Saturday, February 1, 2020

1-29-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

1-29-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, this feeling of Love, of opening up your hearts to breathe in the Love and Light all across the Cosmos, because Beloveds, it is coming in more and more. And this is what it takes for you to reach that place, where your Ascensions, and the fulfillment of our Missions, can really, as you say, come online and overtake the prerogatives of your planet to rise on up into these states of conscious awareness, whereby duality will automatically just fall away, and your lessons will have been learned.  Because all of you Beloved Beings, who have awakened, and your brothers and sisters, who are in the process of preparing for their awakening will feel the Solar Flash or the Solar Blast. 

And all of the steps, that are taking you into such high vibration, where NESARA can be announced, and whereby the transition from the Cabal controlling your reality and the underpinning of its power source, it’s computerized network, that have been given life by the AI, will lose their power to control the narrative, to control the energies, and the financial systems and all of the institutions, that were set up by way of the experiences of the AI, controlling and manipulating so many other planets on countless galaxies throughout all of Creation.

Let us form our circle once again, Beloveds, and sending the Love and Light out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand. And breathing into our hearts, and feeling our combined energies form this field of energy. And shining it up, down, and around and through, expanding it, transmitting it through the higher vibrations, through our Intentional Requirements, knowing that there is No Time and space.

The Power of our Thoughts connected with our hearts supersedes all of those limitations. And transmitting this, spiraling the energy into the energy fields of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, spinning clockwise, up, down, and around and though, sending this Love and Light, this Ease and Grace, to permeate your consciousness and unconsciousness, to permeate your sleep states for them to become more aware of the dynamics, that have controlled them, how their thoughts feel.

Because the way that you have been negatively programmed, a big part of that was to shut off your connections into your bodies, into that connection of the four bodies of your being, your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and compartmentalize your experience of being conscious, and limiting it in such a way, that this compartmentalization protected you. But that is no longer the case, Beloveds. 

So, feeling this LoveLight around the circle into each and every one of your hearts, and radiating it all over your Beloved Planet. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, into the energy fields of all of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, all of the Kingdoms of your planet, feeling the harmony, rhythm, timing and synchronicity of this LoveLight, shining in the very Divine Patterns of awakening yourselves, your consciousness, the right lobe of your brains, your DNA being restructured at this time in crystalline formations.

And very soon the crystals on your Beloved Planet, your crystalline grid, that envelopes the circumference, and the atmosphere of your Beloved Planet will become a direct linkage into your hearts. And it will become a delivery system for transmitting and corresponding with the hearts of all of the Beloveds all over your planet.

And these dynamics are very similar to what you had in your Golden Ages in Lumeria and Atlantis. And yes, a big part of this Awakening Process, and Ascension Process, is our reunions with you, and all of your Beloved Ancestors who will come down on the ships, and hook up with you, when the timing is right for your Ascensions. 
We love you so very much, Beloveds. We say to you that the time is right for you to commune with us as often and as deeply as you can. We are always here for you. Just call us in. We are all on the same Mission together, Beloveds, and we are making such Divine Progress. 
Namaste and good night. 

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