up, whereby they can assemble the different pieces of the puzzle, that are coming into their reality, by way of the stories they hear from one another, of citizen journalists, on the Internet and even the mainstream media, and the debates, and all of the different tidbits of information, that are available to all of them in this Now Moment.

And we require that they allow themselves to feel inside of their bodies, and to let go of all of the fear dynamics, that they have been imprinted with.  And that now is the time to bring in the Truth, the Truth of who they are, of what they have been creating, and how they feel from moment to moment. In other words, to take responsibility on deeper levels of Compassion and Trust, Forgiveness and Gratitude. 

And Beloveds, we require that the Truth come out in a most-Divine, Harmonious Way. A way, that will unite all of the Beloved Beings on your Planet, because they will wake up to the dynamics of how, they have been controlled and manipulated by the small percentage of Beloved Beings, who have aligned themselves with the Artificial Intelligence, and the dynamics of these dark forces on your Beloved Planet, and of star races, who have been a part of this scenario of control and manipulation.
So, shining our Intentional Requirements altogether on this Master Crystal. And yes, with the Intentional Requirement for Peace, for rising up in high vibration to anchor in the 5th Dimension, so that your Beloved Ascensions and the implementation and integration with the Solar Flash can begin in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization, Beloveds.

And now shooting this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, up, down, and around and through. From the atmospheres, spiraling it onto the surface, underneath the surface, focusing it on Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And shooting it out through the other end here. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through with the Intentional Requirement for Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, to permeate the Collective Consciousness, to rise it on up in the Awareness of the Power, that you all have as Co-Creators, with your I AM Presence, connected to Creator Source. In other words, as part of the Godhead. All equal parts are we, coming together in this focused meditation to raise the level of the vibration.

Ah yes, let us go over to this place of so much controversy right now, on your Beloved Planet. And actually, it’s not just one place, because this Covid-19 virus has spread. It’s already, ah, been mutated, we would say, and disseminated in various countries like Iran and Italy. And it is wreaking havoc, because many Beloveds don’t know the nature of viruses and how they can be overcome. 

So, fear is being propagated and perpetrated upon you once again, and also the dynamics of separation. Because a lot of the media wants to play the Blame Game. Well, that’s not either here, nor there, Beloveds. 

It’s just a matter of us bringing this Awareness to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, that the Ashtar Command, and all of the Alliance will not allow this to get out of hand, that we are shining the LoveLight on this situation. And with our hearts joined together, focusing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into the composition of this virus, and releasing its dynamics, that have been made with ill intent to bring fear, to bring pain and suffering upon your species.

And we are shining our LoveLights on all of the beings, who are responsible for creating this virus, and propagating it with evil intentions at this time, so that these dark forces would be able to exhibit more control on your planet. Because, as you know, it is slipping away from them. And every moment on your planet, you are rising up into higher levels of vibration. Because, yes, you are in the thick of this Photon Energy, coming onto your Beloved Planet. You are moving through the process of bringing in this Cosmic Awareness, raising the level of your Collective Consciousness, which is allowing you to move closer and closer into bringing in, once and for all, once again, the 5th Dimension.

So, spiraling this energy on these areas to release fear, separation, blame, any and all of these lower vibrations. Spinning it counterclockwise to remove the effects of these viruses, shining the LoveLight to bring them to a place of neutrality. And allowing the scenario to play through, where they become benign. And the Truth of how and why this was perpetrated upon you comes into the Mass Consciousness, so that nothing like this can ever be perpetrated upon your species ever again.

Ah yes, Beloveds, the Light is winning! The awareness of who you really are is coming into play in this Now Moment, waking all of you Beloveds up.
And now let us journey on over to your Beloved United States, where yes, you are in the thick of this game called your Primary Season, your election process. And we feel that, even more so, than ever before, there is so much animosity, so much blame, so much outright hatred. We’re shining our LoveLights on all of these players, and all of the mainstream media, spiraling this energy in a clockwise direction into the apparatus of their information dissemination process, and into their hearts, into their minds.

The Truth of who they really are, and what is really important is coming together, is being in this place of Unity, and rising on up out of this negative energy matrix into the higher vibrations, where the fear and separation of the Artificial Intelligence can no longer create bad feelings, disharmony, distrust, and poverty, war, any longer.

Shining this LoveLight into their hearts, into the chambers of the Congress, the Supreme Court, all of the alphabet agencies in this part of your country, the United States, with the Intentional Requirement of waking everybody up into the realization, that they don’t have to be pawns of the game. That they don’t have to be blackmailed any longer by these dark forces. That now is the time to come clean, and go for the Light, and allow themselves to let go of all of the guilt, that they have from their associations with these dark forces and all of the things, that they have done to keep their places in the pecking order. 
Well, it’s all been a lie! Because they are so much greater than what they have been led to believe, that Satan has allowed them to be. Well, it’s all a conundrum, now isn’t it?

And this has been at the root of the mass manipulation by these dark forces. They’re always telling you that you need them to solve the problem, to get what you want. And they never tell you the bigger picture, that they created the problem in the first place.

So, lies and deceptions are what they have built their reality upon. But that does not last in the 5th Dimension. And that’s why we do these meditations, Beloveds, to take us up into the 5th Dimension, and have this be a part of our conscious realities, moment to moment, breath to breath, to fulfill our Missions together.

We love you so very much. We thank you once again for being a part of this call.

Namaste and good night, Beloveds. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

2-19-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

2-19-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again, I am in a joyful state of vibration in being with you tonight.

Ah yes, as my Beloved Maria, and Mother Sekhmet have said, these energies are permeating your Beloved Planet, and bringing in the promise of creating what we have been intentionally requiring in the Now Moment to manifest in your physical realities on your Beloved Planet.

It is our Divine Mission, and has been for these many thousands of years, to help you to get to this point, where you would complete your Missions of spiritually evolving, while using the density of the 3rd Dimension to hone these lessons, of knowing who you really are, and making choices, that resonate with that Awareness of your Divinity. And learning how to shine it forth, and to teach others how to be their Divine Nature in every Now Moment, to engender the bigger pictures of who they are, just as you have been learning to do for yourselves, Beloveds. It has been such a long journey.

And now we see and feel you’re still connected in your healing circle here, and all of us Mentors shining our LoveLights into your hearts, feeling the combined energies within your energy fields. And spiraling it, from above, to down below your energy fields, up, down, and around and through. 
Strengthening this feeling of the Golden White Light, Christ Consciousness Energy within each and every one of your hearts, sending it around the circle, from the left to the right, bringing yourself into this place of harmony, Ease and Grace, and the ability to let go of any thoughts, which do not resonate in the highest focus of the Love and Light that you are. 

In other words, allowing yourself to shift gears, to let go of anything less than Love. And enabling yourself to keep on rising up in these high vibrations, so that you feel this Oneness with these high, photonic energies, that are programmed with high vibrations of Love and Light, coming into your planet continuously, and accumulating within your Collective Consciousness.

And Beloveds, this is what it takes, each and every breath adding to the Love and Light, raising the level of the vibration of the Collective, so that we anchor in the 5th Dimension, and that all of the changes that are needed on your Beloved Planet come about in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.

Breathing into your hearts, rising up with this Love and Light, sending it around the circle once again, and spiraling it up, down, and around and through your Beloved Planet, into the heart of the Crystalline Core of Mother Gaia. Sending her Love and Light, and our appreciation for all, that she has done in these many, many lifetimes and acknowledging, that she is now in the 5th Dimension, and all of the support, that she has been giving you, and the rest of your Beloved Planet, all of the Kingdoms, all of the mountains, the oceans, all of the minerals of your Beloved Planet. 

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are honored to be with you. We are always here for you. Just call us in for whatever reason, when you want to feel our Love and Light.

Namaste and good night, Beloveds.  

2-19-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-19-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, it is so beautiful what we are feeling right now, in being connected with your hearts and souls, and feeling this energy permeate your planet, that you have made your Intentional Requirements with, for Ascension, for the Announcements of NESARA, and for also your acceleration of your Ascension Processes, to bring in the Love and Light on your Beloved Planet, so that all of your Brothers and Sisters, all of the Kingdoms, all of the Beloved Beings may feel these energies, and feel this Oneness of high vibrations of energy, that are coming into your Beloved Planet continuously now.
It is through all of our involvement, over the course of many lifetimes, that have enabled all of us to be in this Now Moment, where these energies are running rampant, and increasing in the level of their vibration. And the very joyful feelings of people opening up their hearts to one another, this isn’t just your imagination. It is actually happening, whereby these high vibrations are inspiring so many Beloveds that are open to receiving this energy, allowing them to speak from their hearts. And in some cases, for the first times in their life, allowing them to get a glimpse, for what is coming for them in the very near future.

Beloveds, you will see that your meditations will bear the fruit that you have been intentionally requiring of the Universe for so many years now. And that it will give you such beautiful energy and inspiration in every Now Moment. And it is a very joyful feeling for us to see, and to feel these energies expand within your hearts on your Beloved Planet.
Beloveds, we are always here with you, seeing you, feeling you, joining in song and celebration with you in your sleep states, and working with you with the Beloved Surgeons on the ships, clearing out any emotional debris and physical blockages in your deep, heavy dreaming states.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We honor you and we thank you for letting us come in tonight. 

Namaste and good night. And now Sananda will come in.

2-19-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be with you, while so much is going on. And we feel that even though you are in this period of Mercury Retrograde right now-- it just started a few days ago-- that the energies are focusing upon bringing things to completion in a most-Divine, Harmonious Way. Whether they be for yourselves in various aspects of your relationships, different things that have come up in your life journeys, or the introspection that will help you in the coming days to align with the higher aspects of your being even more profoundly than you already have.

Well, this is a very potent and marvelous time from our perspective, Beloveds, because we see the fruition of our meditations, of our Intentional Requirements bearing fruit, and different programs that have been initiated by your Alliance. And it’s not just your earth, it’s us in the Ashtar Command, working in concert with many different factions to bring about these changes on your Beloved Planet, that are in harmony with the external forces, that are playing such a significant role in the acceleration of your Ascension process. 

Well, yes, Beloveds, we keep on talking about this because this is the main focus of our combined Missions of being together. And this hasn’t been the only lifetime, that we have been working together. And it is upon us now more than ever to bring in more of this Love and Light, that we all are in the Oneness of our Godhead.

So, let us join together once more, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and you holding the hand of some other Beloved Person on this call. And forming our circle, and sending this energy, breathing into our hearts, sending it around the circle, breathing into this feeling of connection, of Oneness, of Unconditional/Universal Love. And feeling the Joy of being connected heart to heart, and soul to soul in this Now Moment. 

Sending it out, through the palm of the left hand, and having it come back around the circle, into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into your Heart Center, and letting go of any tension, stress, worries, or doubts, and allowing yourself to expand in this energy of Light and Love, that we all are, combined together in our energy fields. And allowing this Oneness to grow and permeate the four bodies of our being.

Now, breathing into the Heart Center and again, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting up off of the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, up into the layers of the atmospheres, jetting on up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck here. And we are rising on up, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now, it is safe to walk on back to an elevator, that has opened up for us. And we are all getting in at the same time and marching on into it. I’m closing the door. I’m pushing the button to take us on up to the top floor here. And now we’re coming to a stop, and we’re opening up the door, and all getting out with our circle intact. 

And so many Beloveds are here to greet us, and join us in the merriment of us coming together, as we carry out our Missions together. And feeling this LoveLight, as we walk on over into the middle of the room, and circling around the Altar here, where our Master Crystal sets. And having our circle hook up again, joining hands, sending this LoveLight around the circle again, with the Mentors circling around us, and all of the Beloved Beings from the ships, Ascended Masters, and Angels, and ah yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past.

And breathing into these energies, sending them around the room, combining our energy fields. And breathing into it, expanding our energies with the high vibrations of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings in this room, and of the high-vibrational energies of the crystals, that comprise this room, that have come from all over Creation, and have been assembled here.

And breathing into it, and spiraling this energy in our combined energy fields, that stretches from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it up, down, and around and through. And breathing into the rhythm of it expanding and taking us up higher and higher, through all of these dimensions, bringing in more of the Love and Light that we are, connected to Creator Source. Bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and feeling the Peace that this Love and Light engenders within us, within our DNA, our cell structure. And just breathing into it, and allowing it to merge with us into our hearts.

And now, we ask you to intentionally require what you would like to create out of the energies, and the focus of our meditation tonight. And yes, it could be financial, having to do with relationships, having to do with your health and wellbeing, or that of your family, basically anything that resonates with you, that you want to manifest within your physical reality on your Beloved Planet. And just breathing into it, letting these things move toward you by being in high vibration, and feeling the Love and Light that you are, and shining them forth into the Master Crystal.

And ah yes, the focus of our meditation once again is Peace. Because without Peace, without allowing ourselves a basis for bringing in these high vibrations, and letting go of all of the lower vibrations, we cannot fulfill our Mission. So, calling in these high vibrations of Peace, Understanding,  Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. 
And a big component of our meditations is the manifestation of the Truth, being brought out on your Beloved Planet. And the eradication of the PR of your mainstream media, that spins a yarn about what their preconceived notion of the Truth, their spin doctoring of the Truth, should be in order for the powers of this Artificial Intelligence-influenced Force of Darkness, that has permeated your societies. Letting it all go. Jettisoning its effect from your reality by rising on up with the high vibrations of the Truth. 

And now, shining our Intentional Requirements for Peace, Truth, Love and Understanding, to permeate your planet in the Now Moment, continuously from now on throughout all of Eternity. Shining them into the Master Crystal, and shooting this Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy up through the tip of the Crystal, up thru the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, feeling these Golden White LoveLights anchor into all of their hearts, feeling this connection intensify heart to heart, and soul to soul, between all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Because, ah yes, in this Moment, when the vibration rises high enough, and the crystalline grid is activated completely and thoroughly, this connection will be felt.

And there will be no more resistance to each and every soul on your Beloved Planet of letting go of their survival dynamics, that they have been negatively imprinted with. The Truth is that you never had to be consumed by these fears of survival. It was initiated the way that it played out, by the Artificial Intelligence, with their intentions to control you, and to use your energies to feed off of.

Well, the game is up! The jig is up, as they would say in the movies. And the reality of you being, who you really are, and conducting the power of this LoveLight all over your Beloved Planet is upon you in the Now Moment, we say. We feel it growing ever stronger, and your Schumann Resonance is manifesting Beloved Rhythms of high vibration, and accumulating this Photon Energy on your Beloved Planet in a most-harmonious and Divine Way, ah yes.
Shining this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of the world leaders on your planet because at some point, Beloveds, they will have to acknowledge what has really been going on. When the Truth reaches that point of being revealed all over your Beloved Planet, these leaders will have to reach alignment with the plans, that the Alliance has cast to bring everyone, all of the governments, all of the societies upon your Beloved Planet into harmony with one another, and on so many different levels, whether it be financial, spiritual, having to do with education, human rights. The high vibrations of the 5th Dimension will be the guiding force on your Beloved Planet. But ah yes, NESARA and its role has to be carried out.

So, shining this LoveLight with the Intentional Requirements of the Announcements being implemented in this Now Moment, within the hearts and the psyches of all the Beloved Beings on your planet, including all of these world leaders. And shining this LoveLight into their hearts, to give them the courage to make the hard calls, and to take the initiative with making choices, that are in alignment with the highest and best interests of all of the Beloved Beings, who they are sworn to serve on your Beloved Planet. 

Feeling these Intentional Requirements connect all of the world leaders together, in the Oneness of the Love and Light that they are, with our Intentional Requirement of them letting go of all of their fears, their negative programming, and feeling this Joy about knowing and being, who they really are in this Now Moment. And taking advantage of their positions of power, and knowing why they have this purpose of leading their peoples into the 5th Dimension. 

And filling their psyches with a glimpse of all of the different lifetimes that they had, that led them up to this point. And clearing all of the negative energies, allowing them to be at this place of Divine Intervention, from the Company of Heaven for the purpose of anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and enabling the Solar Flash, and the Ascension Process of all who want to partake of it on your Beloved Planet.

Sending our Love and Light to all of the beings in the underground bases who have been kept there as slaves against their will,

“We say to you again, Beloveds, no matter what age you are, no matter how long you have been enslaved, we love you. We recognize your contributions, your courage to the Grand Plan, that you have been following through on in this lifetime.”

And all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so very much, and those who will read the transcription, and listen to the recording. We appreciate each and every one of you and all that you do.

Namaste, Beloveds. We are always here for you. Just call us in. And good night, Beloveds. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

2-12-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

2-12-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Good evening. It is such a pleasure and a privilege to be with you once again, to feel these Divine Energies with you, and to permeate your hearts with the Golden White Light of this Christ Consciousness that I  bring forth with all of the Beloved Mentors in this Now Moment.

And yes, we see you are still joined together in your circle. Breathing into your hearts, activating this Conscious Awareness of who you really are, as a part of the Godhead. We are all One, Beloveds.

And now, let us take a little journey, circulating this LoveLight around your circle, out through your left palm, and into your right palm. And multiplying this energy, combining our energies in your energy fields, breathing into your hearts, accelerating the intake of these Divine Energies, that we are shining forth into your hearts. And now let us rise on up, up through the conduit, first into your Solar Sun, up through the Pleiades into your Central Sun, and up through the conduit that we call the Galactic Center. 

And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, once again we take you through these portals all over the Cosmos, to come upon the Angelic Healing Pools, which the Angels have constructed way over on the other side of your galaxies, far from your Milky Way. Ah yes, hovering above these miraculous healing pools, multi-colored, diaphanous, with sparkling highlights. And easing into them, sitting with your legs out in front of you, with the water up to our chests, in some cases your neck. And still being in our circle.

And sending this LoveLight around, feeling the Ease and Grace of these Beloved Waters permeating your cellular structure to hydrate, to lift you up in vibration, to harmonize with your cell structure, and bring in the original Adam Kadmon blueprint, so that these high vibrations become more familiar to you.

And the purity from the templates, that unify your hearts with your minds, with all of your chakras, the major and minor ones, and with these dormant parts of your DNA, and the right lobe of your brain. Now this Light activates them in the Now Moment, and it carries you up in high vibration and Divine Remembrance of who you really are, and why you are here, and all of the other lifetimes that have brought you into this Now Moment. Because, Beloveds, now you can feel in these healing waters, that there is no space and time. It is akin to being over on the other side.

And so now, the veil feels that it is no longer there. And you can feel the Oneness of all of us Beloved Mentors, and the energies that have been shining into your hearts all over your Beloved Planet, coming into play and lifting you up, these energies being once again multiplied. Because, Beloveds, with each and every breath, you are taking in more and more Love and Light. And you are transmitting into your Collective Consciousness to raise the Collective, so that it prepares more and more for these changes, that are imminent on your Beloved Planet. 

Because yes, Beloveds, you need to be in this place of Peace, of Harmony, of Joy, Understanding, Bliss, all of these high vibrations, where the lower vibrations of duality cannot exist any longer. And this is the advent of your 5th Dimension. And we are harmonizing with you all over the Cosmos, to bring in your 5th Dimension in this Now Moment, Beloveds.

We honor you. We love you with all of our hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds. And any time that you want to feel our Love and support, please call us in. Namaste and good night.

2-12-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am in awe of your energies tonight shining forth. I am so very happy to be with you once again.

Ah yes, it is a time of celebration once again, and me being here with you, and feeling your hearts, and the Divine Energies, that lighten the load, we would say, of the tests and challenges that are still visiting you in your daily lives.

Well, as Mother said, the support all across all of Creation, in the form of this LoveLight, visiting you, and shining, and transmitting into your hearts is off the charts. It has never been experienced the way that it has right now, because it is a direct conduit into each and every one of your hearts. It is, we would say, a magic moment, whereby with each and every breath, the potential exists for you to bathe yourself in this Cosmic Awareness, that yes, the Intentional Requirements, the Soul Contracts, that you made for this Beloved Lifetime, they are coming in and manifesting in a most Divine and Beautiful Way. The Truth is beauty, Beloveds. And this Truth is permeating your planet in very high vibrations in this Now Moment.

And we are supporting you over on the other side. And there are so, so many Beloveds in the Ashtar Command, and all throughout the Cosmos, that have joined us in their ships. And their energies from all of the Beloved Planets and Galaxies, all over Creation, are being focused and harmonized on your Beloved Planet through this conduit of the Galactic Center.

Ah yes, so Beloveds, we ask you to be in meditation with us as much as you feel guided to do, each and every day. And just opening up your hearts, and letting the LoveLight shine into them and guide you. Because the Love and support is there, Beloveds. 

And you don’t have to try. You don’t have to worry. Worrying never accomplishes anything on your Beloved Planet. Just allow yourself to be in this Divine Flow, and feel this Ease and Grace, and allow yourself to reach up for the highest and best that you desire to create. And stay in those high vibrations.

Call us in Beloveds. We are with you. We are One. And we are on the same Mission.

And now my Beloved Sananda, my twin, is going to come in. We love you so very much.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

2-12-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-12-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Beings of the Light and Love that you are, I am so very happy to be with you once again. And ah yes, it is so very marvelous, that we can be here together, joined once more time to do some meditating, to bring in this energy and focus it, to accelerate, what we have been putting forth out to the universe to create in this Now Moment, not just for ourselves and not just for your Beloved Planet, but basically for all of Creation.

And yes, Beloveds you are the beneficiaries of this Divine LoveLight energy, coming in through your Galactic Center in the form of photon energy. Because, yes, you have entered this photon belt. And right now, we would say, you are getting into the thick of it. And it is splendid for us to witness this.  Because, Beloveds, you, with each and every breath, focus, have the ability and the presence to focus this energy, to create what you desire, what you feel in alignment with in creating on your Beloved Planet. And also, to ask questions of your guidance, of us, and you will be supported in finding the answers. 

This has been an ongoing process all through this current lifetime for yourselves, Beloveds. And we see so many of the things, that you came in to this lifetime having to do with Soul Contracts, that they are now coming up for you. And you are finding the wherewithal to put them in motion and bring them to completion.

So, Beloveds, yes, there is a state of confusion on your planet. And there are a lot of factors that are coming to a head, we feel. And yes, the Divine Plans of what you call this Beloved Alliance, between us over on the other side, your politicians all over your Beloved Planet, the movers and shakers of industry and you, Beloveds, you with your hearts open wide, bathing in this LoveLight, and focusing it on places of discontent. And shining your LoveLight into each other’s hearts, supporting and loving one another. This is priceless! We love you so very much and we admire your courage.

Let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you, and you reaching out for someone else on this Beloved Call, this Community of Light. And forming our circle, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it out, from the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of your right hand. And just breathing into your heart, letting yourself fill up with the combined energies of our Love and Light, and the energies coming in all over the Cosmos, through the Galactic Center, with your heart being the receptacles of that Divine LoveLight.

And in this Beloved Now Moment, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up off the surface of your planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts. And rising up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. Opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now we’re popping on through, hovering in the airlock here, all joined together, circulating this energy around. 

And now it’s safe to touch down. The landing deck has closed beneath us. And we’re walking on back to an elevator, that has graciously opened up for us.  And we’re all getting in with our circle intact. And now I’m closing the door and pushing the button. And we are rocketing right on up, through all of the different floors on this ship. 

And now we’re coming to a stop and we’re opening the door and feeling the energies of all of these Beloveds, and seeing the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, Angels and Ascended Masters, your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past, maybe the long-ago past, from a lifetime not even on your Beloved Planet.

And now moving, with smiles on our faces, into the middle of this room. And circling around our Beloved Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And once again forming our circle with the Mentors, forming their circle around us, and all of the Beloved Beings forming outer circles. And sending this energy, breathing into our hearts, sending it around the circles.

And in the combined field of our energy in this Beloved Healing Room, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling this energy, multiplying its high-interdimensional vibrations, that are so very present in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and the Beloved Beings who are joining us from the ships adjacent to ours. And, of course the consciousness of the Beloved Crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room. 

Up, down, and around and through, Just breathing into it, spiraling this energy, allowing ourselves to circulate it, and fill ourselves up with this Divine Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. And ah yes, this feeling of balance, of Oneness, of harmony, of jubilation, of being here once again connected with Creator Source.

And now we ask you, Beloveds, to come up with what you would like to create for yourselves in this meditation tonight with all of these energies, combined with the Power, and the Grace, and the Ease, that you can feel right now in this Now Moment, whether it be financial, health related, just feeling more love for yourself. That is always a very worthwhile and a Divine Pursuit, is it not? 

Because when you feel Love for yourself, you can’t help but transmit it, and people start to see you as a Divine Beacon of this LoveLight. And it raises the level of consciousness, which is one of the main parts of our Mission right now in this Now Moment, to bring us all to this place of the 5th Dimension, is it not?

And let all of us shine our LoveLights into the Master Crystal with the Intentional Requirement for Peace, for no more wars, no more corruption, by way of the Truth coming out. And all of these bad actors, if you will, having this comeuppance, we would say, because yes, their dubious deeds will come into the spotlight. And they will be taken off the stage to be dealt with. 

And yes, they have the Power of Free Will. They can come into the Light.  They can rehabilitate on your planet, at least most of them. But some of them will not choose to do this. And well, they will have the reality that they are choosing. And there is no judgment. We are all free. We are all part of this Beloved Godhead!

Ah yes, so shining our LoveLights all together now, into the central point of our Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the ceiling, in the hole of the ceiling in the Nibiru. And cascading it down in a spiral onto your Beloved Planet. This Divine Spiral going up, down, and around and through, from the layers of the atmospheres, to the surface, and underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet, into Gaia’s crystalline core, that light-blue Light that powers the energies of your Beloved Planet in a most-Divine Way.

Up, down and around and through, multiplying these energies, and transmitting them into the hearts and psyches of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, with this Intentional Requirement for each and every one of them to wake up, and to realize the Love and Light they are, to have these conscious ah-ha moments that will take them higher and higher up into vibrations of the higher dimensions, where things and connections with the higher aspects of their being will be made known to them in a very easy, harmonious way. 

Because we see on your Beloved Planet, that the more of this photon energy, that comes in and accumulates, is raising the level of consciousness to such a place, where you are so loved and supported, that it is just natural for you not to be afraid any more, and not to go for the manipulations, that your ego and your minds have been programmed with, within this framework of the matrix.

Well, we call it the Negative Energy Matrix. Because if you could think of it as a tiny little cell that these beings, who are minions of the AI, have wanted to lock you in, to make you efficient and only receptive of their needs of control. Well, this is not who any of us are, even them. Even the minions who have pledged allegiance to their front men who perpetrate this Program of Domination. Well, it’s all a lie! Because, Beloveds, you know that it cannot exist in the 5th Dimension, these lies, and deceptions, and manipulations, that you have been programmed with. You have risen above the density of duality.

And now let us transmit it in our spiral all over your Beloved Planet once more. Up, down, and around and through, getting down into the subatomic particles, into the photons, and shining this LoveLight to clean out any impediments, any disharmony, any blockages, devices, delivery systems of this AI, that have been used against the Spirit of your Free Will on your Beloved Planet. 

Now, let us go over to this Belmarsh Prison in the UK where our partner, our brother, Julian Assange is. Because yes, we still see him having to deal with some very dire circumstances, because of politics being what they are, of this Cabal, controlling his environment in a none-too healthy way. So, let us send our LoveLights all throughout his energy field, spiraling from two feet above his head, to two feet below his feet, and two feet all around his energy body.

Shining this LoveLight with the Intentional Requirement of bringing in these high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and any and all of these high vibrations, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication and Discernment. And spiraling it in a clockwise direction, going up and down. And we require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of this spiral be increased 10,000-fold.

And that all of the Beloved Beings who are working with us, over on our side of the veil, bring their tasks to completion in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization in this Now Moment, so that Julian can feel this Love, and let go to it, and let go of his worries, all of the low vibrations, that these conditions have been manifesting in his reality there.

Well, we see that we’ve been transmitting through our meditations and our prayers, not just ourselves, Beloveds, but all over the planet there is an awareness that this Beloved Person has been a spokesperson for the Truth.  And he is a shining Light, that has been a disseminator, and a mover and shaker of very positive changes on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, we have been over-lighting him, since the beginning of his Mission on your Beloved Planet. And we want him to know, that we are ever so much in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization with him, shining our LoveLights into his heart, letting him know, that he is loved and supported, and that his Soul Contracts are still in play. And we are shining the LoveLight on him and his Beloved Mission, to wake up your Beloved Planet in a most harmonious way, even more so than he has already.

“Namaste, Beloved Julian. Sending you the Love and Light from now on continuously.”

And let us go over-- Ah, well, tonight, let us circle the Beloved Planet with our spiral, and going down into all of these underground bases, and caverns, like the catacombs, and the underground network of  bases in the Northern Hemisphere on your Beloved Planet, the Americas. And spiraling it up, down, and around and through, underneath the surface, affecting all of these places where the power sources of the Raptors, that are still in play with their Reptilian energy, that has been used for eons on your Beloved Planet.  Because, yes, their energy has a certain dark magic attached to it.

Well, we have done various missions to root out as many of these power sources and underworld entities as possible, but some of them still remain.  And that is why we continue to shine this LoveLight down underneath the surface of your planet, to reveal all of these nefarious deeds and secrets, deceptions, and lies that have been out of play, out of your ability to see them. They’ve been hiding from you.

And by shining our LoveLight on them, we are giving our Intentional Requirements for the Truth to come out, and the transparency for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to see the machinations of these underground bases, through this Artificial Intelligence with its plans all along, to keep you under their domination.

Well now, we intentionally require that we are free, and that the Truth come about in this Now Moment, and transmit into all of the hearts, and minds, and psyches of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. That the Truth shall come into their conscious awareness very, very soon and that your planet will be liberated once and for all from these dark energies. 

And sending our Love and Light to all of the Beloved Beings all over your planet, who have been enslaved with the Intentional Requirement of NESARA being announced and being implemented, so that these perpetrators against the Free Will of all you Beloved Beings will be held accountable. And we say to all of the Beloved Beings who have been enslaved,

“We honor you. We love you so very much. You are not forgotten. You are honored. And we are shining our LoveLights on your continuously.”

And to all of the Beloveds on this call, and who will listen to the recording, and read the transcripts, we love you so very much. We are always here for you. 

Namaste and good night. Just call us in.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

2-5-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

2-5-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, once again feeling this Joy, this spontaneous Love and Light, permeating your Beloved Planet in this Now Moment.
And ah yes, the Truth of who you really are, and where consciousness came from, and that is from a Central Point of Knowingness, of letting the Conscious Awareness spring forth in this spiral. And know there is no space & time. We are in the midst of an Eternal Process which never gets completed, Beloveds. Our Love and our Light is Infinite and Eternal. 

And so, let us shine this LoveLight into your hearts once again, and you still assembled in your circle here. And all of us Mentors from the ships, shining this LoveLight into your hearts, with our Intentional Requirement for you to feel this high-water mark of Divine Eternal Love. This Peace that passes all understanding, this feeling of being aligned in harmony, heart to heart, and soul to soul with one another, Beloveds, this place where you know that all you have done has brought you, to this Now Moment of Joy, of Understanding, of Peace, and that all of your Intentional Requirements are already done.

It’s just a matter of allowing yourselves to be here, to be home in our Collective Heart, the Heart of all of Creation, the Soul of our Being.  Permeating each and every thought, each and every breath, allowing yourselves to become magnanimous, multidimensional without limit, without fear. And this is a major part of us working together, to enable you to be in the 5th Dimension once again. Because once you know no fear, and have no need of all of these survival mechanisms in this negative programming, that you have been imprinted with, that has pretty much kept you a slave to the forces of the Artificial Intelligence, you will truly manifest this Cosmic Awareness of who you are.

And each of you in your own unique way will use your creative gifts and talents, to spread this LoveLight into each other’s hearts and minds. And no, you were never just the thoughts of your mind, of your physical brain. You use this as a tool, as a radio, as a receiver to bring in these levels of consciousness. And it has always been up to you, as to which station you pull in and allow yourself to harmonize with.

And right now, we see that you are harmonizing with multi-dimensional levels of awareness, and shining them into the Collective Consciousness. So, Beloveds, this is our ongoing Mission to affect your Collective Consciousness, so you will realize the 5th Dimension in all of its splendor and marvelous utility, on your Beloved Planet.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are so very happy for you to reach this stage of the unfolding, of Peace on your Beloved Planet, of the knowingness of who we really are altogether. We are always here for you. Call us in any time that you would like to feel our hearts and commune with us.

Namaste Beloveds and good night. 

2-5-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-5-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, the energy feels so very wonderful, after this meditation again tonight. And it is a bright Light that is shining on your planet tonight. Because, yes, as Mother was saying, the Truth has taken another step forward into the hearts and minds of many, many Beloved Beings on your planet, who have been awaiting this outcome. And Beloved Beings all over the world can see certain dynamics unfolding.

And you, Beloveds, we know that you on this call, and those that hear the recordings, and read the transcriptions, realize the inadequacies of the 3rd Dimension. And these dynamics are becoming more and more apparent to other Beloved Beings, who have yet to fully awaken, on your Beloved Planet. Because the same rhetoric gets spouted all over again. And the outcome always leads, it seems, toward more division, and animosity, and finger pointing.

But today the Light becomes so full of the message of Love, that it is the time for each and every Beloved Being on your planet to come together, heart to heart, and soul to soul; and to breathe into their hearts the Truth of who they really are, and shine it out to manifest a new reality, that encompasses this Divine Realization of who you are, and what Creation really means to you, and all of the Beloved Beings on your Beloved Planet.

Ah yes, this LoveLight gets stronger each and every breath. And it becomes a guiding force, a very, a Point of Union, we would say, for all of the Beloved Beings, who have wanted a better way for themselves, and all of their Beloved Ones, their families, their friends, their loved ones.

And of course, you want Peace on your planet. You want to be able to share your Love and your Light with everyone as equals, and all of your survival needs taken care of. And yes, this is necessary for you to be in the 5th Dimension. So today we feel that a major step has been taken in this direction, Beloveds, and we rejoice with you.

Ah yes, we are always here for you. We truly treasure this opportunity to come in, and share our Love and Light with you in the Now Moment.

Beloveds, Namaste and good night.
And Sananda will come in now.

2-5-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

2-5-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, once again, it is wonderful for us to be together with you in this place of Divine Bliss, of knowing where we are on the timeline, of seeing these timelines come together in this Now Moment.
And ah yes, the energies on your Beloved Planet, don’t they continue to shine this LoveLight all throughout each and every subatomic particle and photon? And Beloveds, all you have to do is to breathe into your hearts, and to let go, to let go of that chatter in the mind, and allow yourself to truly feel into your heart, allowing the spinning of all of your chakras to align with this feeling of a unified chakra. And this is one of the main things that my Beloved Sananda has been coming across with, and imparting this knowledge of spinning this wheel of consciousness all throughout the four bodies of your being.

Well, we see more and more, it taking effect on all of the Beloveds on this call and throughout the consciousness of the Collective on your Beloved Planet of those who are awakening. And this is needed more and more and helps you ever so much to brave the storm, as it will. Because for some people who haven’t fully awakened yet, it feels as if they are in a storm. And they are up against their belief systems which haven’t supported them very well, but it has been basically all that they have known since they have been born into this body in this lifetime.
Well we, and we are saying you, are with these Beloveds on your Beloved Planet because the timing is ripe for everyone on your planet to wake up and make these changes, to allow themselves to be heart centered, to feel this Love, that we all are together. And just imagine when this Solar Flash happens, and everyone’s heart has the potential to open fully into the 5th Dimension. There will be no separation between each and every one of you, Beloveds. And all you have to do is to have that Courage to allow it to happen. Because, yes, it will be a cosmic, worldwide phenomenon that will link each of you heart to heart, and soul to soul.

So, Beloveds, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you on this call, and afterwards to the people that are reading the transcription, or listening to the recording. And you reaching out with your other hand for someone else on this call. Breathing into the Heart Center and sending this energy from the palm of your left hand around the circle and into the palm of your right hand, breathing into the Heart Center, allowing yourselves to slow down, to relax into this Now Moment.

With the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts now rising on up, off the surface of your planet, up into the layers of the atmospheres, and up through the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. Opening up the landing deck once again, and popping on through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck, the belly of my ship, closes.
And now we can touch down and walk on back to an open elevator here, and all getting in at the same time with our circle intact. And closing the door, and pushing the button to take us up, up to this magic Crystal Healing Room. And now we are here, and we’re opening up the door. The party has already started!

And we’re seeing and feeling the energy of the Mentors, the Commanders on the ships, Angels and Ascended Masters from all over Creation, and your ancestors, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two in the past. And we’re walking on over to the middle of this Crystal Healing Room where our Altar is, where our Master Crystal sets. And we are once again forming our circle around the Altar, linking ourselves up heart to heart, sending the energy around our circle into the outer circles. The Mentors directly ringing around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings forming the outer circles. And we have very many participants once again tonight.
And sending this energy up, down, and around and through from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, our combined energy field, very potent and powerful, because it encompasses all of the dimensions of reality represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings here, and the higher consciousness, interdimensional consciousness of the Master Crystal and all of the crystals that form this Beloved Room.

And sending this spiral up, down, and around and through, allowing ourselves to get into the rhythm, timing and synchronicity of the movements of this energy, expanding in the flow of the LoveLight, permeating each subatomic particle and photon. Allowing ourselves to feel this mastery of Love represented in tangible form here, in the psyche of all of the Beloved Beings and the crystals, coming together with the focus of the liberation of your Beloved Planet.
And this is where we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create tonight, with the energies of this Divine Meditation, that we are all doing together; whether it be financial, health related, having to do with relationships, or having more of a connection with the higher aspects of your being when you meditate. Whatever it is, Beloveds, feel it in your hearts, and send it out into this Master Crystal.
And all of us tonight intentionally require, that the Truth comes out in the Now Moment, to free the energy more and more on your Beloved Planet, so that these high-vibrational dynamics wake up all of the Beloveds Beings on your planet.

The Truth is an elixir! The beauty of the Truth tends to be contagious in a very positive way, when this moment of liberation will spark the Creative Forces on your Beloved Planet of all of the beings, who have been mired in the dynamics of fear and separation, to finally release those dynamics, because they realize now who they really are, and that it’s safe to be who they are, and to create with this Divine Potent Energy of the Love and Light that they are.
So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal and shooting it up through the tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Mother Gaia. Up, down, and around and through from the atmosphere onto the surface, beneath the surface, into Gaia’s crystalline core with this spiral, encompassing all of the Beloved Planet. 

Feeling this LoveLight radiate all throughout the consciousness on your planet. Shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms on your planet, with the Intentional Requirement of the awakening of this LoveLight. Sparking the Truth to come into focus, to be recognized by the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, being in such high vibration, where the low levels of consciousness that the AI, that all of its minions, have perpetrated upon you, cannot seduce any of the Beloved Beings into following the same old institutional programs any long.

Because when they have their “ah-ha” moments, and we are talking about all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, where they have this moment, where they see and feel the Truth in everyone, where the Truth shines that Light on all of the lies and deceptions, and liberates each and every one of you from its grasp on your energy fields. This is the Divine Moment, that we have all been working for.

From this place, all of the people, who have been aligned with the Satanic modes of behavior and energy manipulation, will be outed! And there is no judgment on them. They are Children of God also, like we have been saying for such a long time now. But this is a place, that they are in their spiritual development. And we in our meditations, we allow them to make their choices about what they are going to do next. 

So, sending them Love and Light, all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, who have been stubbornly holding onto the lies, the dynamics of control. See, many Beloved Beings think, that in order for them to be dominant, that they have to control others. Well, they don’t realize that they themselves are being controlled, by the overriding greed and deceptions and lies of the Artificial Intelligence and all of their minions.

And when the Truth is finally permeating all of the Beloveds, the consciousness, the Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet, it is possible for them to see this Truth. And they will decide, whether they go for the Truth or they stubbornly cling on to the lies and deception, which they have believed are all powerful. Well, of course, that’s a lie!
And the ego has been there every step of the way to support these lies. But now, the ego through our meditations, and not just on this call, but each and every one of you Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, have been allowing for the Truth of who you really are to be dominate, and to root out the ego as not being necessary to be a dominant force any more. But to send it up into the higher levels of vibration and play with the Inner Child, basically.

So, Beloveds, spiraling this energy with these conscious Intentional Requirements for Peace, Harmony, Joy, Bliss, Cooperation, Understanding, Clarity, Clear Communication on your Beloved Planet. And spiraling it up, down, and around and through, allowing the Forces of Forgiveness and Gratitude to penetrate into the energy fields, into the Heart Centers of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.
And ah yes, this is a momentous day, whereby another further step to enabling the Truth, was enacted in the United States in Congress, there, with this trial coming to a close. And no matter who you believe was telling the Truth, this event will spark, hum, a gathering of all of these spirits who have been using their power in a very devious way to be outed. Because there is a certain amount of what you would call blowback that we see happening, because of what transpired with the acquittal of your President today. 

So, this is another point on the timeline, where we see the plans that have been put in place by the Alliance taking on, hum, a form here of coalescing in this moment in time, to unfold in whatever way, that they will. But we see this as a very positive point in our meditations, coming together in Light and Love. Because no matter what side that you are sending energy to, the Truth came to this point where it did today. And it will further have many blessed outcomes transpire from it, Beloveds. So yes, another reason for us to join together and feel this Love and Light that we are in joyful celebration.

And now let us go over to Mexico into our elevators. Because, yes, there is still work to be done in your United States in these underground bases. And shining this LoveLight, from Mexico, through the United States in a horizontal spiral, underneath the surface. And riding the bullet trains to all of these bases, and the very large structures holding thousands upon thousands of beings. Well, they have the capacity for that, although now we don’t see that hardly any of them are fully occupied any longer.

And yes, there are under-world power sources, that this AI has been relying upon, for power and control of their structures on the planet. And those too have been rooted out by various Beloved Beings, who have been selfless and courageous in fighting these very entrenched low-vibrational beings, doing their best to uproot this low level of consciousness and expose it on your Beloved Planet. 

So, up, down, and around and through, shining this LoveLight into all of the secrets in these underground bases, which have harbored slaves, ill-gotten wealth, up, down, and around and through. And let the Peace, that passes all understanding, permeate each and every subatomic particle, underneath the surface, here in these underground bases, in this network of tunnels to these bases, and these transportation systems of the bullet trains, with the Intentional Requirement of liberation, of exposing the ritual sacrifices, the secret advanced technologies, the ill-gotten wealth, the spas, all of the things, that these forces of darkness have used against all of the other Beloved Beings on your planet, such as yourselves, who require the Truth and for Love to permeate, for Peace to permeate your Beloved Planet.

And we say to all of the Beloved Beings who have been kept against their will as slaves,

“We love you so very much. Our hearts go out to you, and shine this LoveLight into your psyches, to allow you to know, that your time of liberation is upon you.  And that, yes, you have been true to your Soul Contracts. And you have been working toward completion with them. And you, Beloveds, are so loved and are rewarded in this Now Moment for being who you are.”

And all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we are always with you ready to shine our LoveLights into your hearts and souls. Please call us in any time at all.

Namaste and good night, Beloveds.